2018 Board Meeting Minutes Sept 30

EPMFHOA Board Meeting
9/30/18 @ 3:00

(pending approval)

Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Aaron Voboril, Steve & Anne Poznic, Pete & Linda Hogue, Diane Yoblin, Nan Belknap, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Sherry Rielly, Carol Prince, John Gaddis, Ronny LaRue

Call to Order: 3:03

August 25 Annual Meeting: Kathy Beatty moves to approve the minutes, Linda 2nd. Passed
August 25 board meeting minutes: Kathy Beatty moved to approve the minutes, Linda Hogue 2nd. Passed.
Sept 8 Owner Workshop Report: Linda Hogue moved to approve the workshop report. Passed.


Treasurer’s Report:

August financials are available on the website. I will notify you when September financials are posted in October.
Our owner who was on a payment plan has landed a year-round job and has verbally notified me that they should be in better position to pay their assessments in a timely manner.
Anne Poznic has successfully assumed the role of Financial Secretary. Please thank her for taking on this important job. Anne and I have ironed out most of the details of the changes we are making for separation of roles between Treasurer and Financial Secretary. We are not moving the lock box, which will remain on my porch. Both Anne and I have a key for it, so you can use it for checks, invoices, etc. for either of us.
We are considerably over budget this year, mainly due to large unexpected expenses that have been and will continued to be incurred to repair our aging and deteriorating decks. The Finance Team report will present the details.
As of today (9/28/2018), our cash on hand in bank accounts is:
• Checking account $26,206.56
• Reserve Savings $30,917.40
• Regular Savings $7,655.79
This figure does not include any checks or deposits which have not cleared the bank.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty

Linda moved to accept the treasurer’s report. John 2nd. Passed.


Buildings & Grounds Report:
The new property manager, David Salazar, that we had contracted, is not going to work out for various reasons, including a new job that he has acquired. We will pay him for what he has worked. John movedthat we reimburse Gary $34 that he paid David. Passed.

PAM & Handyman Business Process: Kathy moved that we approve this document as a work in progress. Passed.

Carol Prince has volunteered to be added to the Buildings & Grounds committee.

Winter PAM coverage: The Operations Manager will guide the B&G to see how much of this work can be done by volunteers vs a paid contractor. This is a work in progress as to how it will be handled.
Decks: We finished 5 decks: 1446, 1443,1441,1437, and 1411 which all had rotten structures. The builders didn’t use pre-treated lumber when the decks were built. This has amounted to $13-19/s.f. cost. Don Dodson’s deck (1448) is running higher than expected, approx. $9K for the HOA portion of the rebuild. We only have another 6-7 more decks to repair. The rest are looking good.
Windows: One unit has a kitchen window that will need replacing, another unit also has a window that will need replacing so as to not damage the building. Aaron will write a letter to both units and give the owners a timeline for having the windows replaced.
Painting: Painting along the golf course will be finished soon. It is coming in under budget. Yeah!! The reason is that the north side of both the Brodie units and Golf course units hasn’t been painted since that side is holding up so well. We’re using a new paint from Sherwin Williams in hopes of the paint lasting a longer time. Only touch-ups have needed to be done on that side.
Everyone thanked Aaron for all his years of service!!! He has agreed to be on the B&G committee acting as a consultant to the committee and board.

Finance Team Update:
Financial Review Team Report: Ann Poznic, Pamm Haglund, Gary Dougherty and Nan Belknap reviewed our Financial statements to determine whether the Finance Team is handling our finances appropriately.
They found everything to be handled correctly and made some minor suggestions concerning validating B&G expenses vs budget. Linda moved approve the report, John 2nd. Passed.
Over-Expenditure Worksheet: We were surprised by the amount of expense that the decks have incurred. We’re looking at a $21,700 over-expenditure for only 4 Brodie decks and one other deck due to not using treated wood. So we are now stopping all work, unless there is a safety issue. We currently have enough money to finish these decks, but we’re not sure how we’re going to move forward. The worksheet goes over the problem for the board to understand. John moved that we pay the overage on the decks with the understanding that we will be saving money on the paint project and realizing the numbers aren’t final. Linda 2nd . Passed.

Long Range Planning Team:
Claudia went over a new Violations and Enforcement document. John moved the approval of the Violations & Enforcement document. Kathy 2nd. Passed.

New Business:
We can always use more volunteers.
We’re looking into ways of locking the dumpsters so others don’t use them for free.

Adjourned: 5:03

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