EPMFHOA Board Meeting 6/8/14

Date: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Location: Charley & Linda Griffin’s

1437 Matthew Circle

1-Call to order :

Present: Charley & Linda Griffin, Susan Novy, Pete &Linda Hogue, John Gaddis, Arleta Bell, Gary Dougherty.
Absent: Joe Evans, Pamm Haglund

2-Approval of September 17, 2013 Board Meeting minutes (action): John moved to approve. 2nd by Arleta, Passed. Over the winter we had 3 email votes. In Dec. 2013 the board moved and passed motion to transfer $2000.00 from roof reserve to painting reserve. In Jan 2014 the board moved and passed to accept the revised 2014 budget; and in Mar. 2014 the board moved and passed to accept vender proposals from Village Maintenance and Painting and Vintage Lawn Service for 2014. The board also passed having a board retreat & owners information event prior to this year’s Annual Meeting.

3-President’s Report
B-Trash Dumpsters- Requested 2-4 signs @ $34.00 each for the dumpsters similar to the dumpster signs on Mountain Villas Dumpsters to the south. Additional trash pick- ups would cost an additional $250.00/month. Owners are reminded that both dumpsters are available to all owners. We are also looking into having unlocked gates placed on the dumpsters.
C-Vole Treatment- We have had one treatment so far this year.
D-Landscaping & Tree Maintenance- We have a lot of damaged trees that need to be addressed. Building & Grounds will do a further walk-through survey of the grounds. We will be re-seeding areas that need it. If owners have areas they feel need attention they should notify a Board Member. If your green thumb improves the appearance of the association, such as smaller type gardening, i.e. flowers, go ahead and do that, but keep in mind that you are then responsible for the upkeep of them. Large items, such as trees and shrubs need board approval.

4- Secretary’s Report– the website, www.epmfhoa.com is all up to date with the information the secretary has. Realtors are pleased, but want the password to the financials. We’re keeping it password protected for the owners only, since it’s public and not everyone in the world needs to know the extent of our finances. The realtors contact Charley & he sends them the financials.

5-Treasurer’s Report
A-Approval of financials – Gary moved to accept the report. John seconded. Passed.

6-Building & Grounds Committee Report
A-Painting Schedule– Units scheduled for painting this summer are:1410,1422,1434,1436,1438,1440 & 1442.
B-Driveway resealing- Has been done. Final cost of this project came in a little higher than the bid due to needing more asphalt for areas merging into the street.
C-Drainage work between 1451 & 1453 – completed. We haven’t received bill yet. Seems to have worked as water has usually seeped in by now. We will re-landscape by re-seeding first. If that doesn’t take, then we’ll sod. The rock firewall will be a bit wider. D-Roofs & Skylights – A couple of minor problems that caulk seems to have fixed.

7-Business Practices Committee Report

We’re one member short on the committee. Hopefully it will be filled after the annual meeting. The dates for our two new 2014 events and the Annual Meeting will be discussed and set as New Business.

8-Financial Committee Report
A-Review & Approval of 2015 budget proposal – we reviewed the draft. We’re not changing assessments, so budget is the main concern. Because of the flood, we now have money that wasn’t spent and is ready for rescheduling. Also, we haven’t received updates on any upcoming increases (I.E. Insurance, Big Thonpson Sanitation, Water Rates, Etc.)                                                                              B-Review & Approval of 2015 assessment proposal– the worksheet remains the
same. Both the 2015 budget and 2015 assessment were approved.
C-Consider proposal for handling questions & concerns from owners– Gary moved that we table the discussion on this proposal until the board retreat. Passed. The committee wants a structure as to how to represent the board to the owners. It was further discussed that the new owners seminar prior to the annual meeting will be the place for owners to raise all their concerns.

9-New Business
A-Setting date for Board Retreat- Sat., July 12 at 9:00 at Linda & Pete Hogue’s (Unit 1458). Board members only. Pete Hogue, a non-member, is the facilitator.
B-Setting date for owner’s seminar– Tentatively Wed., July 23 @ 7:00 pm at undecided location. Danielle Arnold the HOA’s insurance representative with American Family will be asked to provide owners an overview of what the HOA insurance covers and what additional coverage owners should be looking for in the area of interior coverage.                                                                          C-Setting date and location for annual meeting– Sat., Aug. 2 at undecided location & time. More information to come. Save that date.
D. Find the Flag– Gary proposed that we adopt the Find the Flag program similar to that which the Elk Ridge Condo HOA (Wapiti) does. It’s basically party time for the association. Someone decides to fly the party-time flag and people congregate at that home with BYOB/wine and snacks. No decision was made. Something for discussion at the owner’s seminar.
E. At unit 1446, one of the co-owner’s, Karen Kjeldgaard, died. The Board will send a sympathy card on behalf of the association.

10-Motion to Adjourn (5:30) Passed.

11-Board will adjourn to executive session. We did.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy
Mountain Fairways HOA Secretary

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