Annual Board Meeting 9/7/24
EPMFHOA 2024 Annual Owners Meeting Agenda
Sept. 7,2024 1:00 to 3:00 pm MT
At the Presbyterian Community Church of the Rockies
1700 Brodie Avenue, Estes Park
(approval pending)
Call to Order and establishing a quorum: Susan Novy, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Yvonne & Max Salfinger, Nan Belknap, Gary Dougherty, Jim & Tina Meyers, Kevin & Debbie Preston, Elen Crone & Kathy Beatty, Pete & Linda Hogue, Diane Yoblin, Mary Beth Schuh, & Matt Geraghty, John & Sally Gaddis, Tim & Leigh Dawson, Nipan Karmacharya, Linda Buehring, Lori Calnon,
Proxies: Chris & Karen Michael (Novy), Randy Rahn (Jordan), Anne & Steve Poznic(Salfinger), Debbie Simpson (Salfinger)
Management Company: Abbey Pontious, Ruth King
Quorum met.
Owner Introductions: All introduced.
Approval of 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes: Pete moved to accept the minutes, Kevin 2nd. Passed.
Association Update: The Town of Estes Park is planning on resurfacing Matthew Circle with sidewalks in 2025. This is one of the reasons we didn’t do asphalt work around Matthew Circle, the Brodie driveways were done this year. We have a document update project to update our covenants. The declarations will have some amendments and the by-laws and policies will be updated to current law. The Declarations will require 67% owner approval/vote by ballot. The policies can be approved by the board and the by-laws will require 67% of the voting meeting participants.
There are bills that are going up. The sewer bill is going up. We have inspections going on to determine the cost of major repairs. The Reserve study happened the end of last year. The result is that the reserve fund needs more funding. The retaining wall along north Matthew Circle in the front of the Brodie units, needs replacement at some point. It’s approximately 250K and has never been included in the reserve monies. The fencing needs repair and we need to find out who owns the fencing.
Finance/Treasurer Report: Pete went over the Executive Summary. This was emailed to everyone. Basically, since expenses are going up exponentially, the dues will need to go up. However, how it gets billed to the unit owners may change. Driveways, sidewalks and decks may become the owner’s responsibility instead of the HOA’s. The sewer bill will be passed through to the owner. (Mortgage companies need to use the amount of the dues against an owner’s expenses, but not utilities. So we would pass through the sewer bill as a separate line item to your dues. You will pay both bills to the HOA so the HOA can make the payments.)
Adoption of 2025 Budget: Rick moved to accept the budget, Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Estes Park Rentals- Property Management Company Report:
Board Nominees and Vote: All voted in.
Lori Calnon
Yvonne Salfinger
Peter Hogue
Susan Novy
Nan Belknap
Ronnie LaRue
Kevin Preston
Other Items:
Adjournment of Annual Meeting: 2:21pm
Posted in Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
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