Annual Meeting 8/11/2019

EPMFHOA Annual Meeting

August 11, 2019   2:00pm

Estes Valley Community Center Classroom 

Dailin number: 712-832-8330 Code: 5472727

Introductions of Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty & Elen Crone, John Gaddis, Carol Prince, Ronnie & Colleen LaRue, Steve & Anne Poznic, Nan Belknap, Pamm Haglund, Gary Dougherty, Julia Walsh, Nipan Karmacharya, Diane Yoblin, Linda Buehring, Arleta Bell

Proxies: Aaron Voboril, R. Kevin Preston & Deborah C. Kinney, Joan Baker, Molly Brown, Tim Dawson

QUORUM MET : 21 of the 30 owned units represented

Approval of minutes from 2018 Annual Meeting

John moved that we accept the minutes, Linda seconded. Passed.

Year Review:

Presidents Report: Rick Jordan

We now have 2/3 of the units as year-round residents. Our buildings were constructed between 1984-1994. Some were constructed in the intervening years. Our buildings are from 25-35 years old. We have many repairs that are needing to be taken care of. 

We need to have an insurance review to make sure we understand who is liable for what. Susan met with Danielle Arnold, our American Family insurance agent. Danielle told Susan that the HOA’s insurance would not cover liability on a condo’s limited common elements of the deck, driveway or walk. Currently we are functioning with the understanding that all the buildings and grounds including decks and driveways (limited common elements) are to be treated as common elements for maintenance purposes. Our HOA insurance only covers fire, wind and hail for everything. Arleta Bell and Susan will meet with Danielle again to discuss this further.

Finance: Kathy Beatty 

Kathy is stepping down as Treasurer, and will take over as finance secretary. Our expenses have gone up at least 10% overall. 

Buildings & Grounds: Carol Prince

We have decks and many other projects to do. We’re keeping safety first as a priority. We are going to be taking a good look at foundations to make sure they are in good shape. Painting will be upgraded with better paint and better prep work. Driveway sealing will be done next year. The crack sealing was just recently done. We’re happy with our lawn care company. They’ve done great work with the sprinklers. We still would like better dumpsters with easier lids.

Business Practices: John Gaddis

The committee has been rather inert this year. Our declarations were instigated in 1989. Some are outdated or we may not being kept in compliance with. Our Bylaws are just as old. The HOAs that are this old have typically updated their documents. There’s a committee that anyone can join that is reviewing the HOA Declarations, By-Laws, and Rules documents to ensure that the HOA is properly following their requirements, If there are changes proposed to the Declarations, 75% of the owners would need to approve these changes. Any research volunteers are welcome. Contact John Gaddis.

Community Activities: Gary Dougherty

We’re having a potluck after the owners workshop on Sunday Aug. 25. 

There will be a one day garage sale on Sat. Aug. 24 with a private sale for the HOA on Friday night

Long Range Planning: Claudia Jordan

The committee has worked on a draft of architectural guidelines. That draft has been emailed to everyone and will be discussed at the owners workshop. 

They have been looking at ways to have people access the website more and whether anyone has suggestions or need for easier navigation or presentation of material. 

As the property gets older, we’re trying to keep the costs smarter, such as paint that lasts longer, etc.

Finance Committee: Pete Hogue

The Assessment Summary was reviewed. We have 2 components: the reserve and the operational. With the roofs and decks that recently have been replaced, we have got ourselves in an operational financial hole. Half of the $20 increase in 2020 will go towards getting our reserves in better shape and half will go towards increasing our operational component. Increases projected for 2021 (+$21) and 2022 (+$9) will be reviewed again in 2020 to make sure the amount is correct.

The budget was reviewed. The operating plan subtotals show that we have had a very small increase for operations expenses over the last couple of years due to good management of the expenses.

We have adopted deficit budgets for the past several years due to challenges in both our operational costs and our reserve costs. With the approval of the current multi-year assessment plan and the 2020 budget we now have a positive year end 2020 projected net result of $1,500.

Arleta moved to accept the 2020 budget, Gary 2nd. Passed

Gary moved to accept the assessment summary, Linda 2nd. Passed.

John moved to accept the slate for the board, Gary 2nd. Passed. 

Other Business: 

John asked about the Brodie project and what it will look like in the end.  Rick heard that we will have a retaining wall along our side of the road. We hear it will be completed by end of Sept or Oct. 

Adjourn: 3:12

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