Annual Meeting 8/27/22
Annual Board Meeting
At the Hogue’s 11:00am
Attendees: Rick and Claudia Jordan, Pete and Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Nan Belknap, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Steve Poznic, John and Sally Gaddis, Kevin & Debbie Preston, Tim & Leigh Dawson
Zoom: Ronnie LaRue, Linda Buehring, David & Brittany Weibel, Nipan Karmacharya, Pamm Haglund
Proxies: Sherrie Rielly, Becky Valthoen, Molly Brown (3- Nan Belknap); David Boziden, Jim & Tina Myers, Diane Yoblin, Mary Stillman (4-Ronnie LaRue); Max & Yvonne Salfinger, Julie Walsh/Kjeldegaard, Randy Rahne (3-Rick Jordan)
Call to Order: 11:00
Sadly, we just got word that Arleta Bell (1440) passed away this morning. We had a time of silence for her and will miss her greatly.
Introductions: Those present introduced themselves.
President’s Report: Rick welcomed everyone and talked about the large increases this year. Both our values and insurance has gone up considerably.
He also wants everyone to know about our happy hour every week at the Hanger during the summer and Poppy’s during the winter. This is open to all and takes place every Thursday at 4:00.
We have decided to hire a property management company, PMI, as we are a bit behind the times with how we’re handling the HOA. We have a lot of documents that need to be updated and it would be nice to have a professional company get us up to date and be able to manage problems for us.
We are thankful for all the committees that have worked so hard to keep us managed. Buildings & Grounds have been very instrumental in finding products to upgrade with. The paint for the buildings should last longer and we’re updating the railings to metal railings.
We need to remember that we only have long term rentals. Should you have guests coming and are not going to be there with them, please let someone on the board know and make sure your guests know the rules; especially having to do with fires, noise and parking. It’s a lovely place to be and we want everyone to feel safe while enjoying themselves.
John Gaddis wanted to know about the streets and when they’re going to be repaved and potholes fixed. We didn’t have any information, so John will ask the town himself.
Finance Team Summary: Pete led the discussion. He went through a visualization on how the team comes up with the budget to pay the bills and save for projects. They try to balance two factors: impact on owners and keeping the HOA maintained. Planning for 2023 has been a challenging year to balance these two factors, due to the insurance doubling and values going up 25% and consumer inflation increasing substantially. In 2021, we finally got the budget funded well. Then costs skyrocketed and we had to take from the reserves to keep the dues the same during 2022. However, someday, we need to raise the dues to compensate. We decided to do this in increments starting in 2023. The board decided to increase the dues by $55.00/month in 2023, instead of the full $63.00 needed.
Q. John asked if the professional property management company is budgeted for 2023.
A. Yes.
Q. Will the PM do an assessment of the grounds?
A. There is an option to get that accomplished with a professional team at an extra charge
Q. What will the board’s role be with a management company?
A. PMI will do the financial and management work and the board will delegate the responsibilities.
Q. What is the management’s company role?
A. We haven’t put together the details, but we are going to let PMI know we would like to hire them and ask them for their help implementing the program. We expect this will take 6 months to completely set everything up.
Q. Will we keep the 2% discount for those paying annually?
A. Yes.
2023 Budget Adoption: The budget is in the initial stages for 2023, we need to approve this initial budget with the caveat that the assessments will not change. Passed.
Slate for new board in 2023: Becky Valthoen, Nan Belknap, Pamm Haglund, Pete Hogue, Yvonne Salfinger, Nipan Karmacharya, John Gaddis, Ronnie LaRue, Susan Novy. Passed.
Adjourned: 12:20
Posted in Minutes 2022 by Susan with no comments yet.
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