EPMFHOA Annual Meeting Minutes 7-17-2010

Mountain Fairways HOA, Inc.
Annual Meeting, July 17, 2010

Please note the minutes recorded here are intended as a non-official record of association business conducted during the 2010 annual meeting. There may be errors in recounting members present because of a problem in locating the sign-in sheet; all information recorded in these minutes is by virtue of informal note taking. The new board has designated this version as the official minutes, which will be approved at the next annual meeting as is the normal process.

Unit Members Present: 1422 (Stephen Lang & Melissa McMaster), 1433 (Ron & Pat Meskimen), 1434 (Judy Jones, Board Member), 1435 (B.W. & Sue Dykes), 1436 (Aaron Voboril, Board Member & Kathy Kennedy), 1437 (Charles & Linda Griffin), 1441 (Arkie Vaughn),1442 (Diane Yoblin, Board Member), 1444 (Frank Ratzleff, Board Member & Sharon Ratzleff), 1449 (Ray & Joan Novy), 1450 (Ed & Lois Weaver), 1451 (Jonathan Whitlock), 1453 (Lisbeth Lord, Board Member), 1456 (Sally & John Gaddis), and one unidentified female association member

Non-Unit Members Present: Millie Allen (contracted individual doing the Secretary, Treasurer, & MF Property Manager responsibilities) and James Allen.

Proxies Submitted: Unknown

Meeting was called to order by association President Ratzleff at approximately 10:30 A.M. following a 30 minute sign-in session and social time.

I.  Old Business: None

II. New Business:
President’s Report and Comments: President Ratzleff commented favorably in regard to the new unit roofs, storage shed (defined as “content” property), lawn service, unit painting, Mille Allen’s contributions, and Judy Jones contributions.
Vice President’s Comments: Judy Jones presented President Ratzleff with a card and gift from selected individuals.  Judy Jones submitted her resignation as a board member and left the meeting.
Millie Allen’s Comments:  Millie Allen welcomed the following new unit owners:  John & Sally Gaddis (1456), Don & Amy Miller (1452), Stephen Lang & Melissa McMaster (1422).  Millie Allen submitted her resignation as a board holder and left the meeting.
Lisbeth Lord’s Comments: Lisbeth Lord resigned as a board member and left the meeting shortly thereafter.
Diane Yoblin’s Comments: Diane Yoblin resigned as a board member and left the meeting shortly thereafter.
Frank Ratzleff’s Resignation: Mr. Ratzleff submitted his resignation and left the meeting.
James Allen’s Comments: James Allen made general comments about the history of the association in regard to dues, maintenance, and the need for vigilance in maintaining crawl space integrity against water damage.  Mr. Allen left the meeting after his comments.
Due to comments made by Mr. Ratzleff, Ms. Jones and others, it appears that the resignations of Mr. Raztleff, Ms. Jones, Ms. Lord, Ms. Yoblin, and Millie Allen were the result of two letters sent by Kathy Kennedy.  The first letter was to President Ratzleff requesting that all Board positions be filled in accordance with the Association’s governing documents and the second letter to Millie Allen to correct an ongoing sprinkler problem at 1436 Matthew Circle.  Both letters (as well as previous correspondence to Mrs. Allen) may be obtained by any unit member by contacting either remaining Board member:  Linda Hogue or Aaron Voboril.
Group Discussion: After the departure of Frank Ratzleff, Judy Jones, Lisbeth Lord, Diane Yoblin, Millie Allen, and James Allen, there was discussion concerning the necessity for electing a new Board (all members present acknowledged this), governing document compliance (Kathy Kennedy, Stephen Lang, and John Gaddis), the necessity for controlling association dues amounts in regard to not stifling real estate transactions (Jon Whitlock, Melissa McMaster, and Kathy Kennedy), the need for creating ongoing communication and a sense of community within Mountain Fairways (Charles Griffin, Linda Griffin, Pat Meskimen, Sally Gaddis, Stephen Lang, Kathy Kennedy, Melissa McMaster, and Lois Weaver).
Election of Board of Directors:  After the resignations of all board members except Linda Hogue (1458) and Aaron Voboril (1436), there was a point of order brought by John Gaddis concerning the quorum requirement for electing a new slate of Board members after the premature departure of Frank Ratzleff, Judy Jones, Diane Yoblin, and Lisbeth Lord.  Mr. Gaddis suggested we not accept the resignations of the board members or Millie Allen until we elect a new director slate via ballot no later than 31 August, 2010 if not sooner.      Article III, Section 3 of the Bylaws allows remaining Board members (without benefit of a quorum) to appoint new Board members to the vacancies; these appointments will be valid until the next annual meeting.  Linda Hogue has agreed to host a Board meeting with Aaron Voboril to appoint new Board members to the vacated positions.
Charles Griffin agreed to present the list of seven individuals (who have agreed to serve on the Board) at the August 21st meeting at 1458 Matthew Circle…
Final Comment: Mr. B.W. Dykes spoke positively and eloquently to the remaining group reminding all of us through a coaching metaphor and Arkansas wisdom that change is not always easy, but if we go forward with the best interests of the association at heart, we can succeed in making a good association better.  Ultimately, the choice is up to all of us.

III. Future Business:
A.  In accordance with the Bylaws (Article III, Section 3), the two remaining Board members, Linda Hogue and Aaron Voboril, may fill the vacancies of the Board of Directors on Saturday, August 21, at 10:00 A.M. at 1458 Matthew Circle (Linda Hogue’s residence).  The new Board members will serve until the next annual meeting of the association.  The newly appointed slate of Directors will then meet immediately thereafter to determine Officer positions, budget considerations, etc. that were left as “unfinished business” after the resignations and departures of Mr.Ratzleff, Ms. Jones, Ms. Lord, Ms. Yoblin, and Mrs. Allen..
B.  All unit members and Millie Allen are encouraged to attend and provide positive input in regard to the Board vacancy appointments, and other Mountain Fairways Association business on Saturday, August 21st.    All members are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the governing documents of the Association prior to the meeting.  The transfer of Association records is also requested at the August 21st meeting.

17 July, 2010
K. Kennedy
Reviewed by Linda Hogue and Aaron Voboril, Board members.

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2010 by with comments disabled.

EPMFHOA Minutes 10-16-2010

Mountain Fairways Home Owners Association
Board of Directors Meeting

Attendees: Charley Griffin, John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Joe Evans, Pete & Linda Hogue, Ron & Pat Meskimen, Steve Lang, Lois Weaver, Aaron Voboril

Approval of 9/12/10 minutes: approved.

Business Practices Committee Report:
Susan has the official bylaws which are signed and dated Sept. 2002 on the last page. It appears that there’s a copy of the bylaws that was proposed, but not approved that some people have that has created some confusion. If you have an undated or unsigned spiral bound copy, please discard. The bylaws will be available on the upcoming website-or by request.

Website: Susan will be the chairperson of the committee, currently consisting of Melissa Lang. The project will start with a $100.00 budget and hosted on the hosting company Susan uses at no charge to the association. Motion was made to approve this project by John and passed.

Packets will be sent out by email and by regular mail to those who would prefer it that way.

Financial Report:
The 9/30/10 monthly financial statement consisting of a budget report & balance sheet that was developed & revised by the committee was handed out for discussion and approval. The painting that was approved last meeting didn’t get done, so that money will move ahead to next year’s budget. Pete explained the formatting which shows monthly and annual proposed and actual budgets. Ron made the motion to approve the financial statement, John seconded and it was passed. It was agreed that it is correct to the penny!

The 2010 Actual and 2011 Draft Budget was discussed. The “rounding factor” was discussed as it benefits some a little and others not. Motion was made by John to adopt the 2011 Draft Budget worksheet. Ron seconded it. Passed.

Re: Insurance: The only difference in monthly assessments (dues)  between the owners is the insurance allocation. There doesn’t appear to be any rhyme or reason as to the difference. If we changed our insurance company, we wouldn’t know how to figure it according to the unknown formula. So we discussed options. One option was by square footage in 3 groups: over 2000 sf, between 1500- 2000 sf, and under 1500 sf. Another option was according to assessment values. A motion was made that these options will be worked on by a team consisting of Joe, Susan, John and Charley to look at the insurance issue, and that any insurance decision will change the monthly assessment (dues) of all homeowners but won’t change the monthly assessment in 2010.  Passed.

Operations Committee Report
The biggest current concern is the downspout issue.  They found that 350 ft of material is needed to correct the issue of keeping water 3-4 feet away from the buildings. Options include steel, which couldn’t be found; vinyl replacements (low cost-total $3-400.), or galvanized-which the units currently have ($5-600.). Lawn care vendors need to be made accountable to damage done to the downspouts in the future. 29 out of 30 units need some kind of downspout repair. The committee feels this is important to take care of the issue sooner rather than later. A motion was made by Linda to allocate up to $1000.00 for the downspout repairs. Seconded by Ron. Passed.

The irrigation system was blown out. The current vendor no longer wishes to do this work. Millie gave us another name of someone who works for the Town of Estes Park. Request for Bids will go out for next year by the committee.

Old Business:
We needed the position of Operations Director on the board of directors to be appointed to fulfill the bylaws terms of the Board of Directors. Steve Lang was appointed.

New Business:
Discussion about establishing meeting dates for 2011. 4 meeting per year are required. Charley made a motion for Sat. Jan. 8 @ 3:30 at Charley’s 1437 Matthew Circle. Passed.
Another meeting would be in July, with the annual meeting in Aug.  Emergency meetings can be called at any time. Much can happen through email.

Expenditures: It was proposed by Pete and moved by Charley that the financial committee should set-up guidelines for authority of expenditures. Passed.

Proxy Votes: Linda gave a proxy to John Gaddis to be able to vote for her until June 1,2011. Linda made a motion that summer board members be allowed to leave a proxy for winter months. Seconded and passed.

Meeting Adjourned: (5:43)
Respectfully submitted,

Susan Novy- secretary

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2010 by with comments disabled.

EPMFHOA Minutes 9-12-2010

Mountain Fairways HOA Meeting  9/12/10

Members Present: Joe Evans, John Gaddis, Pete & Linda Hogue, Steve Lang,  Susan Novy, Ron Meskiman, Aaron Voken

Financial Committee Report: Many documents were emailed prior to the meeting for review and a packet of new information.

  • The committee recommended that we adopt that monthly assessments stay the same as 2010 for 2011 due to cost savings measures implemented by the Board.   The Board had a discussion about the various needs of the HOA and the sentiment from the owners that they would like to avoid an increase this year.  Motion was made by Ron and seconded by Linda to leave assessments the same for 2011 as 2010. Passed. The assessments for each homeowner, based upon the 2010 assessments are attached to these minutes.
  • Recommend leaving the 2% discount for paying the 2011 year in advance by Dec. 31, 2010. There was discussion about the amount of the monthly assessment income. Motion was made by Linda and seconded by Steve. Passed.

Review work-in-progress reports including:

  • Financial Planning Documents which are two  documents that include a Budget worksheet and Revised Monthly Financial Statement. Discussion included questions about who will receive which  documents and the meaning/definitions of the categories on the two documents. . Since these are works in progress, the committee is just looking for format approval as opposed to the exact categories and content. These are new tools. Motion was made to approve the format of the Financial Planning Document by Susan, seconded by Linda. Passed. Copies of the approved formats are attached to these minutes.
  • Job Descriptions: Each committee will make their own descriptions; basically assisting the exectutive board member that the committee is based around. Motion was made to accept proposed job description format by Ron, seconded by Steve. Passed. A copy of the approved job description is attached to these minutes.
  • Separation of Budget to include Operating Funds and Reserve Funds. For accounting purposes, the committee recommends starting Jan. 1, 2011 that  the HOA start with an operating reserve of ______ and a zero balance in the reserve funds.  The Committee recommends this approach due to the need for a minimum operating fund of $5000 as well as the difficulty in allocating the funds to a specific reserve account. . The Board had a discussion about the need to understand the financial status of the HOA based upon the recent borrowing of funds from six homeonwers to finish the roofing project.  Discussion was made with a suggestion of a one paragraph explanation of the state of the reserves. The Vice President appointed a committee to prepare  a reserve study  be done by the operations management committee with the financial committee to be completed by the Jan 2011 board meeting. Motion was made and passed by consensus to allocate all HOA funds at the beginning of 2011 to the operating fund.

Operations Oversight Committee Report:

  • After a walk-through the committee believes that money can be saved. The sprinkler system is in good shape. Rain sensors had been installed but are not functional.  There are 3 sprinkler timing clocks that need to be locked. Some of the heads need to move and some need capping. The operations committee agreed to prepare a  a plan by the January 2011 meeting in order to be more proactive.  The committee’s finding from its walk-through are attached to these minutes.
  • Concerning snow removal, due to the issues related to timing and the fact that it is not feasible to take new bids for the work, the committee recommends keeping the same snow removal contractor. The Committee indicated that it would work on getting bids for the work for the 2011-2012 season. Motion was made by Joe and seconded by Steve to have Millie move ahead with the contract. Passed.
  • Concerning the pending painting project; we went ahead with 2 out of the 5 remaining units. Since we’re behind on the painting, recommendation was made to move ahead with the other 3 by winter. The funds are currently available in the painting reserve account to do this work. Passed by consensus.
  • The board asked the committee to have an annual bid schedule recommendations by next board meeting. The committee noted that it would have to prepare a description of the work to be bid as well.
  • Concerning the property management;  recommendation was to keep Millie as the property manager  through the end of the year as previously voted on last meeting and start anew 2011 with a volunteer.
  • Concerning moving the dumpster for the town easement to the sewer in Elk Ridge; let Elk Ridge make a proposal but the consensus was that the HOA was not in favor of the concept at this time.

Business Practices Committee Report:

  • Job description approval moved and passed. A copy of the approved job description is attached to these minutes.
  • Forms: Survey- How members interact with the board through a Business Practice Form. A copy of the approved survey and information request is attached to these minutes.
  • Motion was made by John and seconded by Linda that the Business Practices Committee sends out the initial mailed packet of information as deemed appropriate by the business practices committee by Oct. 15,2010. Passed.
  • Discussion about needing proxies for regular board meetings. It was determined that the President would take under consideration whether he would allow Board Members to issue proxies for any period of time they would be unable to attend the HOA Board meetings. There was also a discussion that another general meeting of the HOA members would most likely not be required since the budget was not being increased. This will be communicated to the HOA members in a special mailing.
  • Melissa has offered to put together the website. The Board thanked Steve and asked him to relay the appreciation of the Board to Melissa.

Old Business: None other than as stated above.

New Business: Next meeting Sat. Oct. 16,2010 at 4:00 at Ron’s 1433 Matthew Circle

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Novy- secretary

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2010 by with comments disabled.