Minutes Sept. 17, 2013
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
HOA Board Meeting
Sept. 17, 2013
Call to Order: 7:02pm
Approval of August 24 Bd Meeting Minutes: motion to approve by Linda, seconded by John. Passed.
President’s Report:
Flood report from Town of Estes Park:
has located us in the “no flush” zone. We are in the restricted area primarily, so flush only when necessary.
The mail will be coming from Grand Lake by end of week…maybe. All outgoing mail must go to the blue mailboxes only.
UPS & FedEx is getting underway. Trash will be removed almost as normal, soon. Make sure it’s just garbage and not recyclables or debris.
Crawl spaces: 10-12” of water in Jerry Haights, Pamm and Carl’s. Miller’s had 2” and got a temporary sump pump. Golf course drained a new pond that drained into our neighborhood, which lowered our water. Other than that we were quite good. Sump pumps were working. Charley thinks, as a reminder, that owners are responsible for the crawl space and whatever sump pumps that are needed.
Roofs: During the whole storm we have had only 2 leaks at 1451 & 1449. One minor and one major. They are both being dealt with. We were able to tarp during the storm for less problems. We’re checking the flashing on everyones as soon as we can get the roofer, Rich Jarob, back. He’s very busy at larger jobs.
Gary’s Suggestion: have a new owners packet with pertinent information. Business Practices will take on this project.
Emergency Access to Units: We need to be sure the board has knowledge for each owner of who to contact in case of emergency. Contact Gary Dougherty with your information. He’s taking on this project.
Report of Financial Review Team:
Given by Arkie. Many hours have been spent reviewing our finances. So far nothing is out of order, but there are some questions. Pete and Linda are very meticulous in their work. More review to come.
Secretary’s Report: nothing.
Treasurer’s Report:
First month in a long time that everyone paid on time.
Buildings & Grounds Committee Report:
Painting: moving along as fast as possible with all this rain. It’s looking good and we’re pleased the results so far.
Drainage: We will have a hard time, with all the front range needs for drainage, getting George here to do the project. Aaron put a temporary drain between 2 units and it seemed to work really well through this storm. We will definitely need to revisit this.
Other problems that have occurred may have to do with a clogged drain. But most of the system is working.
Driveway Sealing Bid: The estimate is from a contractor out of Longmont. We don’t know when he will be able to come up. The total for 15 units will be $5400.00. $52-5300.00 is what was budgeted. We have the money provided the contractors can get up here. Charley motioned that we accept this bid. Gary seconded. Passed. If not now, we’ll look at spring.
Lawn Mowing: Jed, our Longmont contractor, wants to shut down the irrigation system soon, before a frost, provided he can get here. He can’t get crew up to mow. But we may not need it, or find a local person. For the time being we’re just going to let it go.
We should have the back pressure valves stored in a warm room during the winter, rather than our shed, as they are expensive to replace.
Business Practices Committee Report: Gary Dougherty wants to switch from Business Practices Committee to the Buildings & Grounds Committee. So anyone wanting to join the business practices committee contact Pete.
Financial Committee Report: Pete reported that we’re trying to document today’s practices for splitting reserves and operations budget. Operating Reserve Process: John moved that we approve this document. Joe seconded. Passed.
Don Dodson reported that for several years the sprinkler system has sprinkled on his unit that now needs siding repairs and wood windows replaced. They’ve reported this several times to both the landscapers and HOA. Yet now they’re expected to pay for their rotted windows. He doesn’t feel that is fair. He wants to pay 50% of the window, instead of 100% since he feels the HOA has not dealt with the situation.
Charley has not heard the complaints for the last 3 years. He hasn’t heard about it from the landscapers either. Our painter feels that the wear & tear is to be expected with 20 year old units, as there’s more than just sprinklers that cause it.
Joe wants to know the difference between window glass and window frame and framing of the window into the building because he has a similar situation. Pete is working on lay language document to define that the window glass and window frame are one unit that is the owner’s responsibility. ex. if you were to go to Home Depot and buy a window, you’d get the entire unit- frame & glass. This is more than just replacing broken glass. It’s the same with doors. Doors are sold as a door-swing and frame. A renter may expect that if they’re responsible for windows and doors, it means if they break a window, they replace the glass; and if they kick in a door, they replace just the swinging door. That is NOT the interpretation of this HOA. Even though condo ownership is somewhere between total ownership and rental of air space, the interpretation sides with typical home ownership. The window is the entire unit and the owner is responsible.
The wood window has been ordered and we did not order the most expensive for the sake of the owner’s expense.
John moved the we pay 50% of the cost of the window replacement and that this is a special situation that does not set a precedent, not to exceed $475.00. Joe seconded. Discussion: Charley mentioned that Frank paid for his window without question, so what do we tell those that paid? Pete doesn’t like setting a precedent that we will do this, because we all know that it does actually set a precedent, even if the motion says it doesn’t.
Barbara asked if they could pick their own window to install in spring and have the HOA pay for the caulk for the current window?
Motion Not passed.
New Business:
Date for next board meeting. Perhaps in November. Would like to have it when the Financial Review is done.
Business practices should come up with work-order forms that are traceable as to what action has been taken. Beyond meeting minutes.
Joe added that there are people who teach in Estes Park that live out of town. Perhaps owners that are leaving might contact the school or hospital to find if there are people who could rent their units.
Joe moved that we suspend the rental restriction of not less than 6 months in this emergency situation for 1 year. Seconded by John. Passed.
Motion to Adjourn: 8:55pm Passed.
Posted in Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.
Minutes Aug. 24, 2013
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board of Directors meeting
9:00 am @ 1458 Matthew Circle
Call to Order: 9:00
Attendees: Charley Griffin, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Arleta Bell, Gary Dougherty
Approval of July 13 Board Meeting Minutes: approved.
President’s Report: (came in late; missed it)
Secretary’s Report: none
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hogue reported that we’re on track with some repairs yet to go. Our CD for the paid annual assessments come due this summer for additional funds to be able to be used.
Pete reported about he is managing the funds so that we don’t need additional funds to cover expenses. There has been requests to add “financial notes” to the monthly financial statements sent to the owners. This will be the first month that will be done. Give your feedback as to whether or not you like this or think it’s adequate.
A document of how we make decisions between splitting expenses between operating fund and reserve fund will become available.
Building & Grounds Committee Report:
Charley reported that the painting on the golf course units is going along as expected according to the contract. We will do a walk-through to make sure everything is as contracted. We are expecting completion in the next couple of weeks.
Window Issues:
Structural repairs of 5 rotted window and sills and framing on golf course units needs to be scheduled and determined who will pay for them. WIndows are $550.00 plus labor of $200.00 plus $200.00 interior finishing. Our painter can do all of the work. The board discussed the by-laws to determine payment. The windows are wood framed windows and will degrade in 25 years. It was pointed out that the sprinklers have caused the problems that the association hasn’t taken care of. According to the painter who has painted for the last 20 years said that repairs have been done and added another 10 years of service to the windows. The board hasn’t received complaints until this painting. The board is requiring window replacement at this time for these 5 windows since the owners haven’t. The HOA will take care of the casements, since that is part of the building. We also think we need to clarify our governing documents meaning in a separate document.
Linda moved that the HOA pay for the structural part of these window replacements and the owner cover the full cost of the window units and installation. John seconded. Passed.
Drainage Issues: Charley reported that the contractor will put a french drain between 1453 and 1451 to drain into the nature area and then see if additional work needs to be done once it’s dug up and exposed. John moved the acceptance of the bid and Linda seconded. Passed.
We had looked into xeriscaping the center with a stone walkway and rocks with a drip system for some plants and found it to be too expensive ($5000.00). A motion was made by Pete and seconded by John to allocate $2500.00 for however we finished out the area. It could be part rock and the rest sod. Passed.
Anyone interested in forming a landscape committee can contact Charley.
Pete made a motion to approve the finance committee’s solution to fund the irrigation by taking $2000.00 out of project reserve and putting it into the operating fund in order to pay for the project. Seconded by Linda. Passed. Charley mentioned that re-sealing of driveways may need to be postponed. Pete is not agreeable to changing the set schedules for new immediate needs.
John mentioned the need for a long-range planning committee (specific to landscaping)to determine how to update the landscaping. Contact Charley or John if you’re interested.
Business Practices Committee:
Pete reported that the Rules & Regs, which is what governs the owners actions towards the HOA and the Policy & Guidelines document, which is what governs how the board of directors can make decisions for the HOA, has been updated and the board is now in the process of reviewing. There is still work to be done so no current vote needs to be taken.
Discussion of HOA law: John commented on the new state requirements for HOA’s. We’re too small to have comply in all areas. Anyone interested in knowing what the statute says, John is willing to send it to you. What does apply is how we collect fines. We have complied in our current policy. We are also required to have an information session once per year, which is different from the annual meeting and monthly financial statements. It’s a separate meeting that we’ll need to address. We also need an insurance profile available. Our website just says “yes, we have insurance”.
Financial Committee Report:
Pete reported that we have a financial review to date of 2013 of 3 members outside of the financial committee. The 3 members are Arkie Vaughn, Pamm Haglund and Jerry Haight. Pete motioned to establish this team. Seconded by Linda. Passed. There will changes that will be made as a consequence of the financial review. However, the current system is how it is done until further notice. Our current system is very “hand-to-mouth. Charley moved to accept the financial committee’s policy and guideline report. Seconded by John. Passed.
Approval of bank signatory card authorities: Charley, Linda, Arlita and Pamm. Seconded by Gary. Passed.
New Business:
Pamm would like to eliminate an exterior door in the bedroom. Board passed the plans.
Next board meeting Thurs. Sept.19, 2013 at 7:00.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:50.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy, Secretary
Posted in Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA BOD Meeting Minutes 7-13-13
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA
NEW Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: 3:43 p.m.
Attendees w/new slate of officers:
President: Charley Griffen,
Vice President: Joe Evans,
Secretary: Susan Novy,
Treasurer: Linda Hogue,
Members-at-Large: John Gaddis, Pamm Haglund, Arieta Bell & Gary Dougherty
President’s Report: Charley welcomed the new members.
Approval of June Minutes: Charley moved, John seconded. Passed.
Secretary’s Report: none.
Treasurer’s Report: Packets were passed out.
Business Practices Committee Report: none
Building & Grounds/Operations Committee Report: We thought the water damage was due to irrigation problems from snow melt and sprinkler heads, some of which are right up next to the unit. We’re moving those that are right next to the units out 6 feet. We’ll do these as we can. Aaron has volunteered to do this as he can. Our landscaper can do it for $40.00/hour, which we have found to be a good price.
The units between Jerry & Jerry needs excavation. We’ve had 2 verbal bids around 10-12K. We don’t have them in writing yet. There’s a potential landscaping option that would include xeriscape/rock & flagstone between units with new landscaping in front to reduce need for sprinklers in those sections. A plan would need to be made to see if it would reduce expenses from replacing the current landscaping as is, and if it would upgrade the landscaping look of the area.
New Business: John moved to keep the same slate. Gary seconded. Passed. Charley is president, Joe vice-president, Linda treasurer, and Susan secretary.
Financial Policies & Guidelines: John moves to approve. Linda seconded. Passed.
Reformatted Rules & Regulations: Arleta moved to approve. Pamm seconded. Passed.
Set committee assignments for current board members. More volunteers welcome.
Committees are:
Buildings & Grounds– Aaron Chairman, Pamm Haglund, Steve Lang, Charley Griffin & Joe Evans
Finance Committee- Pete Chairman, Linda Hogue, Linda Griffin, Arleta Bell
Business Practices Committee- Pete Chairman, Sally Gaddis, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty
Check Signing: We can keep same people on for now- item deferred to next meeting.
Review Proposal of Deck expansion on 1450: Potential new owners want to expand the back deck by 5 feet deeper. It still leaves 8 feet to the golf course fence. Neighbors are OK with it. Charley moved to approve plan with comparable or better materials. All expense of deck and sprinkler/landscaping changes are the responsibility of owner. And contractor plans to be presented to the building & grounds committee for approval. Linda seconded Passed.
Drainage Issues: We live in the mountains and drainage is a constant issue. Snow melt from Prospect Mountain creates all kinds of springs throughout the golf course and our property. It depends on how deep the granite bedrock is and what cracks the water takes. It could change from year to year. Proper excavation can help alleviate the problem as well as owners having sump pumps.
Next board meeting to be Aug. 24 at Pete & Linda’s (1458) at 9:00 a.m.
Meeting Adjourned: 4:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA Annual Meeting Minutes 7-13-13
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
Location: Rocky Mountain Park Inn
101 St Vrain
Estes Park, CO 80517
Time: 2:00
Attendees: Charley & Linda Griffin, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Ray & Joan Novy, Gary & Dee Dougherty, Aaron Voboril, John & Sally Gaddis, Ron & Pat Meskimen, Don & Barbara Dobson, Maria Gomez, Pamm Haglund, Arleta Bell, Jerry & Phyllis Haight, BW Dykes
Proxies: Nelson & Brown given to Haight, Yoblin given to Griffin, Bouziden & Baker given to Dykes, Evans given to Gaddis & Miller given to Ray & Joan Novy
Call To Order: 2:11 p.m.
Introductions: Introductions were made of those present with their address and whether they are full or part-time residents.
We currently have 2 pending contracts on units.
Remembrances: In the last year we have had 3 deaths in the association: Lois & Ed Weaver, Frank Kjeldgaard, and Patty Kice
Approval of 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes : Charley made motion to approve minutes, seconded by John Gaddis; approved.
Presidents Report: Acknowledgement of leaving board members Ron Meskimen and Aaron Voboril for their dedication to the association. Ron for making sure all mailings get to the proper person/account and Aaron for his extensive help with the landscaping and sprinkler system.
Secretary’s Report: Website is in constant improvement.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda, treasurer, gave explanation of Profit & Loss Budget Performance handout. Water entry will change next month to a more accurate comparison to the budget, repairs entry is high compared to budget because we’ve had a lot of repairs & trash entry is high due to fluctuating environmental charges.
Pete ,the Chairman of Financial Committee, gave explanation of how we operate. We included an operating reserve and reserve fund in our budget. We made a loan to ourselves $10,500.00 from the operating reserve to the Reserve Fund in order to make expenses for our high repair needs. We also added a new line item “ net assets- operating reserve” to show the balance of what we borrowed.
Jerry Haight is displeased with what he perceives to be the complicated way in which we’re presenting the financials. After a lengthy discussion, Pete invited Jerry to meet with him to review the process for improvements.
John Gaddis offered some history since they became owners a few years ago. He was surprised at the organization. We used to have a professional manager, which we, the new board, decided could be phased out since we have plenty of capable volunteers to do the job. We have since upgraded the way the financials and information is dispersed. Anyone with expertise in these areas is welcome to join the board and committees.
Further discussion should be handled individually with new board.
Jerry asked what is the target reserve amount we want to keep in order to have adequate monies to operate. Charley answered that we don’t have a set amount because we don’t know all the repairs needed yet. The fact that we even have reserves with repair schedules is new to this HOA within the last couple of years. The Reserve Fund budget is definitely a work in progress.
New Business: Pete gave explanation of the emailed budget worksheet to explain the reason for the requested increase in assessments (dues). We’ve never been in the financial position to have targets. The reserve funds have been recently created in order to create some targets for reserves, such as: painting schedule, projects reserve (changeable according to needs) & roof reserves. There have been unexpected additions to the painting schedule with needed siding repairs; and with the roof reserve where the flashing around the skylights isn’t up to our high wind needs.
The committee has tried to come up with a 10 year reserve plan to target our monies towards a balanced budget and determine our true needs without gross fluctuations. For example, the flashing project in the roof reserves is spread out over 4-6 years, instead of an immediate assessment. Maria Gomez asked if we have any recourse. Pete answered that we’re past the recourse time. We will need to handle this ourselves.
Pete suggested we move forward. Don asked about when the siding for painting is going to be done. Charley and Pete answered that the money is reserved, but we need to work with the vendor, who is having sub-contractor problems and hence scheduling has been an issue. Painting can’t be done until the siding is repaired. We’re working with contractors we trust and if any of the membership knows of other contractors, the board is willing to accept other bids and compare.
Charley motioned that we approve the 2014 budget and increased assessment. Maria seconded.
John added to the discussion stating that our assessments have always seemed controversial because they seem high compared to other associations. However, we collectively pay for more line items than other associations which make us seem higher. We need to realistically recognize that we have old units which are consistently needing more repairs.
Don thinks the budget needs to cover the increasing repair needs and get things done promptly.
Linda called the question to vote on the assessment and 2014 budget.
14 in favor, 5 opposed. Passed.
Election of Board:
Those who have agreed to be on the board of directors: Charley Griffin, Linda Hogue, John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Pam Haglund, Arleta Bell, Joe Evans & Gary Dougherty.
Pete motioned to accept slate, John seconded. Passed.
Old Business:
Volunteers needed for the committees: Finance Committee, Business Practices Committee (rules & regs) &Buildings & Grounds Committee. If you have an interest in these areas, please contact a board member.
The new board will vote on the re-organization of the rules and regulations with a new format. The content will remain the same.
Phyllis stated that she’s not satisfied with the landscaping company.
Don is not satisfied with the schedule for resurfacing the driveways, as both sides weren’t done at the same time. He would like us to get more repairs done more promptly. Charley responded that the resurfacing is in the budgeted schedule as stated in previous minutes. We can’t afford a highly fluctuating budget with all the repairs addressed at once, so schedules were made.
Motion to Adjourn: Charley motioned to adjourn. Seconded by everyone else. Adjourned at 3:40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA Minutes 6-13-13
Estes Park Mountain FairwaysHOA
BOD Meeting
7:00 pm @ Charley’s
Call to order: Meeting was called to order at 7:02
Present: Charley Griffin, Aaron Voboril, John Gaddis, Ron Meskimen, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy
Approval of Apr. 16 Minutes: approved
President’s Report: Five units have sold in the past six months.
Secretary’s Report: website is running and current
Treasurer’s Report: Most areas are coming in under budget. Waste Management raised it’s rates.
Financial Committee Report:
A.2014 Proposed Budget
B 2014 Proposed Assessment
C Reserve Plan
The two documents relating to the reserve were approved as presented.
Charley moved to accept the committee’s approach to the budgets. Seconded by John. Approved.
John moved to accept $25.00/mo. ($23 reserves, $2 operations) increase in assessments starting 2014. Linda seconded. Approved.
Linda moved that we continue the 2% discount for annual payments if paid by Dec.31. Charley seconded. Approved.
Business Practice Committee Report
The draft transfer fee document (handout) was approved as changed.
The skylight approach document (handout) will be reviewed at a meeting later this year.
The organization chart (handout) was accepted as is.
Building & Grounds Committee Report
Painting has started. There’s more unforeseen damage needing repair being added, so the cost will be higher.
There’s also a drainage issue between 2 buildings. We’re getting a couple of bids.
Aaron said that the sprinklers were set to water longer so our grass would green up better but they were waiting on parts for the sprinkler system to make it work effectively.
Ron & Susan gave some feedback on the winter snow plowing.
New Business
Charley would like the articles of incorporation added to the website. Add griff1947@gmail.com as his email.
John moved that we have a resolution to express thanks to our executive board for their work. Seconded by Aaron. Approved.
Old Business
Annual meeting is Sat. July 13, 2013 at 2:00 at Rocky Mountain Inn (formerly Holiday Inn) If you can’t make the meeting, please send in a proxy with name of an attending owner.
There will be a board meeting of the new board after the annual meeting to discuss the rules and regulations should you care to stay longer.
Meeting adjourned at 9:15pm
Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA Minutes 4-16-2013
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA Board Meeting
2:30pm at Charley’s
Attendees: Charley Griffin, Susan Novy, Linda & Pete Hogue via Skype, John Gaddis & Ron Meskimen by proxy
call to order: 2:33pm
Approval of Minutes: approved 10/3/12 minutes with corrected date of 10/4/12. Change financial report from “policies” to “copies”. Add electronic vote on 1/14/13 for approving revised budget and expense authorities; electronic vote on 1/29/13 for approving skylight repairs; electronic vote on 3/1/13 for fencing request which was denied and electronic vote on 1/13/13 for approving the acceptance of the lawn maintenance bid for 2013.
President’s Report: New residents. Charley has names and emails. Susan talked to Maria Gomez who closed on 1434 Apr 1,2013, wondered if we did automatic withdrawals. We don’t have that set up because we don’t want to know residents account numbers for liability sake. Those who do automatic payments do it via online bill paying. We would get a check. That would be fine.
Patty Kice’s house is on the market. It needs updating. Weaver’s unit is still on market,as well. It needs updating according to realtors and another bedroom. Ron Meskimen’s unit is on the market,too.
Secretary’s Report: I updated the contact page with forwarded emails for President, Secretary and Treasurer. I also password protected the financials. The password for residents is: (email susannovy01@msn.com to find out-or ask Charley). Try it out. First click on “financials”. We need to discuss at the annual meeting if we want a roster for Mountain Fairways to be included on the website; and if it should be password protected as well.
Treasurer’s Report: Need to figure out how to utilize the website with the financials. We’ll need 2 pages for monthly and quarterly.
Pete’s observation is that some of the approved repairs actually get paid in another year. Do we need to know which items those are in order to make the budget clear? Fixing sidewalks and drainage repair was budgeted in 2012 and paid in 2013.
It appears our insurance will come in under budget by approximately $200.00 less for the year. With the fires, we’re not expecting that to last.
Financial Committee Report: no new guidelines. There were documents sent out in 2012 for discussion,review & approval when everyone’s together in 2013.
Business Practices Committee Report: no new guidelines. There were documents sent out in 2012 for discussion, review & approval when everyone’s together in 2013.
Building & Grounds Committee Report
Paint bid for Golf Course Properties: Bid came in higher due to aging of units. Higher bid with the additional need for caulking and window frame repair was approved because we’ve been treated fairly and received good work in the past (and have the money).
Additional structural repair to some of the golf course units: Some of the siding is rotted or worn and needs replacing due to sun and watering. Our siding isn’t as good as what is now available, so Randy (paint contractor) suggests using the Hardy Board (concrete) over our current T111 siding and says it will look the same painted. The upgraded Hardy Board is more expensive by $500.00, ($4500 up to $5000) but will hold up better so we could more easily stay on our paint schedule. We presented this to the financial committee today to come up with a solution for budgeting this.
Drainage work along 1451: Would a 2nd sump pump do the trick? We’ve approved the project in 2012 with a $4000.00 budget. We will go over the project with the landscaper to see how to proceed.
Walkthrough with lawn service: has not happened yet. Will need to go over pruning needs and water needs. Charley wants to start the watering at a minimum and then increase as needed. We will go for 2 weeks between mowings and will add mowings as needed.
Skylights: they seem to leak a lot from snow melt. We have found a good roofer that thinks it’s due to the flashing. We will have him inspect all of them. We are past having any recourse from the roofer who roofed the units. Normally, “valley” roofers use light weight flashing because they don’t have the winds to deal with that we do. We suspect this has been the case. It will be less money to correct the flashing than the skylights. Business Practices Committee has been asked to come up with a corrected policy for the skylights that is obvious as to who is responsible.
Gutters & Trees: will need to look at older trees.
New Business:
Transfer Fees: Do we need one? Most HOA’s have transfer fees. The Finance Committee has been given the duty of coming up with a proposal for this.
Community Garage Sale: If we have our 2nd annual garage sale on June 15th, it might coincide with the one that our neighbors to the west have. That would be our ONLY garage sale date for the year. Charley motioned have the garage sale on June 15th regardless of the date of the street sale to the west. Approved.
Other New Business:
Future Meeting Dates: Thursday, June 12,2013 at 4:00pm at Charley’s (1437)Annual Meeting is set for Sat. July 13th. Time and place to be designated later.
Motion to Adjourn: moved and approved at 3:57pm
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Novy
EPMFHOA Secretary
Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2013 by Susan with comments disabled.