EPMFHOA Board Meeting 9-11-14


Date:  Thursday September 11, 2014
Time: 7:00 P.M.
Location:  Gary & Dee Dougherty’s
1431 Matthew Circle

Call to order: 7:03
Present: Charley Griffin, Aaron Voberil, Arleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty, Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue
Approval of August 2, 2014 board meeting minutes (action): approved

President’s Report
A. Summer Repairs Report: Jerrys irrigation problem between 1451 & 1453 is completed and the bill is in. Just over $5000.00      We expected it to be around $7500.0, so we’re pleased.

Those who aren’t satisfied with the lawn, Jed invites you to look at our 1/2” of topsoil that we’re trying to grow grass on when he’s replacing sod.

Repair of dumpster enclosures is complete and hopefully bear-proofed. We’re going to see how it works during the winter with the strong winds. If it’s a problem for people, since the lids are so heavy, we can go back to the old ones while the bears are hibernating.

Painting has started on the 4th phase of 7 units.

We have been mowing every other week or as deemed necessary. We saved quite a bit on water and mowing. Savings will get us close to budget since we lowered the budget from doing this last year.

 B- Outlook for coming year: Next year we will have no painting done and will save towards the next round of painting. However, we will have time and some money to do little projects. We’re hoping the new landscaping committee will come to the board with suggestions and costs for new landscaping.
 C- Volunteer Recognition: We recognized Linda for her work as Treasurer, Aaron for his unending work on landscaping issues saving us thousands, and newcomer Ronnie for helping Aaron.
D-Volunteer compensation: Charley moved to pay Aaron $600.00 for his work (as we’re not required to send out a W-2 for this amount), 2nd by everyone, passed.

Secretary’s Report-website: Should be updated by the time you get this. Charley got a pdf of the Declaration that I can add to the site. For those selling their units, it could be beneficial to make sure your realtor knows we have a website: www.epmfhoa.com and lets other realtors know as well. Make sure they put the link on their advertising of your unit. It contains all the nitty-gritty HOA stuff that buyers want to know.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda is very pleased with the Gomez’s taking over the treasurer’s  position.
A- Approval of Financials (Action) :  Gary moved to accept, Ronnie 2nd, approved.

Building & Grounds Committee Report (see presidents report)
A-Roofs & Skylights: Still looking for clear globed skylights for replacements of those that leak. The smoked ones are easy to find, but nobody wants darkened skylights-defeats the purpose.

Business Practices Committee Report
A-Approve HOA Organizational Chart (Action): Pete passed out an updated Organization Chart with the new board and officers and committees. Linda moved to approve,Gary 2nd, approved.

The need of the Long Range Planning Team was discussed and will further be discussed at the next meeting. We need volunteers that wish to plan long range for the HOA.

Financial Committee Report
 A-Approve updated Policies and Guidelines doc (Action): John moved to accept, Arleta 2nd, passed.
B-Approve Business & Accounting Design doc (Action): Gary moved that we delegate the financial committee to make decisions on B,C, E& F for confirmation by the board. Linda 2nd. approved.
   C-Approve plan for handling owners financial questions   (Action)
D-Approve HOA vs. Owner’s responsibilities doc (Action): Only change is about windows/frames/doors and air conditioning and infrastructure of crawlspaces. Several details have been added. John made a suggestion about financial responsibility (of windows, garage doors, doors, etc) being the owner’s, but with approval of the building & grounds committee and board. Motion made and 2nd. Approved.
    E- Approve 2015 expense authorities (Action)
F- Approve 2014/2015 check authority doc (Action)

New Business
A- Owner request for installation of deck awning.(Action): Linda showed a picture of an automatic, wind-sensor, retractable deck awning that they would like to add to their back deck. Gary moved that it be accepted with the stipulation that any damage to HOA property due to the awning be taken care of by the owner. Arleta 2nd. approved.
 B- Owner request for installation of drip system(Action): Drip system to be hooked to the owner’s water and run along the deck railing and eves for hanging baskets. Charley wants the installation by a reputable installer and any future damage to HOA property due to the drip system at the owner’s expense. Approved.
C- Water Problems & Insurance: Aaron & Ronnie have volunteered the labor to replace appliance hoses to better protect against water damage. HOA encourages owners to turn off water when you leave and not turn heat lower that 55 -60 degrees unless you’ve drained the pipes altogether. This is a good idea for vacations, as well as seasonal.
   D- New Recreation Center: When the condemned school building went down, it improved some of our units view. Perhaps we should get active in the design of the building through citizens input avenues. Charley has a lot of “ins”. Talk to him about what some of the citizen input avenues are.

Motion to Adjourn (8:33)

Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
HOA secretary

Posted in Minutes 2014 by with comments disabled.

EPMFHOA Annual & Board Meetings 8/2/14

EPMFHOA Annual Meeting
8/2/14 @ 2:00 p.m.
Hondius Room in Library

Members Present: Charley & Linda Griffin, John & Sally Gaddis, Pete & Linda Hogue, Ray & Joan Novy, Susan Novy, Gary Dougherty, Aaron Voberil, Arleta Bell, Linda Buehring (pending new owner), Javier & Maria Gomez, Colleen & Ronnie LaRue, the Prestons, Arkie & Jan Vaughn, Pamm Haglund. Present by proxy were: Rick Jordan Arthur Koenig, Joan Baker, Don Miller and diane Yoblin.

Call to Order: 2:00 p.m.

Introduction of Danielle Arnold from American Family Insurance: 970-586-8420. Danielle gave a presentation as follows:

Our insurance is meant for major catastrophes.

How to determine what you’re responsible for: Primarily your HOA’s Declaration under the Insurance Section (on pg 10-12 of our Declaration) is the final word on who is responsible. The word “entirety” is binding in the insurance business. Ours is all inclusive (basically, anything you can’t take with you when you move) with the exception of carpeting, stove, oven, refrigerator, disposal, wallpaper, furnishings (things that wear out/decorative or can be taken with you). When presented with a claim, an insurance company will ONLY look at the Declaration Insurance Section, not the By-Laws. Most people’s personal property policies coverage is around 50K.

Claims frequency will increase the policy price and may lose your insurance altogether. This is what happened to the units on Wapiti who now MUST buy their homeowners insurance individually. Once an HOA has been denied by an insurance company due to too many claims, it’s very difficult for the HOA to ever get insured as an HOA again. However, legally, an HOA cannot deny a homeowner the right to make a claim. This, too, is what happened on Wapiti with disgruntled homeowners who didn’t realize the consequences of too many claims.

A Policy from dues through an HOA is MUCH (by 75%!) less expensive than privately purchased, but can’t be abused. Must stay diligent with maintenance (which is why the by-laws puts extra responsibility on the homeowners, such as windows, window coverings,doors,hot water heater, plumbing, electrical and furnace maintenance/repair and or replacement, in order to alleviate higher maintenance and/or insurance dues).

Most claims are due to freezing pipes in this area. Turn water off to washing machines when vacationing. Keep thermostat no lower than 60 degrees (wind chill in freezing temperatures can still freeze pipes if house is less than that) and whatever else you can do to make sure you don’t have water claims.

Our insurance is basically $152.00/square foot. We also have an add-on called a “condominium enhancement endorsement” policy. 300K for code upgrade increases and home fire sprinkler systems, green issues, sump pump failure and raw sewage problems.

Danielle was thanked for her presentation.

Charley mentioned that we don’t have the Declaration on the website yet (since there are signatures on it and it’s legal size; we need to get it scanned to a pdf- if anyone has that capability), but you can get a copy from him if you don’t have one.

Introduction of Judi Smith from the League of Women’s Voters & Community Recycling Committee to tell us about recycling. Recycle and repurpose to keep less in the landfill. Her presentation was as follows:

Two major avenues to recycle in town:

Individually taking your recyclables to the Transfer Station (Landfill)- separated into 5 areas: shredded paper, cardboard, phonebooks, co-mingles (plastics/glass) and newspapers/magazines. This can be done for free by environmentally concerned individuals who enjoy sorting.

Second avenue is paid curbside recycling. You don’t need to separate, but recyclables must be in each company’s bag or dumpster.

She had a list for those present of where to take items in town for repurposing and recycling. Look at: recycleestes.org. Judi was thanked for her presentation.

President’s Report: Financial Review Team met after the flood and made some recommendations. The Board decided to have our finances reviewed by a CPA to address some of the concerns to make sure we’re documenting the finances correctly.

We’ve been working on the beautification of the area with painting. We’ve had siding expenses associated with this, which we hopefully won’t have again for awhile. Next year is our 5th year in the 5 year paint cycle when no painting is done, just reserving funds for the next round of 5 years.

So next we would like to work on curb appeal. A new committee will be formed to look into that.

We mow as needed, and save $425.00 each time we let the grass grow under our feet.

Secretary’s Report: website is up and running: epmfhoa.com

Treasurer’s Report: Linda went over the Profit & Loss Budget Performance and Balance Sheet which were both provided to everyone previously at the Owner’s seminar.

Finance Committee Report: Pete went over the board adopted 2015 budget for the memberships review. There will be no assessment changes in 2015 primarily because we don’t have enough information from our suppliers now to know if we’re having lots of increases. We will know this by the end of the year, which can effect next year, but not until the next annual meeting. Motion was made to accept the 2015 budget. Approved.

John Gaddis mentioned that one of the reasons we don’t have any increases is due to the amount of volunteer work done by our members, such as Charley Griffin, Linda Hogue, Aaron Voberil, Pete Hogue  and others. A round of thanks was given.

Slate of New Board Members:
John Gaddis
Charley Griffin
Linda Hogue
Arleta Bell
Susan Novy
Gary Dougherty
Pamm Haglund
Javier Gomez
Ronnie LaRue

Motion was made to accept the slate of board members.  Approved.

New Social Committee: Gary & Dee Dougherty are co-chairs of this committee. The goal is to have better social interaction amongst the membership. Volunteers for the party animal committee are: Arleta Bell, Maria Gomez, Joan Novy and Colleen LaRue.

Meeting Adjourned 3:17

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Novy- HOA secretary


Meeting of the EPMFHOA Board
8/2/14   3:30p.m.
Hondius Room at the Library

Members Present: Arleta Bell, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty, Linda  & Pete Hogue, Ronnie LaRue, Javier Gomez, Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Charley Griffin

Call to Order: 3:30

Motion to accept 6/13/14 board meeting minutes. Approved.

President’s Report: Welcome new board members

Secretary’s Report: nothing new

Treasurer’s Report: Linda resigned  as treasurer.

Finance Committee Report  & Business Practices Committee Report:
Pete handed out a packet for us to review by next meeting. We have a couple new documents to approve. One of the “Issues to be raised” is the need for more committee members.

Operations Committee: We do have another potential drainage problem. SW corner of Jordan’s on Brodie. Before we spend any more money on it (we graded and shut down the sprinkler), we need to determine if it’s drainage or a spring coming up. Perhaps we’ll make a berm and see what happens. Gary suggested calling up Briggs Carpet Cleaning, as they have an instrument that can tell what’s happening under a carpet.

We have 2 new dumpsters. We might put a bungie across them to deter our visiting bear.

We will be looking at gutters.

Last year Charley proposed some compensation for a mega volunteer and would like to propose it again. Pete suggested a line item called “volunteer recognition”. John Gaddis recommended we talk to the CPA  to find the best way to do this. Charley removed his motion until talking to the CPA. He did make a new motion to talk to a CPA about how to handle volunteer recognition. seconded. passed.

New Business:
nominations of officers. Approved.

New Officers:
President: Charley Griffen
Vice President: Gary Dougherty
Secretary: Susan Novy
Treasurer: Javier Gomez

Nomination of Operations Director.  Approved.

Operations Director: Ronnie LaRue

Nomination of Committee Chairs. Approved.

Buildings & Grounds: Pamm Haglund

Property Manager: Aaron Voberil

Community Activities: Gary Dougherty

Finance Committee & Business Practice Committee: Pete Hogue

Check signers: Charley Griffin, Javier Gomez, Pamm Haglund, Ronnie LaRue

Other Business:

Next Meeting: Friday Aug. 15th @7:00 @ Hogues, & Sept 12th @ 7:00 @ Charley’s

President’s Report:

Charley met with a CPA- Stein & Assoc.- to address the finance review team’s concerns. Also, Charley wants to determine the  cost of involving a CPA in the process.  He determined that CPA’s will not do audits anymore. A full financial review would run between 2K-$2500.00. The CPA indicated that Pete & Linda are correct in the ways they’re utilizing Quickbooks. Charley investigated having a Financial Compilation done which would cost approximately  $700.00-$1200.00. This would include  a reconciliation of the checkbook. Charley indicated that we may want to add this to our budget as an every 2 year expense.

The Board approved having a compilation done by the CPA.

Adjourned: 4:30p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan Novy- HOA secretary

Posted in Minutes 2014 by with comments disabled.

EPMFHOA Board Meeting 6/8/14

Date: Sunday, June 8, 2014
Time: 4:00 P.M.
Location: Charley & Linda Griffin’s

1437 Matthew Circle

1-Call to order :

Present: Charley & Linda Griffin, Susan Novy, Pete &Linda Hogue, John Gaddis, Arleta Bell, Gary Dougherty.
Absent: Joe Evans, Pamm Haglund

2-Approval of September 17, 2013 Board Meeting minutes (action): John moved to approve. 2nd by Arleta, Passed. Over the winter we had 3 email votes. In Dec. 2013 the board moved and passed motion to transfer $2000.00 from roof reserve to painting reserve. In Jan 2014 the board moved and passed to accept the revised 2014 budget; and in Mar. 2014 the board moved and passed to accept vender proposals from Village Maintenance and Painting and Vintage Lawn Service for 2014. The board also passed having a board retreat & owners information event prior to this year’s Annual Meeting.

3-President’s Report
B-Trash Dumpsters- Requested 2-4 signs @ $34.00 each for the dumpsters similar to the dumpster signs on Mountain Villas Dumpsters to the south. Additional trash pick- ups would cost an additional $250.00/month. Owners are reminded that both dumpsters are available to all owners. We are also looking into having unlocked gates placed on the dumpsters.
C-Vole Treatment- We have had one treatment so far this year.
D-Landscaping & Tree Maintenance- We have a lot of damaged trees that need to be addressed. Building & Grounds will do a further walk-through survey of the grounds. We will be re-seeding areas that need it. If owners have areas they feel need attention they should notify a Board Member. If your green thumb improves the appearance of the association, such as smaller type gardening, i.e. flowers, go ahead and do that, but keep in mind that you are then responsible for the upkeep of them. Large items, such as trees and shrubs need board approval.

4- Secretary’s Report– the website, www.epmfhoa.com is all up to date with the information the secretary has. Realtors are pleased, but want the password to the financials. We’re keeping it password protected for the owners only, since it’s public and not everyone in the world needs to know the extent of our finances. The realtors contact Charley & he sends them the financials.

5-Treasurer’s Report
A-Approval of financials – Gary moved to accept the report. John seconded. Passed.

6-Building & Grounds Committee Report
A-Painting Schedule– Units scheduled for painting this summer are:1410,1422,1434,1436,1438,1440 & 1442.
B-Driveway resealing- Has been done. Final cost of this project came in a little higher than the bid due to needing more asphalt for areas merging into the street.
C-Drainage work between 1451 & 1453 – completed. We haven’t received bill yet. Seems to have worked as water has usually seeped in by now. We will re-landscape by re-seeding first. If that doesn’t take, then we’ll sod. The rock firewall will be a bit wider. D-Roofs & Skylights – A couple of minor problems that caulk seems to have fixed.

7-Business Practices Committee Report

We’re one member short on the committee. Hopefully it will be filled after the annual meeting. The dates for our two new 2014 events and the Annual Meeting will be discussed and set as New Business.

8-Financial Committee Report
A-Review & Approval of 2015 budget proposal – we reviewed the draft. We’re not changing assessments, so budget is the main concern. Because of the flood, we now have money that wasn’t spent and is ready for rescheduling. Also, we haven’t received updates on any upcoming increases (I.E. Insurance, Big Thonpson Sanitation, Water Rates, Etc.)                                                                              B-Review & Approval of 2015 assessment proposal– the worksheet remains the
same. Both the 2015 budget and 2015 assessment were approved.
C-Consider proposal for handling questions & concerns from owners– Gary moved that we table the discussion on this proposal until the board retreat. Passed. The committee wants a structure as to how to represent the board to the owners. It was further discussed that the new owners seminar prior to the annual meeting will be the place for owners to raise all their concerns.

9-New Business
A-Setting date for Board Retreat- Sat., July 12 at 9:00 at Linda & Pete Hogue’s (Unit 1458). Board members only. Pete Hogue, a non-member, is the facilitator.
B-Setting date for owner’s seminar– Tentatively Wed., July 23 @ 7:00 pm at undecided location. Danielle Arnold the HOA’s insurance representative with American Family will be asked to provide owners an overview of what the HOA insurance covers and what additional coverage owners should be looking for in the area of interior coverage.                                                                          C-Setting date and location for annual meeting– Sat., Aug. 2 at undecided location & time. More information to come. Save that date.
D. Find the Flag– Gary proposed that we adopt the Find the Flag program similar to that which the Elk Ridge Condo HOA (Wapiti) does. It’s basically party time for the association. Someone decides to fly the party-time flag and people congregate at that home with BYOB/wine and snacks. No decision was made. Something for discussion at the owner’s seminar.
E. At unit 1446, one of the co-owner’s, Karen Kjeldgaard, died. The Board will send a sympathy card on behalf of the association.

10-Motion to Adjourn (5:30) Passed.

11-Board will adjourn to executive session. We did.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy
Mountain Fairways HOA Secretary

Posted in Minutes 2014 by with comments disabled.