EPMFHOA 11/19/15 Board Meeting Minutes
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA
Board Meeting 11/19/15
Attendees: Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty, Javier Gomez
By phone: Linda & Pete Hogue, Aaron Voberil, Ronnie LaRue
Call to Order: 7:05 p.m.
President’s Report: Cuba was great! Interesting to see how the communism has worked or not. The food was great. Lots of rice and beans. The cars were from all over the world. Chinese taxis, old US cars. People friendly and happy, despite the poverty. Music everywhere. HOA-wise, no fees, so buildings falling apart, but everyone owns their own plot. The race that I raced in Cuba was expectedly unorganized, but fun.
Now for this HOA
Financial Report: We have more income due to the past due account getting almost caught up. The dumpster cost will be different for the winter, with only one being bear-proof. Also, the trash company has added fuel surcharges and environmental charges; this, with one more month of twice per week pick-ups than last year will increase the trash expense this year. But overall, we should be within budget, if we juggle where we’re above to where we’re below for next year’s budget.
The financial committee has determined that some of the expenses need to be placed into the reserve account instead of the operations account. It looks like we should end the year within the budget.
Gary moved to accept Financial report, Javier seconded. Motion carries.
Buildings & Grounds: repaired 10 skylights this year. The Oberin deck was rebuilt. The Gaddis deck stairs were fixed and the signs were painted. The seal coating on Brodie was done, as well. The two owner clean-up days went great. So we had a good year for buildings & grounds.
The new trash ordinance will not allow for the heavy lids to be kept open come April, so we’re looking at a 10 yard bear-proof dumpster with sliding doors. It will be difficult to hide as we only have 2 yard dumpsters now. It will cost more as well. (2K/year) We’re also considering working with the people who can’t lift the lids and have specific times that we could help them out. If you have problems lifting the bear-proof lids, or have any other great suggestions, contact Susan, secretary@epmfhoa.com, so that we can come up with an acceptable solution for both the bears and us.
Gary moved to table this until we have more information, Javier seconded. Motion carries. We would like Ronnie, Aaron & Pamm (Buildings & Grounds) to have something in place by April 1, 2016.
Business Practices Committee: We put together a proposal for changing how we deal with late assessments for the Rules & Regulations document. Discussion is that dues are late after the 10th of the month with a $25.00 fee assessed if it received afterwards. The first month late per calendar year will be forgiven. Proposal was passed by consensus.
Jordan’s deck: Rick & Claudia Jordan came to the meeting at 7:30 to propose that their deck railing in front of their sundeck window be removed. Their contractor and the Town of Estes Park do not find any structural or safety reason for keeping the railing. The only question is how it will look architecturally. Suggestion was made to use a photo film that will make it look like the railing is still there, so it doesn’t look different from the other units and also provide privacy from the unit next door.
Gary moved to approve the proposal with looking into the photo film. Javier 2nd. Motion carried.
Next Meeting: March 10, 2016 at 7:00 MST
Meeting Adjourned: 8:15pm
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA 09/19/15 Board Meeting Minutes
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA
Board Meeting 09/19/15
1456 Matthew Circle
Call To Order: 10:00 am
Attendees: John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Linda & Pete Hogue, Arleta Bell, Javier Gomez, Gary Dougherty, Pamm Haglund, Aaron Voboril, Kathy Beatty
Review Board Retreat 8/15/15:
Committee & Team Reports:
Finance: Reviewed packet of information on finance team. Proposes that the 5 year review of the Reserve Plan be postponed until next year so the newly formed Long Range Planning Team has time to review the Reserve Plan. Their review will affect the 2017 assessments as to whether it goes up or stays the same. Gary moved to accept , Kathy 2nd. Passed
Plan reviewed as how to re-assign the signatures on the accounts. Gary moved to accept, Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Quickbooks has been put on both treasurer’s computers. The newly recommended tools as to how to use QuickBooks have been implemented.
Treasurer’s Report: everything moving along as normal. We have one owner past due 3 months that we don’t have a policy as to how to handle leans, if necessary. We’re having problems finding communications with the owner’s representative. Gary opted to talk to the owner, whom Javier didn’t realize was currently living here.
Business Practices: Confirming the approval of the 2 new job descriptions: Building & Grounds and Community Activities. Pamm moved to confirm, Gary 2nd, Passed.
Board received just the areas of change to the Policy & Guidelines which now are ready to vote upon. These changes were made due to Colorado legislature mandates. Pamm moved to approve, as changed, the section on Education of Board Members and Owners, Javier 2nd. Passed.
Conduct of Annual Meeting & Owners Meeting section was reviewed and discussed. We will come back to this one. Many suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest Policy: straight forward and non-controversial. Kathy Moved to approve. Javier 2nd. Passed.
Public Disclosure of Information: not sure what is really required with this one. Needs more modification and clarity.
Pete clarified that we’re only approving a draft subject to the work in phrase 2 & 3. Gary moved to adopt the draft, Arleta 2nd. Passed.
John acknowledged that his homework is to look at the Colorado statutes and make sure the wording is appropriate in the Policy & Guidelines.
Community Activities: Gary noted that we’ve had 2 successful activities and that our next one is Sept 25 at the Prescot’s at 1450 Matthew Circle at 5:00.
Buildings & Grounds: Pamm noted that we had a great turnout for our 2 cleanup days. A phenomenal amount of work was done.
Bear proof dumpsters: Discussed the weight of lid and decided to keep one Bear proof and one regular during the winter to save one of the $150.00 switch out fees.
Linda Beuhring has a proposal for the wild area at the walkway between neighborhoods. She can tell a noxious weed from a regular weed and has been weeding. We have a policy to mow once in the fall and once in the spring. Linda is going to come up with a proposal next spring.
Pamm has available a contact list of our building & grounds contractors, should anyone need personal recommendations.
Insurance Team: No report
Financial Review Team: No report
Long Range Planning Team: Will meet after this meeting.
Beautification Team: Under umbrella of Buildings & Grounds. We feel the 2 work days really enhanced the area. Also, the two signs have been painted.
New Business:
Aaron has a proposed lease for his place over the winter. Linda moved to accept lease, Javier 2nd. Passed.
Next meeting: Thurs Nov. 19 at 5:00
Adjourn: 11:40
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA 7/18/15 Annual & BOD Meeting Minutes
Mountain Fairways 2015 Annual Meeting
7/18/15 3:00 p.m.
Hondius Room at Estes Park Library
Call to Order: 3:00 John Gaddis presiding
Special Recognition: John Gaddis presented Charlie Griffin with a plaque and gift certificate to Kind Coffee for his years of service as president of the association. Over the past 5 years the HOA has been an entirely volunteer run association, without a property manager, ably headed by Charlie.
Introduction of owners present: Ronnie & Colleen, LaRue, John & Sally Gaddis, Gary & Dee Dougherty, Pete & Linda Hogue, Aaron Voboril, Pamm Haglund, Ray & Joan Novy, Susan Novy, Javier & Maria Gomez, Arleta Bell, Arkie Vaughn, Elen Crone, Kathy Beatty, Linda Buehring, Chris Metzger, Diane Yoblin. Proxy received from the Jordans.
Actionable Business:
A.Vote on concurrence with the Board approved 2016 Budget
Pete Hogue explained the budget and how the board determines what it should be.
Questions: Insurance budget is different, why? Answer:The actual billed was higher than estimated. That also happens with the Sanitation District, as well. We were trying to make our determinations based on 2013 & 14, which was the flood years. So everyone was making informed guesses.
B.Vote on concurrence with the Board approved 2016 assessment schedule
Motion was made by Arkie & 2nd by Colleen to accept the budget and assessment. Unanimously passed.
C. Election of 2015-16 Board of Directors
Discussion about why there are 9 names on the slate for only an association of 30 units. Answer: Because we rock with volunteers! Not everyone is a director of the board, there are committees to chair and volunteer on.
Motion was made by Pamm & 2nd by Arleta to accept the slate of officers. Unanimously passed.
D. Approval of last year’s annual meeting minutes 8/2/14
Board Officer’s Report
President: No report
Treasurer: Javier went over the line items of the budget. We are going to keep the bear proof dumpsters year ‘round. The heavy lids will be good in the winter winds. Our biggest expenses are insurance and lawn care.
Operations Director: Pamm gave out a hand-out about the issues concerning buildings & grounds. See attachment. Highlights: Skylights are a top priority this year. We have 7 cracked skylights. Ongoing is gutter repairs and sprinkler repairs.
We have new work orders for owners to fill out for desired HOA work. The HOA’s responsibility is basically from the drywall out. Everything else needs to be approved by the HOA.
Neighborhood clean-up will be July 25 & Aug 1 & 25 at 8:00 am for shrub clean-up.
TV dishes on roofs need an HOA work order to change out, since they leave small holes. We just need to be aware of that, so it doesn’t stay a hole for long.
Secretary: Look at packet for the website info. We’ve had some deaths from original Mountain Fairways owners: Barb Dodson & Sharon Radzloff. I will send cards on behalf of the HOA.
Committee Reports & Pleas for volunteers
Business Practices: Determines the processes the HOA uses to accomplish business
Community Activities: let Gary & Dee Dougherty know if you have some great ideas for neighborhood activities or would like to help with the activities.
New Business: There was a question about landscaping and how the HOA takes care of what is “ugly”. Answer: It all depends on how much we want to pay. We try to keep a balance between what must be done and what would be a beautification improvement. Hense, the volunteer neighborhood clean-up dates managed by the building & grounds committee. See you there! (July 25, Aug 1, & 25)
Owner’s Workshop: 8/15/15. Keep this date open for an opportunity to express your concerns and desires for the following year. This is a State of Colorado mandate that HOA’s have an Owner’s Workshop. Location to be determined.
Linda moved to adjourn: Passed. 4:20.
Board of Directors Meeting
July 18, 2015
4:30 pm Hondius Room at the Library
Call to Order: 4:30 pm
Actionable Business
A. Election of Officers:
President: John Gaddis
Vice-President: Gary Dougherty
Secretary: Susan Novy
Co-treasurers: Javier Gomez & Kathy Beatty
Operations Director: Pamm Haglund
Motion was made by Gary & Ronnie 2nd to accept the slate. Passed.
B. Committee Chairs: all committees need additional volunteers
Business Practices: Pete Hogue
Finance Committee: Pete Hogue
Property Manager: Aaron Voboril Buildings & Grounds: Pamm Haglund Beautification Team (long range landscape planning): Community Activities: Gary & Dee Dougherty (co-chairpersons)
Owner’s Workshop 8/15/15
Javier will look into us having it at the Prudential conference room
There was a question about why the doors and garage door repairs aren’t split between the HOA and Owners.
Answer: That’s the way the HOA’s organizational manual reads. Also, insurance typically divides it that way, too.
Motion to Adjourn. Passed. 5:00.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
HOA Secretary
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA 6/6/15 Minutes
3:00 pm at 1445 Matthew Cr.
Attendees: Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Pamm Haglund, Pete & Linda Hogue, Javier Gomez, Gary Dougherty, Aaron Voboril
Call To Order: 3:00pm
President’s Report: John Gaddis sat in as the Facilitator in the absence of a president.
Minutes: changes to 5/23/15 minutes: Linda Griffin is leaving Finance Committee and changes to Board meeting after Annual Meeting. Otherwise, minutes approved with changes.
Secretary’s Report: Behind with the website. Need financials in pdf format.
Treasurer’s Report: As normal. Question on vole termination bill. Did we authorize this? Apparently, yes. Motion to approve. Passed.
Finance Committee Report: Presented by Pete Hogue.
We started with the Funds Summary. There is a more detailed view that the committee uses; this is a summary of their tool. It summarizes our 3 accounts balances according to whether it’s operating monies or reserve monies. The board agreed to use this tool also.
The committee determined there is no reason to change the monthly assessment in 2016. We’re doing this by adopting a budget for 2016 that uses the carry-forward monies from previous years’ excess monies. Some years we loose money with extra fixes, and some years we don’t use all our money; such as not much snow. Over the years, we’ve accumulated a “carry-over”.
John moved that we transfer a one time $10,500.00 from the carry-over money of the OF Operating Fund and transfer it to the RF Reserve Fund. Gary 2nd. Passed.
John then moved that we take the $10,500.00 from the RF Reserve Fund and fully re-pay the Operating Fund loan balance from 2013. Pamm 2nd. Passed.
We then reviewed the 2016 budget. There is not a significant difference from last year on the operating budget. But, the reserve fund increased due to not painting in 2014 in order to build up monies to cover the next 4 years of painting.
Gary moved to accept the proposed 2016 budget, Pamm 2nd. Passed.
Finance committee proposed that we provide a new capability for owners to make direct payments for their assessments. Javier moved that we accept the proposal, Gary 2nd. Passed.
Regarding the professional accountant review of our account; Barry Stein (the professional accountant) thinks that we are handling our accounting just fine. However, he had suggestions as to how we could improve our use of QuickBooks.
Buildings & Grounds Committee Report: We reviewed the form for dealing with facilities requests and concerns from the owners. We also reviewed the process of handling the form. We determined that the chair of the Buildings and Grounds committee will be this year’s contact, who is Pamm Haglund at 1457 Matthew Cr. 586-2050. The form will be found on the website, or copies will be available at the annual meeting.
Linda moved to accept the form and process and Javier 2nd. Passed.
Gary talked to the home owner about their deck proposal, saying that we needed to know whether the town code will accept their proposal (removing railing in front of glassed in area). Even if the town is fine with it, the board still needs to determine whether it will look appropriate.
Business Practices Committee Report: Discussion about the Beautification Team as it relates to the organization chart.
Discussion on the timeline.
Community Activity Committee Report: Gary sent us an email for dates for a mountain fairways homeowners community pot-luck block party activity. We thought we’d go for it on Friday, June 19 from 5:00 -7:00 at 1431 Matthew Cr. (Gary & Dee Dougherty’s) Bring something (food) to share and your own drinks.
Other Reports:
Long Range Planning Committee: We need volunteers.
Beautification Committee Report: Does the HOA cover the expenses that owners spend to beautify their exterior landscaping? Discussion resolved that owners submit the work order form to Pamm for the HOA to consider. Changes you make on your own is paid by the owner. However, everything should be approved by the board of directors through the Buildings & Grounds committee beforehand.
New Business:
John volunteered to write the President’s letter informing the owners of the annual meeting and the agenda and to make sure proxies are included.
We need to put together a slate of potential board members. Contact John Gaddis if you would like to be put on the slate. Everyone on the slate can be on committees of their choice and will elect the officers.
Parking issues: According to the governing documents, all owners are to park their cars in the garage, if at all possible. There should be no more than 3 vehicles per unit. There should be no street parking, unless absolutely necessary for a very short duration of time. The street is narrow and makes it difficult for owners to get out of their driveway. Also, street parking on each side will completely block traffic.
Garage Sales: The board decided not to have an annual garage sale this year.
Adjourn: 5:10 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
HOA Secretary
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.
EPMFHOA 5/23/15 Minutes
Estes Park Mountain Fairways Home Owner’s Association
Board Meeting 5/23/15
Attendees: Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty, Pamm Haglund, Javier & Maria Gomez, Arleta Bell
Call To Order: 3:05pm
Approval of Minutes: On website. Delay until next meeting.
President’s Report: Charley is now resigned as President and happily moved into his new home. Gary Dougherty, the Vice-President presided over the meeting.
New owners: We’re happy to welcome the following full-time residents: Linda Beauring 1410, Chris Metzger 1422 and Kathy Beatty & Elen Crone 1454. Charley’s sale of his condo will occur mid-June to a full-time resident. Ray & Joan Novy 1449 have moved to Good Sam’s Apt. 104. They will sell sometime in the future.
Renters: We have one long time renter in 1451. There appears to be far more cars and people than the condo should have. The owner has been notified. The renters have been notified that the cars need to be parked only in the driveway and not on the road.
Replacements: We need to replace the following vacancies on committees: Linda Griffin on the Finance Committee; Charley Griffin and Steve Lang on the Building & Grounds Committee.
New Board Members: We will need more volunteers for the board to fill the vacant positions. All residents could join a committee or the board, if desired. We will need to elect at the Annual Meeting, out of the volunteers for the board, a new president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. Some of these positions could be retained by the current volunteers. The committees will need to be “beefed-up” as well. If you have interest or questions, contact one of the current board members.
Upcoming Meetings:
Annual Meeting: elections and old and new business, Sat, July 18 @ 3:00pm in the Hondius Room at the Library.
Board Meeting: meet new members and decide positions. Directly after the Annual Meeting.
Board Retreat/Board Meeting: Sat. Aug.15 @ 1:00.
Owner’s Meeting: determine the owner’s desires for the upcoming year’s agenda with new board. Sat. Aug. 15 @ 3:00. Location to be determined.
Jordan’s Deck Request: John moved to table the request until next meeting while Gary checks the town code. The board had a chance to take a look in order to determine if it would just look like a missing deck railing from a distance. The glass really can’t be seen, so it needs to appear architecturally stable/viable, as well.
Email Votes: 2 email votes were approved over the winter: Adopting revised budget 2015, and Vintage Lawn Care contract for this season.
Treasurer’s Report: Given by Pete Hogue as Chair of the Finance Committee
Nothing unusual on the P& L. The snow removal $1000.00 and $400.00 for aerating bills have been paid. Some repairs have been paid for, but not completed. Aaron has this on his to-do list when he returns. John moved to approve the treasurer’s report. Arleta 2nd. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report: Given by Pamm Haglund.
Aaron is not back yet and has this season’s plan of action.
Business Practices developed a work order form which has not been implemented yet. Linda moved to accept. Pamm 2nd. Passed. The forms will be distributed at the Annual Meeting, until the secretary can figure out how to attach it to the website for easy communications.
Financial Committee Report: Given by Pete Hogue
A financial summary report will be made for the board’s approval.
A Financial Review by professional accountant, Barry Stein, has been done and a meeting to discuss the outcome will be next week. We will look into added functions of Quickbooks that we might implement. We will have the final report by the Annual Meeting.
John moved to approve the report. Arleta 2nd. Passed.
There’s a desire for electronic payment of dues through the website. The Financial Committee will look into options.
Business Practices Committee Report: Given by Pete Hogue
Pete presented the timeline for 6/14-10/15.
New Business: Next board meeting is Sat. June 6 @ 3:00 at Susan Novy’s condo 1445.
John moved to give Charley a $300 gift certificate to Kind Coffee for his years of service as president. Approved.
Gary doesn’t want to preside over the meetings as VP, so John volunteered to run the meetings throughout the Annual Meeting.
Adjourned: 4:35 pm
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.