Buildings & Grounds Reports

This section of the website was started in 2019 and includes the B&G reports that have been approved by the board.


Sept 15 Board Meeting B&G Report This report includes repair and maintenance on: Decks 1422, 1434; Foundations 1438,1440,1442; Driveways 1454, 1410; Gutters 1449, Siding 1454, 1440; and painting, lawn care and snow contracts.


Nov 11 Board Meeting B&G Report This report includes

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EPMFHOA 10/2/16 Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees: John & Sally Gaddis, Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Aaron Voboril, Rick Jordan, Jerry & Phyllis Haight, Pete & Linda Hogue, Chris Metzger, Kathy Beatty, Diane Yoblin, Elen Crane, Ronnie LaRue

Call to Order: 4:00
Minutes from Aug. 27, 2016: Approved

President’s Report: Today we have 12-14 recommendations to act on.
Also, three people have requested “native” information on our Quickbooks records. The use of Quickbooks as one of our accounting tools has created some controversy. The Finance Team does not use all of the components of the tool. There are different schools of thought about that; however, there have been ongoing disagreements about that issue, culminating in the recent involvement of a lawyer on behalf of one of the homeowners.

The Board has indicated to the homeowners requesting the native information that it has privacy concerns regarding giving this information out. The Board has told the requesting homeowners that we need to discuss this at a board meeting and determine what a homeowner does or doesn’t have a right to.

John suggested that since we had a CPA, Barry Stein, look at our books a couple of years ago, and he said that there were some things that we could incorporate into our Quickbooks use that he could teach us, if we wanted, that we could follow up with Barry Stein and have him review the native information in question and then have him provide suggestions in how to improve our use of Quickbooks. Upon discussion with the requesting homeowners, this would satisfy the request for native information, protect the confidentiality of our homeowners’ information, and get us some additional training. After discussion there was a motion made for the HOA to appropriate up to $2500.00 for a review by Barry Stein. The motion authorized the Finance Team to negotiate the terms of the assignment for the Board. The motion provided that Mr. Stein is to interact only with the Finance Team or the Board President during this process. The aforementioned motion was made by Rick and 2nd by Pamm. Passed unanimously.

New Business: Rules & Regulations, Policies & Guidelines updates

  •  New R&R’s vehicle section. Adding some language to existing rule concerning garage and parking uses. Only personal vehicles allowed for long term parking and garage use. See website for complete language. Pamm moved to approve the updated language. Linda seconded. Passed.
  •  Revisions to Policies and Guidelines: Under the Rules, we currently cannot make changes to the P & G’s without notifying through a registered letter to owners. We are modernizing the P & G’s a bit by adding that we can use electronic means or a community posting, such as at the mailbox, to notify the owners. Rick proposed that we add “a community posting” to the existing change. Rick moved that we approve the addition as amended. 2nd. Passed
  •  Website accountability for non-financial information. A document was presented that shows the process of getting things onto the website. Kathy moved that we approve the website accountability. 2nd. Passed.
  •  A new procedural form for handling a request for non-website information that would monitored by the Business Practice Committee. Pamm moved to accept. Linda 2nd. Passed.

    Financial Review:

    The financial team of 4 owners, Arkie Vaughn, Pamm Haglund, Rick Jordan and Gary Dougherty reviewed each line item of our books. They also reviewed all our insurance needs. Discussion revolved around our by-laws stating that the reviewer needs to be a professional accountant and whether or not we want to pay for that. Or should we only pay for a professional when the financial review team has questions on what they find?

    Their findings were:

  •  No concerns regarding anomalies or fraud.
  •  Identified some bookkeeping and process concerns that have been dealt with by thefinancial team
  •  Verified all insurance and found it adequateLinda moved to accept the review. Kathy 2nd. Passed. The service of the team members was noted – they met for 6-7 times and used many hours of time outside of meetings for their review. The Board gave them HUGE thanks.Finance Committee Report:The committee has addressed (and the Board reviewed) all the questions and missing records that the financial review team found. Arkie Vaughn suggests that we have 2 signatures on all checks, not just checks for more than $500. The board feels we have adequate security on our checks with only one signature for amounts under $500. This also makes it easier in the winter time when the other signer is not here. No motion was made to change the current policy and the suggestion was not implemented. Both the financial review team’s summary and the finance committee’s report will be posted on the website.

    Financial P&G update concerning bi-annual reviews on even numbered years. Motion was made to accept. 2nd. Passed.

    The financial committee and buildings & grounds committee recommends that the board adopt the 8 section reserve documents. None of the technical sections have changed. The updates include the ability to deal with new maintenance challenges. Rick moved to accept the updated reserve plan. Pamm 2nd. Passed.

    Review plan for financial page of the website: what should and shouldn’t be included or protected. Linda moved to approve financial website plan. 2nd. Passed.

Financial outsourcing: The Finance Team recommends we do not outsource financial documentation (an accountant keeping the books). John wants to table this recommendation until after we’ve talked to Barry Stein. This was tabled.

Buildings & Grounds:

Pamm proposed discussing giving the responsibility of decks and bridge maintenance to the owners. This is still under review.

Trash: still not through with bear-proof dumpster discussion.

All homeowners must understand that snow removal requires the driveways be clear of vehicles in order to be plowed. If a homeowner’s vehicle is in the driveway, the driveway will not be plowed and snow may pile up behind the vehicle.

Work order forms have been working fabulously.

Aaron needs board approval on painting 5 units on the south sides of Golf Course units. Some of these units have excessive deterioration due to wind carrying water from the golf course spraying the back of the units. Rick moved to approve this additional painting request. 2nd. Passed.

Next Meeting: Sun. Jan 15, 2017 4:00pm at Kathy Beatty’s Adjourned: 6:34pm

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EPMFHOA 8/27/16 Board Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Pete & Linda Hogue, Pamm Haglund, Tim Dawson, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Rick Jordan, Arkie Vaughn, Jerry & Phyllis Haight, Chris Metzger, Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Aaron Voboril

Approval of 07/30/16 minutes: approved.

President’s Report: Summarized what we should try to accomplish during the next year.
Update covenants and by-laws
Update rules and regulations
Bridge maintenance

Committee Reports:

Buildings & Grounds: We are now on a month to month contract with Waste Management at a lesser cost than before. Waste Management is being very accommodating due to customer’s leaving due to bear-proof heavy dumpster lids.

Work order form: most recent is on the website. It seems that it’s working. We’ve received 2 requests. Pamm proposes that buildings & grounds approve your licensed contractor, should there be one. Board agreed to this due to our lack of architectural guidelines.

Bridges & Decking: B&G proposes that original material replacement is the HOA’s expense. However, should there be new different materials for decking or bridges by owner, the owner may need to pay more dues for extra long term maintenance. No decision was made, just the issue presented. B&G will set precedent as to what composite can be used.

Painting: B&G would like to add 4 golf course units to the inner circle units for paint this year, provided there is money.

House Number Upgrade: B&G wants to make the house numbers more visible

Financial Committee: the website is completely updated with the financials. It is password protected.
There’s a 5 year review on the reserve plan. At the owner’s meeting we will go over the Overview Approach and HOA reserve document.
It’s time for our 2 year review team, with proposed committee:Gary Dougherty, Rick Jordan, Pamm Haglund and Arkie Vaughn, to review our financials. Motion was made to accept the proposed review team and process. Approved.
2016 Expense Authority approval: who has the authority to spend the money. We need to see it first before voting.
Funding Source for previously approved 1410 & 1422 drainage project. Motion made to repurpose money for drainage project. Approved.
Cash Reconciliation: The new Cash Reconciliation and Quick Books check register were made available for review.
Website: what should or shouldn’t be on the site. The finance team will make a recommendation and presentation to the board.

Long Range Committee:
Wants to do some research on xeroscape, or anything to reduce our water bills or landscaping.

Community Committee: we don’t know about the next gathering. Volunteers?

Business Practices: We went over the packet. Rules apply to the owners, policies apply to the board. The initial set of policies was reviewed and updated by the Policies Team and presented to the board. Motion was made to accept it. Approved.

Website possibilities reviewed. Business practices team will present what they feel should be on the website.

New Business:

How to deal with requests for our financial ledger. Part of the process is determining what goes on the website. John Gaddis has concern over confidentiality of payment of dues and whether that should be kept private. Under Colorado law the reports that we provide are what owner’s are entitled to. Typically, the general ledger isn’t available.

There have been requests from three homeowners for additional financial information with two homeowners formally requesting access to the Association’s Quick Books general ledger program.  The Association’s policy is to not allow that program to be given out to members due to confidentiality concerns regarding payment histories, checking account information and other private data relating to our owners. The Board’s decision was to wait until the Financial Team Review is completed in approximately 30 days, before determining whether to release that confidential information or not. One Owner, Jerry Haight read a statement regarding his rationale for his request. A copy of that statement was given to the Board’s Secretary.

John Gaddis commented that our Association is a small 30 home HOA and it is essentially an all-volunteer organization. Because we ask our members to do all of our billing, collecting and accounting, and because we are on a cash basis accounting as opposed to accrual  basis accounting, we do not strictly follow GAAP.  However, our financial review teams is looking at our overall accounting as well.

A motion was made to let the Financial Review Team address these issues and report back to the Board in approximately 30 days. Approved.

John Gaddis commented that this HOA intentionally does not follow the “accepted accounting principals” due to the high cost and complexity. For an association of only 30 units we feel we have abundant financial records that are adequate.

Motion was made to let the financial review team add this to their review and make a presentation within 30 days. Approved.

Motion to Adjourn: Passed. 3:00

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EPMFHOA 073116 Annual&Board Meeting Minutes

Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Home owners Association Annual Meeting
July 30, 2016 at 1:00 pm in the Hondius Room at the Library

Attendees: Aaron Voboril, Pamm Haglund, John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Gary Dougherty, Pete & Linda Hogue, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Tim & Leigh Dawson, Linda Buehring, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Chris Metzger, Arkie Vaughn, Nan Belknap, Arleta Bell, Laurie Emmer, Nipon Karmucharya, Ronnie LaRue Proxies: Joan Baker, Don Dodson, Kevin Preston, Don & Amy Miller, Jerry & Phyllis Haight

Call To Order: 1:05 pm
Introductions of those present

President’s Report: Review of handouts in packet. John Gaddis acknowledged Gary Dougherty for his great work with the Community Activites Committee for arranging great parties for the neighborhood to get to know each other. He also acknowledged Pamm Haglund and Aaron Voboril for their great work with the grounds. Also Pete Hogue for his unending organization of the association.


Building & Grounds: Pamm thanked outgoing committee members and introduced incoming members.
The workorder form is on the website on the “contact” page and needs to be filled out and returned to either Pamm, Rick, Elen or Aaron for approval for any changes having to do with the building or grounds. You can do this in person, or scan the form and email to:
The Town of Estes Park has mandated bear proof dumpsters to be locked at all times, except when dumping. We decided to break our 36 month contract with Waste Management ending this coming November. We are going to go month to month with them, which happens to be less expensive. That gives us time to decide how we’re going to handle the bear proof dumpsters or other options; such as individual household trash disposal, which entails owning your own animal resistant container and buying a pack of 10 bags for $35.00 by check or $30.00 cash from Atlas, and use as needed. Trash cans would be able to be put out after 8:00 am for a 9:00 am pick up on Wednesdays. The decision will be one or the other, not a combination.
The straw poll of attendees is 16 for keeping the dumpsters; and 13 for going to individual trash disposal. So it’s very close; and since we’ll be month to month, we’ll see how it goes and see what everyone thinks at a later date~Probably at the Homeowners Workshop in August. See you there so we can all talk trash!

Business Practices: There’s a sign up sheet for any committee or team you’re interested in volunteering on. Or let Pete Hogue know.

Finance: Kathy Beatty is the treasurer. Our financial position looks high right now, due to the big bills for the summer not being paid yet. Regardless, we’re in good financial shape. Should you be paying monthly, Kathy has a locked mailbox on her front entry area that you can drop your monthly dues into rather than mailing, if you wish. She’s at 1454 Matthew Circle.
Pete noted that a subset of the financial information on the website is not correct . The website will be corrected soon.

Community Activities: Gary Dougherty is pleased with how well our monthly evening get togethers have been received. We will continue with this.

Long Range Planning: Tim Dawson presented a report that we may need to raise dues to maintain the property. There was discussion about saving money with landscaping. We’re looking at the economics of that. It would take money, no matter what, to make changes. The finance committee’s stance is that we want to keep the monthly dues low, but we don’t want big special assessments for big changes. We’d rather have little increases and keep our property values up by being well maintained. We find that this is the fairest plan for homeowners who buy into our association at any point in time.
Please participate with this committee.


2017 Budget: The board had approved the budget last board meeting. At this meeting there was a vote to see if the homeowners are in concurrence with the board. Arleta made a motion to concur with the board for the 2017 budget. It was seconded. 18 for, 1 against. Passed. We went over the budget in our packets to understand it first. Every January the finance committee reviews the budget according to what our suppliers are able to let us know about what kind of changes there will be. The roof reserve and operating expenses seem to be fine. We’re concerned with the projects reserve and painting reserve as the amount keeps getting higher than what we have budgeted. The units are getting older, so the projects (siding, grounds problems, etc) are also getting more extensive. We use HOA member volunteers whenever offered, but the materials and most labor needs to be financially covered.

2017 Assessment schedule: Linda moved that we concur with the board on the $15.00/month/unit increase in assessments for 2017 starting January of 2017. Seconded. 16 for, 4 against. Passed.

Election of 2016-2017 Board of Directors:

Slate: John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Tim Dawson, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, Rick Jordan and Linda Hogue.
Pete motioned to accept the slate; seconded. Unanimously passed.
Adjourned: 3:05 pm



July 30, 2016 3:10 pm

Members Present: All 2016/2017 board members plus Pete Hogue and Aaron Voboril

2017 Positions elected from the passed Slate:
President: John Gaddis
Vice President: Tim Dawson
Secretary: Susan Novy
Treasurer: Kathy Beatty
Operations Director: Pamm Haglund

Committee Chair Positions:
Finance: Pete Hogue
Building & Grounds: Pamm Haglund
Business Practices: Pete Hogue
Community Activities: Gary Dougherty

Website team: Susan Novy- webmaster, Rick Jordan
Long Range Planning Team: Tim Dawson
Beautification Team:
New Business:
Pamm Haglund will write a letter to Waste Management to terminate our 36 month service agreement and replace it with a month to month agreement.

The Homeowners Workshop will be focused on updating our rules and regulations & trash.

John moved that we implement the timesheet for Aaron this summer, but not adopt it until we see how it goes. Approved. This timesheet allows us to see what amount of time he’s spending on administrative work and how much time is spent on physical labor.

Work on 1422 and 1410 by Vintage Lawn was approved.
Adjourned: 3:40pm

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EPMFHOA 7/9/16 Board Meeting Minutes


July 9, 2016

Attendees: Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, Aaron Voboril, Gary Dougherty, Pete & Linda Hogue, Arleta Bell, Rick Jordan, Tim Dawson, John Gaddis

Call to Order: 4:00

President’s Report: Updates: Clean-up Day July 23,2016 followed by a picnic- bring a dish- in common areas; Annual Meeting July 30,2016 at Hondius Room at the Library 1:00-3:00; New Board Retreat & Owner’s Meeting Aug. 27,2016 at the Hogue’s(1458) at1:00 (retreat) and 2:30 (Owner’s).

Could we have some volunteers for a website team? Rick Jordan volunteered. More welcome.

Minutes from Last Meeting: approved and are currently on the website.

Treasurer’s Report:

June’s P & L was reviewed and approved. Kathy is going to get a locked outdoor mailbox on her condo’s (1454) porch, for those who are in town and pay monthly to drop off your dues at her place and save a stamp. Keep a look out your next walk around the block.

Committee Reports:

Buildings & Grounds:

Deck Painting: Gary proposed that buildings and grounds keep track of the paint job on the decks and bridges and make work-orders for the home owners to repair outside of a painting year. Discussion followed. No decision was made.

Aaron’s pay: Gary also proposed that we pay Aaron $200.00/week for 5 months, retroactive from May 15th, for his service as Property Manager to the HOA for HOA projects only. This does not include personal/non HOA work-order contract jobs for the owners, which should be compensated by the owners. Even though this is more than what the HOA had previously budgeted on paying him, with the new increased dues budget passed, we will have the money to do that. We all recognize the increased amount of work he does compared to other volunteers. Discussion followed. Proposal was seconded by Pamm, voted on and unanimously passed.

Trash Resolution: Our Waste Management trash contract automatically renews unless contacted within 6 months of renewal. The contract renews Feb.1, 2017. We would need to give our notice by Aug. 1, 2016. Now that we have experience with this, do we need to change? To be continued at the annual meeting…

The tentative board’s position is to leave things as is, and to find a way to enforce what goes into the trash and how to help those who can’t lift the lid.

We will notify Waste Management before Aug.1 anyway, just in case; as there are those on the board who would prefer individual trash pick-up. We think we can change our minds to continue with them up to the renewal date, as they will still be picking up our trash until that date. But we will br charged a fee if we don’t let them know we might drop them 6 months in advance.

Curb Conditions: Gary will talk to the town, since they’ll be chip-sealing Brodie anyway.

This Year’s Paining: The contract is higher than budgeted, but we approved to do it. It will be the inside of the circle buildings on the golf course side.

Aaron’s Assistant: Daniel is available to work for homeowners at the homeowners expense. The HOA has worker’s compensation for him.

Owner’s beautification of grounds: Anything structural or in the ground needs to be approved by the board through a work order, which will be found on the website or through Pamm Haglund and returned to any member of buildings & grounds for approval. THIS INCLUDES PLANTING NEW PLANTS.

Work Order: new form was discussed, improved and passed and will be on the website soon.

Business Practices Committee:

Pete has a document with important dates that will be added to the annual meeting packet.

Pete revised the rules and regulations worksheet to include that commercial vehicles can not be kept in driveways. We have not yet approved the language concerning vehicles in the driveway for the rules & regs. so nothing further was approved.

Team Reports:

Long Range Planning Team: Tim is sorry for the miscommunication on how dues will be raised. We hope everyone’s clear on that now. Come to the annual meeting!

Social Committee: Gary will get invites out to everyone personally for the picnic

Financial Team:  Pete went over the proposed budget worksheet for 2017. The worksheet was discussed and revised and approved w/changes. This will be included in the annual meeting packets.

Pete said he’d have a revised reserve plan ready for the owner’s workshop- not the annual meeting, as proposals at the annual meeting may determine what additional changes need to be made.


Proposed New Board Slate:

Gary Dougherty and Arleta Bell are both retiring from the board. Ronnie may resign as well. Thank you for your hard work and participation!

Those who are on the new board slate so far are: John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, Aaron Voboril, Linda Hogue, Tim Dawson and Rick Jordan.

The Board is comprised of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Operations Manager.

The Board positions will be determined from the slate after the slate is elected. Then the committees, teams and chairpeople will be appointed by the board from those left on the slate (according to what committee or team you’ve said you would like to serve on) 

The committees are: Buildings & Grounds, Finance, Community Activities and Business Practices. The teams are: Long Range Planning, Beautification, Insurance, Website (newly added this meeting) and Financial Review.

Let John Gaddis know if you’re interested in serving on the board and what position, so you can be included on the slate.

Aaron’s lease: Aaron would like to lease his condo for the winter to the same person as last year. Approved.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:00pm

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EPMFHOA 060416 Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees: John Gaddis, Aleta Bell, Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Pete Hogue, Tim Dawson, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, Aaron Voboril, Gary Dougherty,Sally Gaddis; and Ronnie LaRue by teleconference.

Call to Order: 4:04

Approval of previous minutes: approved

Treasurer’s Report: Susan taught Kathy how to post to the website, so there’s at least two people who know how to access and update the website. Kathy will post financials to the website. There was a motion to approve the financials as distributed. Approved.

Committee Reports:
Finance: We completed the Assessments proposal to be talked about with the Long Range Planning committee report.
Buildings & Grounds:
We’re considering keeping some siding on hand for emergency repairs.
The north golf course side of the street will be painted sometime in September, we suspect. The painter hasn’t confirmed a date.
We’re working on having a downloadable work-order pdf on the website.
We’re proposing that the HOA pay $150.00 for replacement chimney caps, when necessary. Kathy thought the amount was not enough for high wind caps, since hers blew off. We’re looking at bids and paying for an HOA approved chimney cap for her. John proposed that Buildings & Grounds determine what chimney cap should be HOA approved kind and have re-imbursements be on a case by case basis.

  • Aaron’s assistant: We interviewed a Serbian student, Daniel, who is here for the summer and is very gung-ho and capable of general maintenance for only $15.00/hour. Aaron’s assistant will only work on HOA work order approved projects.
  • Concrete drain trough for Brodie Units: eventually this needs to be done. Aaron is looking in to bids
  • 1422 sidewalk drainage issues: we may need to re-terrace and add more rocks to keep from icing up in the winter. Aaron is getting pricing.
  • Bush/Hedge trimming: Jeb, our landscaper, will do this towards the end of the summer.
  • Domestic animal management: There have been complaints about the number of animals in a unit (1451). The Town of Estes Park restricts animals to 3/home. Anything above that is considered a commercial enterprise. Gary will have a talk with them.
  • Skylights: some acrylic skylights are cracked and need replacements. We would like to order 10, in order to have some extra at a better price. Linda moved that we purchase the 10 skylights and the finance committee will take care of the revision on the reserve. Approved.
  • Split rail fence: some will be replaced
  • Siding: Gary researched and determined that aluminum siding is too expensive.

Long Range Planning:
Our finances are running hand to mouth and are underfunded. We’re proposing that our dues go up $15.00/month next year and an additional $10.00/month every year thereafter through year 2020; totaling a $45.00/month increase over a 4 year period. Then we should be adequately funded. The two areas that are underfunded are the projects reserve and painting reserve. The committee proposes that we use this 4 year plan, instead of all at once, with annual reviews and possible revisions. Pamm moved to adopt this plan. Approved.

In order to keep our great sense of community going, we thought of having a gathering/barbecue in the common area after the grounds clean-up days.

Dates to mark on your calendars:

Social Night: June 25, 2016 from 5:00-7:00 at Sherry Rielly’s 1444, bring snack to share

Next Board Meeting (to adopt the 2017 budget): July 9, 2016 at Pamm’s at 4:00.

Clean-up Day followed by BBQ : July 23, 2016; 8:00am-noonish for grounds clean-up; 5:00 for BBQ, bring a dish to share. More info to come from the Community Activities and Buildings & Grounds committees.

Annual Meeting date: July 30, 2016, 1:00-3:00 at the Hondius Room at the Library

Board Retreat and Homeowners Workshop: August 27,2016 at the Hogue’s 1458. 1:00 for the board retreat and 2:30 for the homeowner’s workshop.

All these dates are approved.

Prospective new board members: Tim Dawson, Rick Jordan have volunteered and are testing the waters at board meetings prior to the annual meeting/election.

Business Practices:
We need a team meeting for revising the policies and guidelines draft material.

Community Activities:
Maria Gomez is moving and leaving the committee. Sherry Rielly and Elen Crone have joined the committee.
Old Business:
Trash: The Waste Management contract needs to have notice by August 1 to cancel by Feb.1, 2017. We’ll give notice, even if we change our mind.

New Business:
Commercial vehicles: see rules & regs. (no vehicles, rv’s, parked or stored in driveway)
Discussion was made about how our residential units are not to be used for commercial business , so therefore it makes sense not to allow commercial vehicles to be parked in driveways.
Motion made to add commercial vehicles to the rules and regs. Approved.

Garage Sales: only one date per year for the HOA. This year’s has passed.

Enforcement of Rules & Reg.: Many organizations have an enforcement team. We’ll talk about that later… after a few beers at the BBQ.

Meeting adjourned:6:14

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EPMFHOA March 17, 2016 Email Board Meeting


Happy Springtime in the Rockies!! Happy Easter!!
As promised, we are having our March 17 meeting via email. Here is how it works for now (I will explore some better ways to do this – if you have one let me know – I think Google Docs has a better way but I am not familiar enough yet to suggest it):

1. Each item as reported on will have a place for you to approve the request or to deny it. Some items are included as attachments. If you want to elaborate on the subject, or your vote, DO IT!
2. I will tally the votes and get the results out next week.
3. Minutes of prior meeting: Discussion? APPROVE _X_ DISAPPROVE ___
4. Review the financials: See attached. Please advise if you have any specific questions regarding the financials. APPROVE _X_ DISAPPROVE __
5. Finance: A report: frustration is growing over those who pay monthly and who pay late. I suggest that we write as a board to those who are late asking for payment on time. Perhaps peer pressure will help. APPROVE _X__ DISAPPROVE ___
6. Report from Buildings and Grounds: Work Orders are being used. Windows for Kathy and Ellen have been approved (paid by owners); two leaky skylights to be repaired as a HOA expense; bear proof dumpsters are proposed by B&G and it is proposed that homeowners be notified that they will be open a short time in the morning and then again in the evening only;

Please advise if you have questions about the dumpsters:

7. Long Range Planning: exploring possible replacement siding for all buildings;
8. Garage Sale: Susan suggest that we have another garage sale on one specific date to be chosen; OK to let Susan work out the date? APPROVE _X__ DISAPPROVE ___


March 28,2016

Good morning Board Members,

The resolutions all passed unanimously.

Also, Susan, why don’t you give some thought to what day makes the most sense for the community garage sale and then send around an email with your suggestion and we can vote on that quickly too?



April 20,2016

Hi All,

I’ve only had 5 responses of people wanting to participate in a garage sale. Others are willing to help out or come shopping. Of those 5, only 1 wanted it later than April 30. Therefore, I’m going with my mom’s request of April 30 for the garage sale.

Her reasoning is that there’s 2 large charity garage sales in May. She wants to sell as much as she can before then and take the remains to these sales. Also, she feels it’s best to be one of the first garage sales rather than in the middle of all of them.

The benefit for the association is that there’s not as much local car traffic in the area in April as in June. So the locals won’t be inconvenienced as much.

So get your stuff ready and we’ll have it from 9:00-5:00 Saturday April 30. (well, my mom wants it that long- we might just go 9:00-noon—let me know) If those participating could make a garage sale sign for in front of your place, that would be helpful. Also, it was recommended to also add to the sign “not liable for accidents”. This was from a seasoned garage saler 🙂

Let me know if you have something you want mentioned in the ad.

Susan Novy


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