2017 Board Meeting Minutes Dec 9

MFHOA Board Meeting

9 December 2017

4:30 @ 1445 Matthew Circle

Attendees: Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty, Tim & Leigh Dawson, Rick & Claudia Jordan, John Gaddis, Linda Buehring, Don Miller, Elen Crone, Tim & Julie Walsh, Chris Metzger, Don Dodson

by phone: Pete & Linda Hogue, Joan Baker, Aaron Voboril, Steve & Ann Poznic

Call to order: 4:30

Approval of minutes from last meeting:  Aug 26Sept 16, Nov. 4 minutes to be provisionally approved with format to be discussed further. John moved to approve minutes, Kathy 2nd; approved. 

President Report:  Tim and Leigh will be out of town a lot due to Leigh having a temporary teaching position out of state.

Treasurer’s Report:

November Financials are available on the website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

On November 30, 2017, Kathy updated our accounts at USBank and closed the safe deposit box. The accounts were owned by Charley Griffin. They require an individual to be the owner; that is now me. Kathy submitted a list of our current board officers, as the bank required this to update our accounts (attached). We should update this annually after the new board is seated each year.

Kathy removed Charley and Javier as official signers from all accounts. Kathy is an official signer on all 3 accounts now. Pamm is an official signer on the checking and savings account. Not that a person does not need to be an official signer to sign checks, as long as that person is approved by us. The bank doesn’t care who actually signs the checks.

Kathy removed all the contents of the safe deposit box. There wasn’t any gold bullion, unfortunately. There was not a credit card in the box. There once was a debit card for the checking account, but it has long been expired and wasn’t in the box.

The following documents were being stored there:

  • Copy of the certificate of incorporation and the articles of incorporation
  • Copy of the easement grant
  • Copies of the quit claim deeds for all 3 properties (main property (2 copies) and 2 out-lots  (open space on the north end)

ACTION ITEM: We need to add a second official signer to the reserve savings account. A board officer (Tim, Rick, Susan) can do this him/herself. He/she should add themselves to all 3 accounts as well as the reserve savings account. If we want to add Pamm as the second signer on the reserve savings account, Kathy must accompany her to the bank to do so, since she is not a board officer.

ACTION ITEM: Do the documents from the safe deposit box need to have special, safe storage?

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Beatty

John moved that we accept the treasurer’s report and accept Pamm as a secondary signer on the account. Rick 2nd. Approved.

Secretary’s Report: Susan has made a separate category for 2018 Roofing Project so that for future reference, it’s all in one spot.

Vice President report: (Rick’s insurance findings meeting with American Family)

We don’t have a claim with the shingles due to insurance not covering faulty materials.

We have 3 types of coverage: fraud, property and liability. Property is appraised at 9.4 M dollars. Our insurance company thinks that we are adequately insured with the 10% increase. American Family is our insurance company and is very competitive and less than what we were paying when we had State Farm. Most of Estes Park condo associations had the same lawyer draw up the Declarations. She needs to see ours in order to determine what is covered according to our Declarations. Our fraud insurance covers up to 150% of our budget. Our current deductible is $1000.00. That may be increased by the insurance company to $5000.00.

Buildings & Grounds Committee: (Pamm and Aaron report on options regarding shingles and gutters)

We are consistently have more and more leakage. Our 50 year shingles are not holding up. They are cracking and splitting. We submitted a claim to Tamko and received 80% of material replacement. We need to act on this before August 2018. If we have to do this, we might as well do the gutters as well. We may need to put new skylights also. So the bid includes roofs, seamless gutters and New Velux 20 year warranty double pane glass skylights @ $250.00 each. Then we’ll have a clean slate with documentation on everything.

After many hours of correspondence with roofing vendors, Aaron acting as our Property Asset Manager and I (Pamm) acting as Operations Director are recommending we choose Majestic Roofing of Loveland, CO to complete our roof, skylight and gutter replacement.  This includes roof replacement work, such as roof venting.

Reasons for selecting Majestic Roofing are:

1.  Better quality of substrate materials for roof valleys, skylight curbs and roofing perimeter.

2.  Heavier gauge flashing for skylights.

3.  No cost for gutter removal and disposal.

4,  Better liability insurance coverage.

5.  Identified concerns when working around existing substandard skylights.

6.  References from Northridge Meadow Condo Association and one other homeowner, both in Estes Park “Would use Majestic Roofing again”.

7.  Very quick response to our questions or concerns when working with us during estimate creation.

8.  Best price among the 4 bids submitted.

9.  Will partner with Thermal Concepts for gutter replacement, making Majestic Roofing our single point of contact for both roofs and gutters.

Finance Committee: (Kathy and Pete report on options regarding funding the shingles and gutters project) See project plan in the new 2018 Roofing Project category.

It appears that the assessment will total $180,000.00 split by 30 homeowners to be around $6000.00 per owner. John moved that we anticipate a $6000.00 per unit assessment to be paid by May 15. Kathy 2nd.  Unanimously approved. 

Linda moved that we approve B&G’s recommendation to accept the Majestic Roofing estimate for the roofs and gutters and skylights. Rick 2nd. Unanimously Approved.

Rick moves that we approve the project plan high level timeline and project proposal . Linda 2nd. Approved. 

Rick found that our Declarations may require a vote of all the homeowners for special assessments over $2000.00

Business Practices Committee: Pete and John reported on a proposal for the HOA to purchase a laptop, screen and projector. Right now all the information of the HOA is kept on various board member’s personal computers and some is transferred to the website. The committee feels an HOA asset of a laptop to keep all the records on is important. Having a projector and screen would also make board meetings easier to show and explain items. 

John moved to purchase a laptop, projector and screen for HOA use. Rick 2nd. Approved.

Community Activities Committee: Kathy and Elen are having a party Friday Dec.15 at 4:00.

Long Range Planning Committee: no report. 

Other old business: none.

New business:  Next meeting, Sunday Jan 28, 2018 

Adjournment: 6:00

Posted in Minutes 2017 by with 3 comments.

2017 Board Meeting Minutes Nov 4

Special Board Meeting
Nov. 4, 2017 @4:00 @ Pamm’s
Re: Assessments

Attendees: Pamm Haglund, John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Nan Belknap
By phone: Pete & Linda Hogue, Aaron Voboril, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Sherry Reilly

Monthly Assessment: The proposal recommended by the partnership of  Buildings & Grounds and Finance that addresses the 2018 budget, the 2018 assessments, and the two key roles involved was discussed.
John moved that we accept the proposal as per attachment, Linda seconded. Passed.

Board Laptop Asset: there was discussion about having a laptop as a board asset instead of a borrowed one. Business Practices will come up with a solution for this.

Roof & Gutter Replacement: We’ve received two estimates, one from Loveland Roofing and one from APEX Roofing. We’ve also received an 80% replacement value from Tamko, the asphalt shingle manufacturer. Part of the problem is the defective roofing product and part of the problem is the lack of better ventilation due to the original construction. All of the units roofs have shingles that are cracking and have water underneath and are consequently failing. Not fixing them will affect the sheathing being damaged and more leaking will occur. The cathedral ceilings will get ridge peak ventilation as a ventilation improvement at an additional charge to the roofing bids. New gutters will also be an additional charge to the roofing installation.

Is this the correct shingle for Estes Park? The Tamko shingle is a 50 year wear warranty shingle with 10 year wind warranty, which is what is recommended by local roofers, as it’s heavier than regular shingles, even though they rarely last 50 years. But it is the same shingle only, at the 80% replacement value. No other color options.

The board agrees that the roofs and gutters need to be done within the next year in order to take advantage of the 80% replacement value discount by Aug.1, 2018. How will we pay for it? is the next question. The total is approximately $240,000.00 (includes the 80% discount on materials + full labor, plus ventilation and gutters) less the $60,000.00 in the roof reserve or $6,000.00/unit. Will we pay for it by Special Assessment? Loan from bank? Loan from owners? Roof reserve increase? Pros and cons were discussed. Special assessment has the most pros. The money would be needed around April or possibly in a couple of increments.

The Board will review all of the proposed bids for the roofing/gutters at the next meeting and make a determination regarding the best bid. In addition, the Board will review financing options and make a recommendation to all the owners. It is anticipated that the Board will thereafter publish its recommendations to the owners and schedule a meeting mid-January to discuss all issues regarding the roofs, gutters and financing.

Next meeting: Dec. 9th @ 4:30 at Susan’s- 1445.

Adjourned: 5:41

Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy, HOA Secretary

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2017 by with 1 comment.

2017 Board Meeting Minutes Sept 9

EPMFHOA Board Meeting

Attendees: Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund, Aaron Voberil, John Gaddis, Tim Dawson, Kathy Beatty, Rich Jordan & Pete Hogue. Linda Hogue gave her proxy to Pamm Haglund.

Minutes of Annual Meeting: “change property manager” to “asset manager” throughout. Rick motioned to accept the annual minutes with said changes and the July 8th board meeting minutes and Pamm seconded. Passed. We will defer the August 26th minutes until next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: August Financials are available on the website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
Since the last board meeting, we have had two notable Reserve expenditures:
$1000.00 to Richard Mitza, hired to replace Fowler Roofing.
$800.00 to Stumpnut Tree Care for the removal of stumps remaining after tree removals.
In addition, we received a refund of $2123.00 from Fowler Roofing. They deducted $470.11 from the original $2660.00 for siding which was paid for by them and delivered directly to us. Aaron is contacting them about the $66.89 discrepancy. I have deleted the additional $2660.00 from Accounts Payable.
We have one homeowner who has a balance of $20.00 past due over 90 days. After numerous efforts by myself to request payment, giving them the benefit of the doubt and a grace period of 90 days, I have charged them the $25.00 late fee this month, and will continue to add the fee each month until paid in full.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty

Finance Committee Report:
A new form was presented for use when overexpenditures are requested by Buildings & Grounds to the Finance Committee. This has recently been used on the Brodie Paint Reserve project due to the extra prep work. Pamm moved that we approve the Overexpenditure worksheet with added change of a summary. Kathy seconded. Approved. This is being done so that transfers of funds are also approved by the board. Pamm motioned to move the money from the project reserve to the paint reserve this overexpenditure. Kathy seconded. Approved.

Over Expenditure Worksheet

Buildings & Grounds Committee Report:

  • Shingle Status: John requested that B&G will make a proposal/explanation as to determine if we can get a better roof or how, within our year’s delivery time, what we’re really going to do.
  • Tamko offered 80% product replacement. John Gaddis reviewing offer – can we get money instead of product?
  • Loveland roofing:Inspected roofs for hail damage – none.
    They will provide a bid for:Tear off, install, flashing and ice/water shield
  • Gutter replacement: while replacing roofs should we replace gutters?
    Aaron receiving a bid for all units fromFront Range Seamless Gutters – recommended by Loveland roofing.
  • Painting:
    Brodie (approx. $21,000) units and 1458 ($800 estimate).
  • Structural maintenance:
    Siding $3,600.
    Bridge and deck $3,500.
  • Bridges composite replacement:
    Waiting for bids 1433 and 1437.
  • Still looking for Property Asset Manager.
  • Driveway sealcoating and Brodie patch/crack seal complete ($7,300).
  • Tree, bush and stump removal:
  • To be completed: massive bush removal around 1443 (approx. $200).
  • General landscaping:
    Multiple rock enhancements.
    New bushes.
  • Wild area clean up:
    All split rail fencing and posts will be removed by Oct. 1st.
    Relocating fence mounted bird houses to posts.
    Remove multiple steel posts.
  • Gallo: Indispensable assistant for Aaron.
    Available through the winter for B&G sanctioned work (gutters, etc.).
  • Non-compliance of required homeowner structural maintenance:
    We have homeowners not abiding by Estes Park trash compliance.
    Board to send out an email/hand out reminding homeowners NOT to leave trash out.
    Trash bag(s) continue to be left on top of the north dumpster overnight.
    Known $1,000 Estes Park town fine for non-compliance.
    Propose any trash related fines to be paid for by violating homeowner(s).

Business Practices Committee Report:There is a new document pertaining to how the minutes are presented to the membership.

Long Range Planning Report:
There’s a meeting Tuesday Sept. 26 at 1436 regarding the yarrow plant (there is a native yarrow plant that may be a good option to use as grass.) architectural review team and electronic files. Paper documents are by request. Everything is currently being sent via email and on the website.
John moved to approve the LRP’s report that indicates major changes to our existing landscape is not financially feasible. Kathy seconded. Approved.
John moved to approve the LRP’s report that indicates alternative siding is not financially feasible. Kathy seconded. Approved.

New Business:
There was discussion to add text in the HOA vs. Owner Cost Responsibility document clarifying porches and fireplace/chimneys. (There was discussion concerning whatever exterior permanent upgrade, no matter who is responsible for it- owner or HOA, must have a workorder filled out, so the HOA knows/approves of the project and upcoming maintenance for it) Kathy moved that with the added text changes we approve the new document. John seconded. Approved.


Next Meeting: Sunday Jan. 28, 2018 at 3:00pm at Pamm Haglund’s

Meeting Adjourned: 5:05pm


Minutes Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- secretary




Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2017 by with no comments yet.

2017 Board Meeting Minutes Aug 26


8/26/17 (Sat), 1:00 PM, 1458 Matthew Circle

Attendees: Board members present: Linda Hogue, Rick Jordan, Tim Dawson, Kathy Beatty

Board members absent: John Gaddis, Susan Novy, Pamm Haglund
Other attendees: Chris Metzger, Pete Hogue, Elen Crone, Aaron Voboril

Call to Order At 1:00 PM

President’s Report: Tim stated that his goal was to have more transparency about HOA actions. He wants as much information as possible on the web site. Hopefully having the info posted on the web site will allow members to find their own answers & free up board members time. Tim stressed that his personal priorities are family, work, and HOA business.

Approving the minutes from both the 7/8/17 & the 7/30/17 meetings was tabled until everyone has a chance to see the final copy.

Treasurers Report :

August has been a busy month for us, with many major expenditures:
In early August, Aaron contracted with Fowler Roofing to do major repair work on the Brodie bridges and decks. The entire contract is for $5320.00. We paid the first half of $2660.00 up front, with the balance due upon completion of the work.
In addition, urgent repair had to be done on Gary’s bridge, at a cost of $1070.00.
The water bill jumped from $512.42 in July (May-June usage) to $1956.77 (June-July usage).
Driveway sealcoating cost $7400.00
Tree removal came in at $700.00. Aaron found a local company, Affordable Tree Service. Thank you Aaron, for saving us so much money on this!
We have the ongoing issue of our one homeowner’s inability to pay their assessments correctly. They are only $20.00 in arrears, but have not paid the correct amount since January, sometimes overpaying and sometimes underpaying. Because the $20.00 is now 90 days in arrears, I have informed them that I will begin tacking on our $25.00 per month late fee if they are not paid up in full by September 10th.
Despite the heavy expenditures, as of today our book checking account balance is $49,676.73, so we are not in any danger of running out of cash, nor are we in danger of tapping into the reserve funds which have not yet been transferred to the reserve savings account.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty

Finance Committee Report:

Expense authorities (Handout: Those authorized to order work up to the annual budgeted amount for insurance,computer costs, legal, sewer, snow removal, trash and billing/anomolies and transfer of reserve funds is the treasurer; for lawn maintenance, sprinkler system, property management contract labor, asset manager, repairs, water and reserves is the operations manager; for office expenses is the secretary) after discussion Kathy moved & Linda seconded approving the expense authorities as presented. Motion passed.

Payable authorities (Handout: checks over $500.00 require 2 signatures. Checking account authorized signers are Kathy Beatty, Arleta Bell, Pamm Haglund, John Gaddis and Rick Jordan; for both the operations and reserves savings account is Kathy Beatty and Rick Jordan.) after discussion Linda moved & Rick seconded approving the payable authorities as presented. Motion passed.

Financial Documents On The Web Page (handout). After discussion Rick moved & Kathy seconded approving the Financial Documents on The Web Page as amended. The amendment was to have two items moved from the P (protected) section to the O (open) section. Motion passed.

Assessments Overview (material in advance) after discussion it was moved and seconded approving the An Overview of Our Assessments document as presented. Motion passed. This also appears under Annual Budgets on the website: EPMF 2017 Assessments Overview

Business Practices Committee Report:

The 2017-2018 line-up on committees are:

Finance Committee: Pete Hogue- chair, Linda Hogue, Kathy Beatty, Rick Jordan and Arkie Vaughn

Buildings & Grounds Committee: Pamm Haglund*-chair, Rick Jordan, Elen Crone, Aaron Voboril*, Chris Metzger and Ronnie LaRue. *= will serve as point of contact for asset manager

Business Practices Committee: John Gaddis- chair, Susan Novy, Pete Hogue, Sally Gaddis

Community Activities Committee: Gary Dougherty-chair, Pamm Haglund, Dee Dougherty, Colleene LaRue, Sally Gaddis

after discussion Kathy moved & Rick seconded approving the organizational chart as presented. Motion passed

Rules & Policies Review Project (Handout: There was a proposed committee and process for reviewing and getting current the rules & policies ) after discussion Linda moved & Rick seconded approving the project to review the Rules & Policies with the amendment to say work to be completed by Sept. 2017 or as the committee decides. Motion passed.

HOA Versus Owner Cost Responsibilities (material in advance) after discussion Kathy moved & Rick seconded approving the HOA Verses Owner Cost Replacement as amended. The 9/2/17 amendment is to add detail information on porches and fireplaces (an action item for the finance team) and to add porches to Definition 1b. Motion passed. This form is also found under the By-laws tab as HOA vs. Owner costs

Long Range Planning Team Report:

Architectural Design & Control Project (LRP would like to head the newly created Architectural Design & Control committee. They present an overview of approach to architectural guidelines handout) after discussion Rick moved & Linda seconded approving the architectural design & control project as presented. Motion passed


Insurance Team after discussion – with the value of our units going up, do we still have enough insurance? Kathy moved & Rick seconded approving the reactivating of the Insurance Team made up of Gary Dougherty, John Gaddis & Pete Hogue. Volunteers to this team will be sought out at the Owners Workshop. Motion passed.

The Board will have a meeting on Sept. 16th. Time and place TBD.

Aaron presented a report for B & G. They have met with a second possible candidate for the position of Property Assets Manager.


Meeting adjourned at 2:25.


Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2017 by with no comments yet.

2017 Annual Board Meeting Minutes July 30

EPMF Board Meeting
Hondius Room at the Library 4:15

Attendees: Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Pamm Haglund, Time Dawson, Rick Jordon, Pete & Linda Hogue, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone

Election of Officers: The following officers were elected:
President: Tim Dawson
Vice President: Rick Jordan
Secretary: Susan Novy
Treasurer: Kathy Beatty
Operations Manager: Pamm Haglund
Members at Large:
John Gaddis
Linda Hogue

Committee Chairs:
Activities: Gary Dougherty
Business Practices: John Gaddis
Finance: Pete Hogue
Buildings & Grounds: Pamm Haglund

Web Page
Long Range Planning

New Business:
We deferred the discussion about roof repairs/maintenance coming out of the roof reserve to the next meeting.

Adjourned 4:45

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2017 by with comments disabled.

2017 Annual Meeting Minutes July 30

Annual Meeting
July 30, 2017
Library Hondius Room 1:30pm

Attendees: Susan Novy, John & Sally Gaddis, Pete & Linda Hogue, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Tim & Leigh Dawson, Ronnie LaRue, Chris Metzger, Don & Amy Miller, Diane Yoblin, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Pamm Haglund, Linda Buehring, Nipan Karmacharya , Julie Walsh, Jerry & Phyllis Haight, Arkie & Jan Vaughn, Arleta Bell, Aaron Voberil, Gary Dougherty and Laurie Emmer.
Proxies: Deborah & David Bouziden, Don Dodson, Nan Belknap, Joan Baker, Kevin Preston

A quorum was present for the meeting.

Minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting: Pamm Haglund moved to approve minutes, Rick Jordan seconded. Approved.

President’s Report: Regarding communications: The Board mailed hard copies to those without email and emailed the rest. Those in attendance were requested to verify their email addresses.

There were requests to give notice of the Board meetings and the other committees via email. The board will consider this; however, the next board meeting is typically stated at the end of the minutes that gets emailed and is also found on the website. Currently, only those who have signed up for a committee get notice of that committee’s meetings.

(secretary’s editorial comment: So make sure at the Owner’s Meeting to sign up for whatever committees you wish to keep informed about. If you have an email, we know you’re capable of looking at the website: www.epmfhoa.com. Even though most of you admitted to never looking at the website, it is the easiest venue to give the most information on. It’s also good to become familiar with should you decide to sell and need to give your realtor a good selling tool.)

John reviewed the meeting agenda. He continued with the President’s Report.

This year the HOA has had 4 board meetings, an owners meeting; we’ve updated all of our accounting (Kathy’s hard work) with Barry Stein, our accountant consultant; reserve studies have been done on roofs & warranties, painting, driveways, and lawn care. The long range planning committee has done extensive studies on building siding, and lawn care/landscaping with the conclusion being that it wouldn’t currently be financially feasible for either. Buildings & Grounds has done extensive work with putting together a work day and monitoring our contracts and many repairs. We are in compliance with Estes Park’s bear trash cans- heavy as they are. Susan takes wonderful care of the minutes and website and Gary keeps the parties going.

Regarding the HOA assessments: If we took out the amount paid to our reserve accounts, we would decrease our assessments by 40%. However, that would require large and substantial special assessments, from time to time. The board and association wants to avoid special assessments and the association has conducted reserve studies that determine what amounts need to be collected on a monthly basis to have the money necessary for roofs, painting, driveways and capital projects. The President noted that the age of the project will require regular and expensive upkeep.

Our current asset manager, Aaron, has given his notice about retiring from the property asset management. Historically much of Aaron’s work has been volunteer. His help has been wonderful. However, the HOA will now be faced with paying for those services. The 2018 budget is planned with a $35.00/unit/month increase to cover having a paid property manager working more hours during the summer season and less hours in the off season. This is in addition to the 2nd year of the 4 year $10.00/unit/month reserve assessment increase. Consequently, the total additional assessment in 2018 could be as high as $45/unit/month. (More discussion on this under : Budget)

The President noted that there will be an Owner’s Meeting at 1458 Matthew Circle on August 26, 2017 at 2:30 PM- after the 1:00 board retreat. It is important for all owners to attend – this is a good time to ask questions and to volunteer for one of the HOA committees.

Buildings & Grounds Report:
The committee is trying to document when things are done with work orders. That way we know when changes are made and who paid for it. Once something is “stuck in the ground” it’s the property of the HOA and the responsibility of the HOA to take care of it, so consequently, we need to keep track of that. It also gives a good history on units when you’re looking to sell.

We have a list of established approved vendors for painting and lawn care and other maintenance requirements. We are now looking for a paid asset manager. This person would handle the work-orders for HOA-asset maintenance, contracts and projects. Perhaps able to do some of the labor, as well. This person would be under the supervision of Buildings & Grounds.

Our 12 roofs have warranty issues- from 25%-100% failure. We have spent hours and hours putting together multiple shingles and pictures and mounds of paperwork to send to the manufacturer and installer. Tamko, the manufacturer, will get back to us within 6 weeks to let us know what they will do.

Finance Team Report: Nothing is out of the ordinary so far this year with payments. All monthly reports are on the website: epmfhoa.com. Jerry Haight would like the nomenclature for categories to be standard accounting principles financial nomenclature. Kathy said that when setting up the books, the nomenclature was set by and is standard for Quickbooks. We renamed a few accounts to more correctly reflect our use of them.

Discussion was made on money being transferred to reserve account only once per year and whether it should be transferred every month and put into an accumulating account. The Board took that issue under advisement.

Long Range Planning: Right now, the committee doesn’t think it’s financially feasible to consider xeriscape or new siding. They looked at what we are spending money on and whether or not we could reduce it. It doesn’t seem so.

The $35.00/unit/month assessment increase is due to needing an asset manager to replace the partially volunteered labor of Aaron. We are looking for a candidate and we only have an estimate for the expected expense. Aaron has also indicated that he may be able to help out some next year but that is not definite. Once the Board locates an asset manager, the amount could change. As passed a year ago, there is an incremental increase for four years, through 2020. The incremental change of $10.00/unit/month for 2018 is for the reserve amount needed covering increases in paint and projects for the reserve only- not yearly operating costs, which the $35/unit/month would fall under.

Linda moved that we accept the 2018 budget and the proposed assessments as proposed by the board with the amendment that the board will potentially make responsible changes as the property-asset management issue evolves. (This means the additional assessment increase may not be as high as $35, and we will know by Dec.1 what the actual amount will be, so that those who would like to take advantage of the annual pre-pay discount will have an actual figure for 2018)

Rick Jordan seconded.
The amendment to the motion was passed.
The motion was passed.

The election of the board slate:
John Gaddis
Kathy Beatty
Susan Novy
Tim Dawson
Linda Hogue
Rick Jordan

Arkie moved to elect the slate as proposed. Arleta seconded. Approved.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:05 pm



Posted in Minutes 2017 by with comments disabled.

2017 Board Meeting Minutes July 8

At John Gaddis’ at 4:00pm

Attendees: Pamm Haglund, Elen Crone, Kathy Beatty, Aaron Voberil, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Tim Dawson, Rick Jordan

Minutes from 6/11/17: approved with changes.

President’s Report: 2 big items on the agenda: approving the 2018 budget and determining the slate of board of directors to propose to the HOA at the Annual Meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: The Board reviewed the HOA’s 6 month financials. We still have one person who overpays, which makes for more unwanted bookkeeping. Everything else is in line with the budget and is routine. For our information, on a regular basis, the treasurer (Kathy) averages around 5 hours per week of work, however over the winter when updating the processes in Quickbooks, Kathy spent around 30 hours per week. This was all volunteer work. That’s all thankfully completed by now. All finances are only posted on the website:www.epmfhoa.com. Rick moved to accept the June 30th financials, Pamm seconded. Unanimously approved.

Budget: 2 key documents are: 2018 Budget worksheet and 2018 Assessment worksheet.
Both will appear on the website under a new “Budget” category.

2018 Budget Worksheet: One significant item, is that we will need to pay for a property manager, as Aaron is retiring from that position and nobody else has volunteered for it. We’re expecting a deficit by the end of 2017, but we had a carry forward last year, so there won’t appear a deficit. We have looked at many ways in which to be more frugal, however, they would all end up costing more. Our large expenditures are: insurance, sewer, on-going maintenance, water and sprinkler system. What’s driving the expenses is age of the units, the cost to maintain them, the cost to paint them, and increasing utilities from the town. We are saving for the costs of painting, restoring some of the siding, and new roofs. This savings component for our reserves is a very large part of the yearly assessments. Also, we need to look into our insurance and make sure we’re not underinsured with the new tax assessments.

2018 Assessment Worksheet: We’re going to propose a $540/year/owner increase in 2018 to cover the additional $35/owner for property manager/operating expense and $10.00/owner for the previously approved 2018 reserve increases which equals a total of a $45.00/month/owner increase in assessments.

Linda made a motion to accept the 2018 budget, the 2018 assessment worksheet and the increase in monthly assessment. Rick seconded.  Approved.

Those who have currently volunteered to be on the 2018 Slate of Board of Directors:
Kathy Beatty
Susan Novy
Rick Jordan
Linda Hogue
Tim Dawson
Pamm Haglund
John Gaddis

Buildings & Grounds:

Roofs: Due to the premature failure of some of our roofing shingles, we are making a warranty claim to the manufacturer. To do that, we are required to send in 2 shingles from every building, and pictures for each section of roof that is failing (12 buildings) to send to the manufacturer in order to make a claim. Aaron is heading this up and it is underway. We expect to hear in approximately two months from the manufacturer.

The Annual Meeting is at 1:30 on Sunday, August 30, 2017 at the Hondius Room at the Estes Park Library.

Adjourned: 5:40

Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy – secretary


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2017 Board Meeting Minutes June 11

EPMFHOA Board Meeting
6/11/17 at 4:00 at the Gaddis’s

Attendees: John & Sally Gaddis, Linda & Pete Hogue, Kathy Beatty, Tim Dawson, Aaron Voboril, Elen Crone, Susan Novy, Rick Jordan

President’s Report: Everyone had a fine winter- some warmer than others.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from Jan. 15th approved.

Treasurer’s Report: All the requests for, and financial work done on QuickBooks paid off. Everything is working great now and we have new reports that work with ease! The biggest change was a new database as of Jan 1, 2017 and revising our methodology according to Barry Stein’s (our accountant consultant) recommendation. There was a motion to accept the financial changes made according to Barry Stein’s recommendations by Linda, seconded by Rick. Passed.
As a volunteer organization, should the HOA charge an administrative fee for the extra work necessitated by habitually late/or wrong amount assessments? We do have a late fee, but a very few owners are routinely and habitually late – which creates significant additional work. Should we have an extra administrative fee for those who habitually pay the wrong amount, as well? The Finance committee will determine whether they need to present a proposal to the board about this.

Buildings & Grounds Committee Report:
Posts: 13 posts were replaced and 2 rails. It’s 50/50 on the opinion of removing the post fencing.
Work Day & Party: Next Saturday 8:00am for some landscaping and to paint the house numbers; followed by a picnic at 5:00 in the lawn area between Nan (1434) and Chris’s (1422). Everyone is invited and everyone is asked to bring a covered dish to share. Bring your tastiest!
Seal Coating: will be done on all except the Brodie units in late June or early July.
Needle Blight: 14 spruce trees have the blight and will be treated.
Roofs: all units may need some warranty work. Due to the extreme amount of work necessary to submit each claim, we are submitting one test claim We’re only 10 years into our 30 year warranty.
Property Manager: This is Aaron’s last year as property manager, so we are going to be interviewing a possible successor.
Paint: the Brodie Units will be painted this year.

Long Range Planning Committee:
They are in the initial stages of development for architectural design guidelines and construction standards documents. A little further down the line we might do a survey of the entire homeowners for some input. We will also discuss this at the annual meeting.
Business Practices: The time line for this year’s meetings was discussed and determined. The organization chart was reviewed.

Community Activities. The plans for the work day and picnic on June 17th were discussed.

Annual meeting: Sun. July 30th 1:30 at the Hondius Room in the Library. Sally will work on refreshments.
Board Retreat: at the Hogue’s (1458) on Sat. August 26 at 1:00
Annual Owner Workshop: at the Hogue’s on Sat. August at 2:30
Board Meeting to adopt the 2018 budget and approve the slate of officers nominations for the annual meeting: Sat. July 8th at the Gaddis’s (1456 ) at 4:00.

Please let Board members know if you would like to serve on the Board next year.

John Gaddis will retire as President..

Meeting Adjourned at 5:30.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy – HOA Secretary

Posted in Minutes 2017 by with comments disabled.

2017 Board Meeting Minutes Jan 15

Jan 15, 2017 Board Meeting

Call to Order: 1:10

Attendees: Kathy Beatty, Pamm Haglund, Susan Novy, Elen Crone, Rick Jordan, Tim Dawson; and Pete & Linda Hogue via phone.

Minutes: change last minutes to “Buildings & Grounds” instead of “Financial Review Team” on approving Review.

Vice President Report: Yeah to Pamm for all the snow removal! Trash seems to be working fine so far this winter, even with all the snow. A special thanks to Pete and Kathy for all their work on the 2017 budget.


Buildings & Grounds:
Pamm discussed the snow removal and is very pleased with our contractor. He will not shovel sidewalks, decks, porches or bridges. Only the driveways. It’s $500.00 per removal. We have $1500.00 in the annual budget and have had 5 removals so far. He gets here when he can, since we’re not his only contract. The hospital will always come before us.

We will look into roof replacements and repairs with Aaron come spring. We will also talk about the seal coating. After the snow melts, we may have much more to take a look at for maintenance in the spring.

Finance: Kathy has been putting together a new data base on Quickbooks. She will send both data bases to Barry Stein for review and approval of our process.
We do have a few late payers on dues and we’re discussing how to handle this. We don’t want volunteer board members to have to get into the collections business. Remember, if you’re in town, Kathy has a HOA mailbox at her condo, 1454 Matthew, for your convenience. Walk over and save a stamp. Otherwise, the mailing address is 1460 Matthew Circle, which does not correlate to any physical building- only a box at the cluster boxes.

Pete discussed how we overspent by 15K in 2016 with maintenance. We don’t know what our new normal is going to be. So the 2017 budget has a new guess on the new normal with a clean new data base that Kathy has been working on. We discussed and clarified the 2017 budget. Linda moves that we adopt the budget as presented. Approved.

Rick moved to accept the presenting of the expense authority and 3 year reserve plan. Approved.

Business Practices: no report from Pete. Susan has changed the hosting to lifetime.hosting for the website, so that we won’t have renewal bills that may be missed. Our nameserver doesn’t renew until 2021. She might look into getting a lifetime domain name as well. All these companies will only bill real people, so there’s no way to have the bill sent to a company (it could be a robot). So should anything happen to Susan, nobody else would ever know when the renewals were and the site would be shut down. So this should alleviate that from ever happening.

Community Activities: Party!!: Friday, February 10 at @ 5:00 at Tim Dawson’s
1437 Matthew Cr.
In April or May, Tim would like to host an ongoing Thursday afternoon HOA Business After Hours, drinks and fun festivity. BYOB, I assume 🙂 More on this later…

Long Range Planning: Siding and landscaping changes would be too cost prohibitive at this point in time to consider. However, Aaron would like to consider different forms of grass (not the smokin’ kind), so anyone who has any knowledge of landscaping grasses is welcome to join the committee or attend meetings.
Some of our roofs are showing wear and are not to be replaced until the early 2030’s. We’ll be looking into our 30 year warranties and try to find out why we’re having failures already.


Snow Removal: Should we change to 4” removal or keep it at 6” for driveway snow removal? Discussion followed, including possible snow fences, holiday guest liability and abilities of owners. It was decided no change to the current contract will be made, as we have such helpful neighbors. Any additional snow removal beyond the driveways needs to be at the expense of the owners. You may want to have your owner’s insurance company talk to the HOA’s insurance company to make sure everyone’s covered, should you decide to hire someone. It’s a gray area.

Snowblower: Should we purchase one? Discussion followed about whether it would even work for the short sidewalks and whether we would have any insurance on owners using the snowblower. We would if the owner was a contract laborer for the HOA. More research needs to be done. Snowblowers can throw stones real well!

Next Board Meeting:
April 30, 2017 at Dawson’s 1437 Matthew Circle at 1:00. All welcome!

Meeting Adjourned:

Posted in Minutes 2017 by with comments disabled.