2018 Board Meeting Minutes Oct 21
EPMFHOA Board Meeting
Oct. 21, 2018
Attendees: Susan Novy, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Nan Belknap, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Arleta Bell, John Gaddis
By phone: Pete & Linda Hogue
Call to Order: 4:06
Secretary’s Report:
John moved to accept the 9/30/18 minutes as on the website, Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Susan requested that part of the job description of the new PAM be to write a written B&G report to be included in the minutes of the board meetings, similar to what Kathy puts together for the treasurer’s report. Something that’s complete enough to give the board enough information to make decisions on, including listings of all workorders by unit and their progress.
Treasurer’s Report:
September financials are available on the website. Thank you, Pete and Anne for all the work you did to figure out and enter the several difficult adjustments needed to close out the month
The owner who is on a payment plan was once again very late with the September payment, and is late on the October payment as well.
I sent out emails (snail mails to those without email) to all owners notifying us of 1) the $10.00 per month previously planned increase in assessments, and 2) including details of how much will be billed if an owner takes advantage of the 2% annual payment discount. You should all have received the email by now.
All these expenses were approved by the board, however, we had a cash flow problem this month due to high reserve expenses this year. Specifically, the bill to Village Maintenance for painting was $19,074.00, and we didn’t have enough in the checking account to cover it. To make sure we cover it and have enough cash on hand for the rest of the year, after consulting with the Finance Team I transferred $30,000.00 from Reserve Savings to the Operating Checking account. If this should prove insufficient to cover expenses for the rest of the year, our fallback is to send out 2019 invoices early and request those who are willing to pay early. Should this need arise, the Board may need to make quick decision and do an email vote to handle the situation. At this time we are not anticipating the need for this, but it is important to keep our options open.
It is important to understand that we are not in trouble financially because of this cash flow issue. The $30,000.00 we transferred from the Reserve Savings account was money paid out of the Operating account for Reserve account spending. We will fully resolve this when we do our normal year-end Reserve/Operating accounting.
As of today (10/19/2018), our cash on hand in bank accounts is:
• Checking account $49,718.09
• Reserve Savings $917.40
• Regular Savings $7,655.79
These figures reflect the $30,000.00 transferred from Reserve Savings to Operating Checking on Oct. 17th.
These figures do not include any checks or deposits which have not cleared the bank, including the $19,074.00 payment to Village Maintenance for painting. Coming up we also have the Upper Thomson Sanitation bill of $4,424.12, which will be withdrawn from the checking account automatically on Oct. 23rd.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty
John moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Kathy 2nd. Passed.
B & G Report:
Carol Prince has agreed to head the building & grounds committee as the property asset manager. John moved that we hire Carol as the PAM at $500/mo. through the end of the year and then determine her contractor status by the 1st of the year. Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Deck Status: We don’t know much about the Dodson’s deck progress. We know we have the permits from the city and the sewer approval. Jordan’s deck will be next. They would like to pay for it themselves this year and be reimbursed by the HOA next year, in order to get it done this year.
Drainage: B&G did a walk around to determine which units have drainage going towards the building vs away from the building and the state of the sprinkler heads. A report will be made prioritizing which ones need immediate attention and which we can just whittle away at as we can.
Windows: We expect that Aaron sent a letter to the owners whose windows needs replacing stating when he thinks the replacement needs to happen by.
Old Business:
We looked at a document that Pete devised about clarifying the decision-making responsibilities of the board vs owners. We felt that it needed some amendments. John moved that we table any decision on it now, Kathy 2nd. Passed.
We reviewed a portion of the Declarations regarding how owners receive the financial reports of the board. We may need to modernize how it’s stated, since we currently do so much via email and on the website.
John would like all the board members to commit to read the declarations and bylaws by the next meeting.
New Business:
1447 rental agreement was reviewed. John moved that we accept the lease agreement provided there really is only one car and 2 people. Kathy 2nd. Passed. We are concerned about the driveway being shoveled if they leave the car in the driveway, as there has been more than one vehicle there never in the garage.
Dumpster Locks: Kathy looked into locks. She bought a couple for us to look at and see if we could open them. We’re still undecided on what to do long term. Linda moved that we try the locks for a month and get feedback as to what you think. John 2nd. Passed. The combo is: R0CKY. (that’s a zero in there)
Adjourned: 5:30
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- sec.
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Board Meeting Minutes Sept 30
EPMFHOA Board Meeting
9/30/18 @ 3:00
(pending approval)
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Aaron Voboril, Steve & Anne Poznic, Pete & Linda Hogue, Diane Yoblin, Nan Belknap, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Sherry Rielly, Carol Prince, John Gaddis, Ronny LaRue
Call to Order: 3:03
August 25 Annual Meeting: Kathy Beatty moves to approve the minutes, Linda 2nd. Passed
August 25 board meeting minutes: Kathy Beatty moved to approve the minutes, Linda Hogue 2nd. Passed.
Sept 8 Owner Workshop Report: Linda Hogue moved to approve the workshop report. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
August financials are available on the website. I will notify you when September financials are posted in October.
Our owner who was on a payment plan has landed a year-round job and has verbally notified me that they should be in better position to pay their assessments in a timely manner.
Anne Poznic has successfully assumed the role of Financial Secretary. Please thank her for taking on this important job. Anne and I have ironed out most of the details of the changes we are making for separation of roles between Treasurer and Financial Secretary. We are not moving the lock box, which will remain on my porch. Both Anne and I have a key for it, so you can use it for checks, invoices, etc. for either of us.
We are considerably over budget this year, mainly due to large unexpected expenses that have been and will continued to be incurred to repair our aging and deteriorating decks. The Finance Team report will present the details.
As of today (9/28/2018), our cash on hand in bank accounts is:
• Checking account $26,206.56
• Reserve Savings $30,917.40
• Regular Savings $7,655.79
This figure does not include any checks or deposits which have not cleared the bank.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty
Linda moved to accept the treasurer’s report. John 2nd. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
The new property manager, David Salazar, that we had contracted, is not going to work out for various reasons, including a new job that he has acquired. We will pay him for what he has worked. John movedthat we reimburse Gary $34 that he paid David. Passed.
PAM & Handyman Business Process: Kathy moved that we approve this document as a work in progress. Passed.
Carol Prince has volunteered to be added to the Buildings & Grounds committee.
Winter PAM coverage: The Operations Manager will guide the B&G to see how much of this work can be done by volunteers vs a paid contractor. This is a work in progress as to how it will be handled.
Decks: We finished 5 decks: 1446, 1443,1441,1437, and 1411 which all had rotten structures. The builders didn’t use pre-treated lumber when the decks were built. This has amounted to $13-19/s.f. cost. Don Dodson’s deck (1448) is running higher than expected, approx. $9K for the HOA portion of the rebuild. We only have another 6-7 more decks to repair. The rest are looking good.
Windows: One unit has a kitchen window that will need replacing, another unit also has a window that will need replacing so as to not damage the building. Aaron will write a letter to both units and give the owners a timeline for having the windows replaced.
Painting: Painting along the golf course will be finished soon. It is coming in under budget. Yeah!! The reason is that the north side of both the Brodie units and Golf course units hasn’t been painted since that side is holding up so well. We’re using a new paint from Sherwin Williams in hopes of the paint lasting a longer time. Only touch-ups have needed to be done on that side.
Everyone thanked Aaron for all his years of service!!! He has agreed to be on the B&G committee acting as a consultant to the committee and board.
Finance Team Update:
Financial Review Team Report: Ann Poznic, Pamm Haglund, Gary Dougherty and Nan Belknap reviewed our Financial statements to determine whether the Finance Team is handling our finances appropriately.
They found everything to be handled correctly and made some minor suggestions concerning validating B&G expenses vs budget. Linda moved approve the report, John 2nd. Passed.
Over-Expenditure Worksheet: We were surprised by the amount of expense that the decks have incurred. We’re looking at a $21,700 over-expenditure for only 4 Brodie decks and one other deck due to not using treated wood. So we are now stopping all work, unless there is a safety issue. We currently have enough money to finish these decks, but we’re not sure how we’re going to move forward. The worksheet goes over the problem for the board to understand. John moved that we pay the overage on the decks with the understanding that we will be saving money on the paint project and realizing the numbers aren’t final. Linda 2nd . Passed.
Long Range Planning Team:
Claudia went over a new Violations and Enforcement document. John moved the approval of the Violations & Enforcement document. Kathy 2nd. Passed.
New Business:
We can always use more volunteers.
We’re looking into ways of locking the dumpsters so others don’t use them for free.
Adjourned: 5:03
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Annual Meeting and Following Board Meeting 082518
EPMFHOA Annual Meeting
Aug. 25, 2018
EP Library Hondius Room
(Approved 9/30/18)
Attendees: Colleen LaRue, Aaron Voboril, Pamm Haglund, Susan Novy, Diane Yoblin, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Pete & Linda Hogue, Julie Walsh, Carol Prince, Nan Belkamp, Ann & Steve Poznic, Arleta Bell, Kathy Kennedy, Kathy Beatty, ELen Crone, Linda Buehring, John Gaddis
Proxies: Gary & Dee Dougherty, Timothy Dawson, Kevin Preston & Deborah Kinney
Quorum Announced: quorum met with 18 units of 30. (Needed over 15 units being represented.)
Approval of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes: John Gaddis moved to approve the minutes, Linda Hogue seconded. Passed.
Year Review:
President’s Report–Rick Jordan: Tim Dawson (the President had to resign due to a family emergency, so Rick Jordan(vice-president) stepped in to take his place. He really appreciates the amount of homeowner involvement that we’ve had. We had a tough year financially, with the special assessment for the failing roofs. Hours & hours of work went into determining how the shingles failed. Tamko, the manufacturer, gave us 80% of the cost of the shingles replacement and no labor.
We have a regular 4:00 happy hour Thursdays at the Hanger Restaurant, while weather lasts.
Finance– Pete Hogue: Highlights of the year are: the extraordinary challenge of the roof project and coming up with a solution for all owners for the special assessment that was needed. Then we needed to determine if an increase in dues is needed now or not do certain projects. We also have an upcoming challenge determining what it takes to manage and repair the common limited elements (decks and bridges) and how to get better numbers into the reserve plan.
Buildings & Grounds-Aaron Voboril: All the roofs, skylights and gutters are now completed. Tamko’s warranty on this roof will pay for materials and labor for 20 years and prorated for materials only the next 30 years. We feel that we got a very good deal on both the materials and labor. We also removed some trees and trimmed some trees this year. We’re also referring a new property asset manager, David Salazar, to the board.
Business Practices- John Gaddis: Last year we purchased a laptop and projector, which we feel are helping our HOA progress. We talked about how we keep our records and how to kindly enforce our rules and regulations. Look at the website to see what’s there and if you’d like to see anything else there.
There was some discussion on how the special assessment was handled according to our declarations and by-laws. Pete and John acknowledged that everything happened according to compliance.
Community Activities- Gary Dougherty: Gary’s at a high school reunion, so Collen LaRue gave the report. Due to the mess of the roofs being replaced, all parties were cancelled. Next Saturday’s picnic needs to be cancelled, as well. Colleen’s considering the next picnic to be September 15 at 5:00. Arleta and Nan will help out.
Long Range Planning- Claudia Jordan: We’re working on rules and regulations enforcement. We’re working on architectural design. Also, some grass research.(not weed;-) Working with website as to how to get committee notes on the website, or anything else that people would like to see. Currently the website has been for potential buyers and homeowners to have access to only the board approved information of the HOA; so as to not confuse committee reports with approved items. (Perhaps a new website for committees.epmfhoa.com might be appropriate. ~SN webmistress)
Homeowner Votes:
Vote on concurrence of Board Approved 2019 Budget: Pete went over the Key Budget facts, which is in the annual meeting packet for those who came to the meeting. The financial plan is on the website. John Gaddis moved that we approve the 2019 Budget, Pamm Haglund seconded. Passed.
Vote on concurrence of Board Approved 2019 Assessment Schedule: Linda Hogue moved to accept the 2019 Assessment Schedule, Carol Prince seconded. Passed.
Election of 2018-1019 Board Members: The slate includes: Rick Jordan, Kathy Beatty, Susan Novy, John Gaddis and Linda Hogue. Arleta Bell moved to accept the slate, Carol Prince seconded. Passed.
Other Business
Potluck cancelled for next Saturday and rescheduled for Sept. 15.
Deck Repair Discussion– Pamm Haglund: Pamm is appealing the board’s decision to pay for too large of a portion of Don Dodson’s deck. There wasn’t a permit pulled on his add-on, which is 40% of the deck. The $9K proposal doesn’t include the architectural design and other items. Now the full deck replacement is $11K. Pamm is requesting the unpermitted portion (40%) be paid by Don Dodson or we tear it out and put in grass.
John Gaddis responded on behalf of the board. The issue was that in the Declaration, who is responsible for the limited common elements? It says the HOA is responsible for maintaining the common elements. We haven’t had the need to focus on decks until a couple years ago. We looked at various policies to determine what to do. What we found is that the HOA needs to maintain the decks. All deck add-ons require a permit and all permits need to be approved by the HOA according to the town. We don’t know what the policy was when Don purchased his condo. We came to the compromise that Don pay for the flooring and railings and the labor for that, and the HOA pay for the demo, structure and the labor for that. At the time of the board’s discussion, the board didn’t know the cost of the project, as all the bids weren’t in and none of the demolition had begun to be able to tell the full extent of the project; but we felt that Don should pay for a part of it, as nobody can find the permit for the add-on that the HOA has maintained with paint for 30 years. Without adequate numbers and information, this was the compromise that all parties concerned agreed to. The board will discuss Pamm’s appeal that Don should pay for 40% of the final cost, as opposed to the splitting of specific materials and labor that the board and Don agreed to. Pete requested that the question of when owners can vote on an issue versus the board be discussed at the Homeowners Workshop. Agreed.
Arleta is concerned about the trash containers. Can we get lighter lid containers? Can we look in to what else is available? She sent around pictures of the YMCA’s dumpsters that have different lids. This can be discussed at the Owners Workshop, as well.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- secretary
EPMFHOA Board Meeting
4:15 Hondius Room
August 25,2018
(Approved 9/30/18)
Attendees: Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty, John Gaddis, Pete & Linda Hogue, Aaron Voboril, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Elen Crone
Approval of July 14 Minutes: John moved to approve the minutes, Kathy seconded. Passed.
Elect Board Officers: Passed.
President: Rick Jordan
Vice President: Linda Hogue
Secretary: Susan Novy
Treasurer: Kathy Beatty
Operations Director: Rick Jordan
Member at Large: John Gaddis
Committee/Team members:
Finance: Pete Hogue- Chairperson
Buildings & Grounds: Rick Jordan & Elen Crone- co-chairpersons, Ronnie LaRue, Aaron Voboril and property asset manager
Communuty Activities: Gary Dougherty- chairperson , Colleen LaRue, Arleta Bell, Nan Belkamp
Business Practices: John Gaddis- chairperson, Pete Hogue, Kathy Kennedy, Webmaster: Susan Novy
Treasurer’s Report: Approved as follows:
June and July Financials are on the website. In addition, budget materials for 2019 are on the website on the Annual Budgets page. Additional information and handouts will be shared during the Finance Committee’s report.
Our owner who was on a payment plan was paid up through July 31st, but is now in arrears again.
Anne Poznic, one of our new owners this year, has agreed to step into the role of Financial Secretary. This role was defined many years ago, in the attached document. As Treasurer, I will be working with Anne to redefine the division of responsibilities between Treasurer and Financial Secretary. As part of this work we will update this document to reflect any changes. Anne has been learning our Quickbooks procedures over the last two months, and those of you who receive monthly invoices may have noticed that the September email was sent with Anne’s account. Anne will begin “doing the books” in September. I will be available to answer any questions and provide any other assistance she needs. Please give Anne a huge “THANK YOU!” for taking this on!
We are in the process or have completed repair or replacement of several decks. While the Property Asset Manager has done his best to keep costs down, between our aging buildings and inflation, it is becoming ever more expensive to make these repairs. To help cover the costs, the Board approved moving $5,000.00 from the Projects reserve to the Paint reserve (the “Paint” reserve is used to pay for building exterior wall expenses, in addition to painting – siding, decks, etc.). This was done in the July books. Note that this is an accounting transfer; no money was moved.
As of today (8/23), our cash on hand is:
• Checking account $40,195.66
• Reserve Savings $30,916.88
• Regular Savings $7,655.60
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty
Property Manager Candidate: John says he will write a contract for an independent contractor.
John Gaddis moved that we have the president and Aaron negotiate with the candidate for the payment through the end of the year and then start the $900.00/mo after that. Also, that they have the authority to hire him. Passed.
Buildings and Grounds:
Aaron has contract for asphalt project. It’s within his expense authority to go ahead with that.
Adjourned: 4:44
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- secretary
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Board Meeting Minutes July 14
EPMFHOA Board Meeting
July 14,2018
1458 Matthew Circle
(approved 8/25/18)
Attendees: Steve Poznic Rick &Claudia Jordan, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Pete & Linda Hogue, Aaron Voberil, Chris Metzger, Pamm Haglund, Colleen LaRue, Susan Novy, John Gaddis
Approval of June 2, 2018 minutes: The annual meeting won’t be in the US Bank. Linda didn’t hear about the discontent about the trimming at the meeting. Take out the judgmental statements, then approve. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
May Financials are posted on the website. However, the website is down, and June Financials are not posted. I am attaching June Financials to this email.
Our owner who was on a payment plan is now paid up to date through July 31st. As of today (7/12), I have not received checks from two monthly payers, but both are using BillPay (automatic payment), and I expect to get their checks whenever the post office decides to deliver them.
The Roof Replacement Project (RRP) is done, and came in $3,225.26 under budget!
Majestic still has a few items to finish before the job is complete. We are withholding final payment until all items are complete.
As of today (7/12), our cash on hand is:
- Checking account $60,348.74 (includes $880.00 in undeposited funds)
- Reserve Savings $30,916.63
- Regular Savings $7,655.60
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty
Buildings & Grounds Committee Report: Aaron is resigning his position as property manager effective Sept. 1, 2018. Aaron’s Resignation Letter
Roof Replacement Project: 2 chimneys are left to go. They will be replaced with cement board instead of wood. Some painting of ceilings where leaks occurred while replacing roofs and skylights will be painted by the roofer, unless the owner does some pre-repairs themselves. Then it’s on the owner.There are other minor repairs that will be done.
Pamm handed over the Tamko documentation; Pete put it in the file cabinet.
Decks: Don Dodson’s deck bid came in at $17,000.00. More bids will be requested. Nonpermitted portion of deck was next to a sprinkler head with only a 10” of footing causing rotting throughout. The HOA should only pay for what was on the original plat since 9 other units have exactly what’s on the plat. This owner was one of the original owners who bought the unit with the unpermitted portion of the deck added on before the final purchase. We don’t know why the builder agreed to this. Owners are responsible for getting the permit that the HOA signs off on, as all permits are on file with Larimer County since the original plat.
John moved: re: decks & bridges. The HOA is responsible for all maintenance of decks and bridges according to the original plat and any subsequent permitted changes. Kathy 2nd. Passed with 2 abstaining from vote.
Trees: The Stump Nut will grind down the stumps from the removed trees.
Drainage: We need to add to the Long Range Planning Committee to look into our drainage situation.
Windows: 1451 Kitchen window is looking like it needs replacing soon by the homeowner. Aaron will let them know and give a time frame.
Finance Team Update: 2019 Budget & Assessment
There are 5 documents and 1 action: Transferring some of budget funds from one account to another. We don’t want a reserve to go negative. 5K from projects reserve to paint reserve. Motion made by Linda to transfer the funds. Passed.
3 year plan shows two teams have worked on the financing and have concluded a need to resolve the deck replacements, driveway cycle, roof reserve paradigm and the Brodie concrete trough for the budget. There was a motion to approve the 3 year plan. Passed.
Assessment plan: We’re extending the current plan from 2020 to 2022. With increases and upcoming projects, we’re expecting to need the $10/month increase in dues for 2019 that was initially approved in the 2016 three year plan (that $15, $10 & $10 plan). It is hoped that it can remain level until 2022. A motion was made to accept 2019 assessment plan. Passed.
Budget Worksheet: Some areas go up and some go down. We will have at least 34K in the bank until the roofing reserve increases. John moved to accept the budget plan. Passed. Come to the annual meeting for the details.
Annual meeting: Aug 25th . We will try to get the library Hondius room
Next Board Meeting: directly following the annual meeting
Board Retreat: Sept 8 @ 2:30 at the Hogue’s
Owner’s Workshop and potluck: Sept 8 @ 4:00. Workshop to be at the Hogue’s. Potluck will be somewhere close. The party committee will work on this.
We need more board & committee members for next year. Please contact a board member if you’re interested. (or you may be nominated😊)
Violations and Enforcement Material: deferred until later.
Insurance: The insurance company thinks we’re good
Website: the website is down due to spam being sent from it. We don’t know how it got hacked to have that happen, and we’re working on getting it back up somehow.
Slab: A motion was made by Kathy to let the concrete slab at Linda’s stay for grilling safety. 2nd by Susan. Passed.
Adjournment: 6:15pm
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Board Meeting Minutes June 2
EPMFHOA Board Meeting
6/2/18 @ 2:00
At the Hogues 1458
(approved 7/14/18)
Attendees: Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty, John Gaddis, Aaron Voboril, Chris Metzger, Don Dodson & Katherine Schwartzkopf, Steve & Ann Poznic
By phone: Rick Jordan, Elen Crone
Call to Order: 4:10
Approve April 14 minutes: John moved to approved minutes, Linda seconded. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
MFHOA Treasurer’s Report – June 2, 2018
April Financials are available on the website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. May Financials are in progress. To make sure I have the roof replacement loans booked correctly, I have asked owner Nan Belknap (who has extensive Quickbooks/bookkeeping experience) to review what I have done. Until we complete that review (in the next few days), the May Financials will not be available on the website. We may need to consult with our Accountant, Barry Stein, if Nan is unable to confirm all is correctly done.
As of this week, we have one owner in arrears on their monthly assessments. As of May 31st, they owe one full month plus a partial amount for one month. Because they have said they will pay as they are able, the Finance Chair and Treasurer have agreed to waive late fees for the time being. Note that as of June 10th, they will be almost 3 months in arrears.
All Special Assessments are paid. Three owners took the payment plan; we borrowed $12,000.00 from the Project Reserve to pay the $4,000.00 balance for each of them. They will be billed in future years, as outlined in previous documents.
The bill for 2017-2018 snow removal was only $400.00 this year.
We had hardly any snow this winter, which makes drought conditions likely this summer.
As of today (Friday, June 2), our cash on hand is:
- Checking account $298,507.49
- Reserve Savings $30,916.34
- Regular Savings $7,654.59
- We transferred $12,000.00 from Reserve Savings to Checking for the Special Assessments loans.
- We transferred $51,395.00 from Reserve Savings to Checking. The additional $6,605.00 (bringing the total to $58,000.00) was already in the Checking account. We transferred the same amounts from the Roof Reserve restricted assets account (the $51,395.00), and from the Roof Reserve income account ($6,605.00), to the Roof Replacement Project income account. The additional $2,000.00 will come from future regular monthly assessments this year. Please see the May financials when they are available, if this is unclear.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty
Ann Poznic volunteered to help Kathy.
Kathy received $420.00 from the owner who is in arrears, but on June 2nd, so it’s not reflected in the report or in the financials for May.
John moved to approve the report. Rick seconded. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
ROOFING: Brodie & Pamm’s Buildings should be complete by Monday. Satellites have been left disconnected for longer than should have been. Daily clean-up is lacking, but workmanship is good. Skylights have been a mess due to slightly different sizes and sawdust getting everywhere. This has caused matters to move along more slowly than expected. Any new damage in drywall or countertops will be covered and documented by Majestic. (however, Owners may want to take pictures of your skylights before work begins.) Gutters should start Monday.
We have not received 40% of our shingles. They’re starting manufacturing 6/4 and should be delivered by 6/8 approximately. This means the second wave of installations should follow shortly after the completion of first wave.
TREE TRIMMING: Kathy moved that all committee chairs publish notice of the meetings to the owners. John seconded. Passed. The discussion on this matter was instigated due to the discontent about some of the tree trimming. Appeals were made, one was lost and one was won, however, the outcome was not as promised to the owner that won the appeal. This caused more discontent. At least, for the most part, everything looks nice and tidy. By letting everyone know when the meetings are and what the agenda is (should there be one), everyone has the chance to offer good referrals for the projects at hand, as well as email in their 2 cents worth or show up to the meeting.
DECKS: some look as if they’re settling, some seem that they have failing structural damage. We are still considering how to address how this is going to be paid for. The HOA normally just covers maintenance of painting and minor repairs. John looked at our declaration and it covers a lot of the issues we’re wondering about. The owners are to keep the limited common element (deck, patio and maybe driveway) clean and sanitary and cannot make any changes to them without consent of the HOA. But the HOA is responsible to pay for the maintenance of the limited common elements. The HOA has not saved for major replacement of decks. John moved that the HOA needs to make sure the Dodson’s deck is safe. Rick seconded. Passed.
Windows: The HOA is available to give advice to homeowners that need new windows.
FINANCE TEAM REPORT: Kathy reported on this in the Treasurer’s Report. For dealing with unplanned expense issues, the committees with the expense budget deals with it.
“Violations & Enforcement Material” has been developed by the Long Range Planning Team and Business Practices. There will be a presentation next meeting as to what it entails.
John moves that a landscaping plan be assigned to the Long Range Planning team. Kathy seconded. Passed. The discussion around this was to ensure that LRP is in charge of all changes to landscaping via a set landscaping plan, as opposed to B&G making a plan up as they go.
We need to set the annual meeting and an owners meeting. A board meeting to adopt the annual budget and slate needs to happen before the other meetings.
Board Meeting: July 14th @ the Hogues
Annual Meeting: Aug 25th @ US Bank meeting room.
Board Retreat and Owner’s Workshop & BBQ: Sat. Sept 8.
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Board Meeting Minutes April 14
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA
Board Meeting 4/14/18
1:30 @ Rick’s (1433)
(approved 6/2/18)
Attendees: Susan Novy, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, John Gaddis, Arleta Bell
By phone: Aaron Voboril, Pete & Linda Hogue, Elen Crone, Steve & Anne Poznic
Call to order: 1:30 pm
Minutes for 1/28/18: Motion was made to accept minutes. Approved
Treasurer’s Report:
March Financials are available on the website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
As of this week, we have three owners in arrears on their monthly assessments; one owner is now two months in arrears, as of April 11th.** I have regularly contacted this owner via mail and provided a detailed statement of the account. Since this owner has not responded to our standard offer to make arrangements if they have a problem, I am charging $25.00 late fee to this account each month and sending all correspondence via regular mail rather than email, as the owner requested that I no longer contact them via email.
I have been in contact with the other two and I believe the problem may be with the mail since both indicated they had sent their payments. Both have said they have sent replacement checks, and will not be charged late fees.
We have yet another owner who paid the wrong amount in April. I have contacted them.
** NOTE: This doesn’t show on our March 31, 2018 Balance Sheet because we use a Cash Basis, which only shows actual cash received and spent in a month – Accounts Receivable are not included. If you are interested, I can give you a copy of an Accounts Receivable Aging report. This report shows names as well as amounts, so must be treated as confidential.
The Finance Team is ironing out the details for the HOA-sponsored Payment Plan for the Special Assessment. As of today only two owners are signed up for it. Pete is attempting to contact two other owners we have identified as possible additional Payment Plan participants. I gave the owners a deadline of April 20th to turn in their Payment Plan Application, so that I would have time to set up their loan and send an invoice.
Next week, I will be sending reminders to all owners who have not yet paid the Special Assessment (most of us); it has been a while since I sent out the invoices for the Special Assessment, and some owners may need reminding of when it is due.
As of today (Friday 4/13), our cash on hand is: Checking account $73,324.90 Reserve Savings $94,309.81 Regular Savings $55,654.59*** ***$7,654.59 normal savings, $48,000.00 special assessments paid.
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty Treasurer
We have one unit that is in arrears that we need to discuss options for non-payment. A motion was made By Kathy and seconded by John that Business Practices & Finance Team will make a recommendation to the board as to how to proceed. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
Roofing Project update: One unit is requesting another skylight. The cost for materials and labor to install from the roof side will be approximately $900-1000 to be paid by the owner. All inside drywall is to be contracted and installed also at the cost of the homeowner. There was discussion as to whether there should be a one time association maintenance fee for any ongoing maintenance needed. John made a motion and Kathy seconded that a one time maintenance cost should be 1/3 the cost of the skylight and installation. Approved.
Roofing Schedule: start date will be May 14,2018. They expect it to take one week to 10 days with up to 3 crews working. The gutters will follow directly after. The contractor has asked that the homeowners DO NOT interrupt or address the workers. They’re working on a very tight schedule. For the homeowners deck protection, you may want to wait until the roofs are finished to bring out your deck furniture and plants, etc. Things could possibly accidentally fall from above. The driveways should not be blocked, but we will find that out for sure. This whole process will be disruptive and noisy, so expect that. But thankfully only a couple of weeks at the beginning of the summer.
Roofing Finance: The finance team thinks that the action to pay for the project is currently very workable with the assessments and payment plan; which to date is no more than 4 units on the payment plan program. John moved and Linda seconded that we approve the proposed Projects Reserve loan supporting the Payment Plan Program. Passed.
Tree Trimming before roofing project: There are trees are too close to the buildings that need to come down before the roofing goes up. Susan is opposed to her Crab Apple and flowering locus being removed just after paying for pruning, and doesn’t want the big fir tree to be trimmed 6-8’ up. Consequently there is now an appeal process consisting of the homeowner providing reasons for the appeal to buildings & grounds, with B&G having the final say.
Decks: There are some decks that need maintenance have never been permitted. In other words, the homeowner added onto the existing deck without getting a permit. Now this extra decking has become the problem of the HOA’s. Discussion followed that, technically, decks are referred to as “limited common elements”, being that only the homeowner and their guests have use of them. So we have limited common elements that were never approved (being as there’s no permit), so technically it should become the expense of the homeowner. This has never been addressed. Others believe that in 1980 nothing was set in place to deal with this. Homeowners now have the right to submit a workorder to B&G for anything. And we don’t know what was decided in 1980. The town of Estes Park could require that it be removed and permitted for new. So we need to document a new process for “limited common elements”. If you put something in that ends up faulty, then it should be the owners expense to correct it. We need separate policy for bridges and for decks, as the bridges are public access to the main entrance. We’re deferring this to Finance and Buildings & Grounds to research how other HOAs are dealing with this situation and report back to us.
Windows: We have homeowners who are aware that some of their windows are in need of replacement before they affect/damage the HOA asset of the building. Aaron will talk/write and try to set a timeframe with the owners.
Water: FYI: We’re expecting a drought year, so even with our regular watering schedule, we will probably have dry grass in areas. We, of course, will know more as the season progresses.
Garbage: After a year of dealing with the heavy bear proof lids, we will revisit this at the annual meeting to see what the owners think about this this year.
Adjourned: 3:00
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.
2018 Board Meeting Minutes Jan 28
Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA
Board Meeting
Attendees: Susan Novy, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Pamm Haglund, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Chris Metzger
Phone Attendees: Aaron Voboril, Pete & Linda Hogue
Call to Order: 5:00pm
Minutes for approval: Pamm moved to accept the minutes with changes, Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Aug 26: OK, Sept. 16: OK, Nov. 4: OK & Dec. 9: There needs to be more on what the board approved. Add: high level timeline and project proposal to Rick’s motion.
Presidents Report: (VP Rick Jordan is filling in for Pres. Tim Dawson, who is unfortunately on a family emergency. Our thoughts are with him.)
Town Hall Recap: Nobody threw tomatoes. The meeting went well, it seems everyone understands the problem and is willing to work with it. Full minutes are in the 2018 Roofing Project category.
Q. How can we make sure that we can pay Majestic by June 1st?
A. We know that we can do that from those that have shown willingness to work with the special assessment. We can do the legal thing of liens, if necessary, but don’t suspect it will be necessary with the loan option.
We reviewed the sample vote ballot. Pamm moved that we have the ballots sent out by Feb.1 and returned by Feb.15. Linda 2nd. We will table this until John Gaddis reviews the ballot, but we expect the dates will remain the same.
Pamm moved that the voting be managed by the Finance Committee. Linda seconded. Passed.
Who signs the contract? After Aaron talks to Tamko about the warranty we could sign the contract. The president & treasurer will sign it. Kathy moves that we sign the contract after we approve the clarification. Linda 2nd. Passed.The award from Tamko for shingles needs to be signed by the building owner (HOA) and distributor of the shingles. It’s used as money/payment for the shingles. Pete suggested that both the president and treasurer signs these contracts.
Kathy moves that the due date to pay the assessment is May 15, 2018. Pamm 2nd. Passed.
Vice President’s Report: Our worker’s comp. specifies that our workers will only be covered up to 15’ high. Roofing will be higher than that, so our insurance agent is looking into it. We will also have a form for volunteer workers about insurance.
Secretary’s Report: Should the board want any documents saved to the new laptop, the new email address is epmfhoa@outlook.com. You can still send emails to Susan via secretary@epmfhoa.com or her personal email; but if you want it saved to the laptop/cloud, add epmfhoa@outlook.com to your list. I won’t be doing transfers from my email, I’ll treat those as drafts.
Treasurer’s Report:
December Financials are available on the website. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.
We ended 2017 with a net operating loss of $7,567.78
We transferred $11,400.56 from our checking account to the reserve account. This was done in January but recorded as December 31st.This amount consists of the reserve funds collected and allocated for the year, less resrve funds spent for the year. For details, please see the 12/31/2017 Financial Notes document.
We ended the year with $5,864.23 in our checking account.
14 owners (3 fewer than in 2017) elected to pay annually and take the 2% discount.
As of today, our cash on hand is:
• Checking account $63,390.28
• Reserve Savings $94,308.35
• Regular Savings $7,654.25
Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Beatty- treasurer
Committee Reports:
Buildings & Grounds: Pamm will call a B&G meeting to discuss deck replacements.
Finance: Kathy went over the year end finances. We ended low last year, but when we collected dues for the year, we’re back up. We are in good financial shape, but we already are eating into our operating reserve. Basically, the slush fund to fund any cashflow deficit is running low.
Revised budget was reviewed. Pamm moved to approve the revised 2018 budget, Kathy seconded. Passed
We confirmed the 2018 3-year expenditure worksheet.
Long Range Planning: Kathy moves to approve the electronic file storage project. Pamm 2nd. Passed.
Business Practices: There’s a proposal to have a tech team within business practices. Pamm moved to put the newly formed tech team as part of business practices. Kathy 2nd. Passed.
Team Reports:
Website: The website now includes easily read 2018 Roofing Project category
Community Activities: There will be a party in February at the Jordan’s when Gary & Dee Dougherty are back for awhile. More info. to come.
Old Business: none
New Business: none
Adjournment: 6:09
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- Secretary
Posted in minutes 2018 by Susan with no comments yet.