EPMFHOA Board Meeting 11/15/2020 via zoom.us
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Nan Belknap, Carol Prince, Pete & Linda Hogue, Pamm Haglund, Ronnie LaRue, Arleta Bell, Aaron Voboril
Call to Order: 4:00
President’s Report:
Email Communications Issue: Perhaps we could send text messages that states what has been emailed so we can check. Part of the problem is emails not being white listed and ending up in junk; another is too many back & and forth of replies which removes the attachments, unless manually allowed; another is iPads don’t seem to be getting the attachments, another is the limit that providers put on number of recipients and the size of attachments.
Flags Issue: Every owner is allowed to have 2 flags up to 3’x5’, there are no more provisions than that.
Secretary Report:
Oct 18, 2020 Minutes: They are all finished now, but nobody seems to have received them. I attached them to a reply, which may be the problem.
Website: All technicallyupdated: https, wordpress, plugins, php, and new financial password.
Finance Team Update:
Treasurer’s Report 11/15/2020:
October 2020 financials will soon be available on the website. The last major expense for 2020 which is not in the October financials is $15,720 for non-Brodie unit painting.
With the receipt of the painting bill, it appears that there will not be any significant deviations in total from the 2020 Budget. Total Operations expenses and Total Reserves expenses, while showing variances in individual expense line items, will be within the 2020 Budget expense totals.
While reviewing the October and year-to-date financial statements, I noticed how much the Building and Grounds team, Kathy Beatty as HOA Financial Secretary, and other HOA members in general have worked this past year to keep costs down as much as possible. Also, through the busy summer “repairs season”, Kathy and I were provided receipts and other information to help us record the expenses properly. Because of this, whenever possible, we have identified the building and the condo where a repair was made. I think this history will prove invaluable in the future. Thank you to all of you.
We have not received November monthly assessment payments from 3 owners. One payment appears to be lost in the mail due to the wildfire evacuation. We are following up with all three owners.
Two of the three owners have paid the second $2,000 roof loan payment that was due October 31, 2020.The third owner has a Board approved payment plan which will pay off the $2,000 by October 31, 2021. We have received $800 from this owner.
Since the condo painting bill was received after October 31, this table shows cash which will agree to the October financial statements as well as cash as of November 13, 2020.
As of October 31,2020 | As of November 13, 2020 | |
BOC Checking | $15,677.10 | $7,282.01 |
BOC Operations Savings | 5,006.38 | 5,006.38 |
Fidelity Operations Savings | 33,115.82 | 33,115.82 |
Fidelity Reserves Savings | 28,600.30 | 16,600.30 |
TOTAL | $ 82,399.60 | $62,004.51 |
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic
Nan moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Arleta seconded. Passed.
Lease Agreement: Anne is working on some minor changes and will have it ready for the January meeting.
B&G Updates:
This time of year, most of our projects have been completed and we are taking a breath. We are also looking to next year. Our next few months will be spent planning for 2021 projects
We seal coated our asphalt surfaces this year. Next year we wold look for any damaged surfaces which might need our attention. We are not expecting any/many of these.
Randy McNeil, Village Maintenance, completed painting the off-Brodie units. His crew did a good job of surface preparation and painting.
Randy’s bid for the Off golf course units to be done in 2021 is $24,700.
Finish remediation necessary due to chimney leaks and damage to living room walls/ceiling. Kelly Miller Is due to start next week. It should take two days. I still have to convince Majestic Roofing, Robert to agree.
Snow Plowing contract for 2020-2021 season.
Reminder to all homeowners: The snow plower does NOT plow driveways with vehicles in them. This is to protect both the plower and any vehicle from damage.
Decks / Porches
We, ourB&G group, painted/stained a number of decks this past summer. We intend to do the same for the next year. This saves the HOA money.
Our Lawns / landscape:
We have put our landscaping to bed. The shrubs got their needed trim which will encourage better growth and plant health this next year.
A fence rail needs to be replaced on the Brodie side. That will be taken care of this next week.
2020, the Year of the Mice/Voles, Woodrats etc:
Enviropest has completed their treatment of 1454 and assessed 1456 and 1458. The latter two did not need treatment. Enviropest has been paid.
Planning: B&G is planning the 2021 projects.
Once again….We at B&G as well as all HOA Members can’t thank Aaron Vobril, Ronnie LaRue and Steve Poznic enough for their tireless work this summer. We also thank Elen Crone for ensuring our trees have had good care. Anne Poznic is our “honorary member”, with accurate and current finances as well as keeping us posted as we performed the 2020 projects. Our HOA is always a better place because of them. BIG THANKS!!!
“It takes a village”. It has been a busy, productive and successful year.
Anne moved to accept the report, Linda 2nd. Passed.
TDS to 1443: There was a concern about the dropbox being in the Elk Ridge property instead of ours. We will contact them (John Baney from Elk Ridge) to let them know what TDS plans on doing, as well as going to TDS to find out exactly what they have in mind.
Policy and Planning Report:
Personnel Policies and Guidelines: There was discussion on the document and some recommendations made concerning mileage reimbursement and adding that the board and committees are volunteer.
Nan moved to accept the Guidelines with the changes proposed, Linda 2nd. Passed.
Community Activities:
Welcome Guide: We’re wanting an electronic document to see it and be able to make changes.
Anne moves to accept the Welcome Guide, Ronnie 2nd. Passed.
HOA insurance covers everything but personal property and upgrades.
Change to Assessment formula: There’s question and confusion about the traditional explanation of how we determine assessment amounts and whether the traditional formula of an arbitrary $5.00 difference between the 3 tiers actually needs to be tied to insurance; since any single line item will give the same amount. This will be deferred to the next meeting, when we have the new insurance rates.
Adjournment: 5:00
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
EPMFHOA Board Meeting 10/18/2020 via zoom.us
Attendees:Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Nan Belknap, Aleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue, Pete & Linda Hogue, Kathy Beatty
Call to Order:4:30
Minutes: To be deferred until the website is updated and minutes finished.
Finance Report:
Treasurer’s Report 10/18/2020:
September 2020 financials are done and available on the website. The last major expense for 2020 is Non-Brodie unit painting which has not yet been paid.
All owners are current on assessment payments.
Three owners have the second $2,000 roof loan payment due as of October 31, 2020.
As of September 30, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
o BOC Checking 9825.55
o BOC Operations Savings 5006.38
o Fidelity Reserve Savings 28600.30
o Fidelity Operations Savings 33115.82
o TOTAL: 76548.05
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic Treasurer
Linda moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Nan 2nd. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
All Driveways, except the two concrete ones, have been crack sealed and seal coated. This effort extends the life of our asphalt surfaces. The Brodie frontage area received a few small patches in areas where it was breaking up badly.
Randy McNeil, Village Maintenance, completed painting the off-Brodie units. His crew did a good job of surface preparation and painting.
We have asked Randy for a bid on the off-golf course units for next year.
Snow Plowing contract for 2020-2021 season.
Reminder to all homeowners: The snow plower does NOT plow driveways with vehicles in them. This is to protect both the plower and any vehicle from damage.
Decks / Porches
1449 deck and railings have been sanded and painted.
1442 deck and railings have been sanded and painted. We also individually wrapped the nearby aspen with wire to prevent elk damage and removed the old fencing.
1440 front porch infrastructure was partially rebuilt and the front anchor post replaced.
Our Lawns / landscape:
This was a super tough year for lawns in Estes Park – hot and dry. We used more water and spent more on sprinkler maintenance than predicted. We are looking into sprinkler maintenance options for this next summer.
The tall spruce tree outside 1453 is experiencing some dying out of needles. We have contacted the city arborist who told us this has been happening around Estes and apparently the County. He is in contact with CSU Extension where they are doing research on the cause and perhaps a cure for this.
Two dead trees were removed. Replacements will be considered next year.
2020, the Year of the Mice/Voles, Woodrats etc:
Enviropest has visited 1410, 1422 and 1453 to do an “intervention”, ridding the units of pesky rodents. Hopefully next year will find the rodents outside.
Our Shed:
Aaron, Ronnie and Steve arrived at the shed one day, took everything out, discarded unneeded materials and organized the “keepers” in the shed . It looks great; materials are now easily located. They also replaced several feet of rotted RR ties in the retaining wall in front of 1411. Kudos to the team.
Planning: B&G is planning the 2021 projects.
We at B&G as well as all HOA Members can’t thank Aaron Vobril, Ronnie LaRue andSteve Poznic enough for
their tireless work this summer. Our HOA is always a better place because of them. BIG THANKS!!!
“It takes a village”. It has been a busy, productive and successful summer.
1454: Is having outdoor rodents /pest problems and there will be another technician coming this week to check for the outside entry passage(s) to the interior.
The budget for B&G still looks good and in-budget.
Anne moved to accept the B&G report, Arleta 2nd. Passed.
B&G Job Description doc. B&G has decided that we may not need a paid property manager and just take care of management completely through the committee.
Pete wants to add that the Reserve Plan money gets added to be managed by B&G; and Archtectural Guidelines. Nan doesn’t want B&G’s role to police the Guidelines. B&G thinks the upholding of the legal documents needs to be the board’s responsibility. The board agrees, but there needs to be more discussion on the matter.
Finance Team Update:
All assessments are up to date.
Roof replacement reserve needs to be protected from being used outside of roofing replacement needs, except through board approval.
Linda moved to accept the changes to the financial policies and guidelines, Anne 2nd. Passed.
Changes to documents is having to do with handling assessments in arrears and how to make special arrangements to handle that.
Anne moved to accept the changes to the document, Linda 2nd. Passed.
A new document plan documenting the handling of any transfers amongst reserves by the board.
Arleta moves to accept this document, Ronnie 2nd. Passed.
Ronnie moved to accept Anne’s 2 documents, Arleta 2nd. Passed.
We’re deferring the documents about leases until further research on the declarations.
Next meeting: November 15, 2020; 4:30
Adjourned: 5:57
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
EPMFHOA Board Meeting 9/20/2020
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Carol Prince, Nan Belknap, Arleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue
Call to Order: 4:30
Secretary’s Report: approval of the July 20 Board meeting. Anne moved to accept the minutes, Nan seconded. Passed.
approval of the Annual meeting minutes. Anne moved to accept the minutes with change of number of attendees, Linda seconded. Passed.
approval Aug 16 Board Meeting: The minutes have gone missing from the HOA laptop and will need to be reconstructed. All that happened was the appointment of the executive board: President: Rick Jordan, Vice-President: Nan Belknap, Secretary: Susan Novy, Treasurer: Anne Poznic and Operations Director: Carol Prince. Additional members at large are: Ronnie LaRue, Linda Hogue and Pamm Haglund. The committees are to be determined. Pete will see who wishes to continue or join.
Finance Team Reports:
Treasurer’s Report:
August 2020 financials are done and available on the website.
In cooperation with the Building and Grounds Team, we are monitoring project costs as well as operating costs, ie., water, lawn care, etc, very closely. We are moving money from Fidelity Savings accounts as needed. The 2020 Reserve expenses are currently on track to be less than budgeted.
One owner is behind on their assessments due to Covid-19.
As of August 31, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
The Building and Grounds Team has made some changes to the 2021 Budget in the Reserve Expenses area. The Finance Team recommends that the Board approve these changes at the 9/20/20 Board Meeting.
o BOC Checking 13185.25
o BOC Operations Savings 5005.75
o Fidelity Reserve Savings 28599.71
o Fidelity Operations Savings 36115.21
o TOTAL: 82903.02
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic Treasurer
Linda moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Nan seconded. Passed.
Detail on the 2021 Reserve Numbers:
Finance and B&G changed the category in which decks, bridges and balconies are now to be categorized in projects reserve instead of exterior reserve. It was decided that B&G and Finance can determine this to where everyone can understand the budgeting.
Each of the 3 components of the reserves will have thresholds that we will try to target to a healthy level. We have not determined the thresholds yet. Finance is working with B&G on determining these thresholds to bring to the board for approval.
Linda made a motion to approve the 2 worksheets 3b1 & 3b2. Anne 2nd. Passed.
Finance would like the website to have certain information to be protected. It’s requested that we change the password, perhaps on an annual basis, so that every realtor that we’ve given this password to will only have information we’re willing to give them.
Linda moved we change the password and approve the document 5b that shows what is to be open and what is to be protected. Anne seconded. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
B&G has a new Chairperson, Nan Belknap. Welcome!!! And thank you for shouldering this big job. We all support you as you usher in another very successful year.
B&G is winding down this year’s efforts. We will be painting and doing some repair work. Additionally, this is the time we do a thorough “walk about” of our HOA property and assessing the work necessary for our 2020-2021 year. We spend time prioritizing, getting estimates and trying to set a schedule for this next year’s work.
This summer B&G has worked hard to solve problems, increase our drainage efficiency and keep our HOA in good condition. Credit goes to: Aaron, Elen, Nan, Ronnie and Steve.
As usual, VERY special thanks to Anne for keeping us on the straight and narrow and Rick for being ever helpful.
We also just welcomed Nan as our new B&G Chairperson.
- Painting: Randy McNeil will be painting the remainder of the Off Brodie units shortly.
- Decks/Porches:
- 1438 Nipan and Hannah’s back deck has a railing which is visibly leaning. The deck/railing will be fixed this Fall
- 1440 Arleta’s front porch has a 4×4 corner post which needs to be stabilized and will be done this Fall
- Siding: We will probably not be doing any siding replacement this Fall.
- Driveways: John’s Sealcoating has finished crack sealing and seal coating our driveways as well as the Brodie frontage area. He needs to return and accomplished identified patches. The goal is to keep the asphalt in all areas with us as long as possible.
- 1410: Linda’s driveway turned out well. Drainage tiles were not indicated. Her driveway is a couple inches thicker than average to ensure a solid barrier to any water issues below it. This job came in on budget as bid.
- Foundation Preservation: We will be evaluating our drainage this Fall and next Spring to ensure we continue protecting our foundations.
- Roof/Gutters: The Fall gutter cleaning will be performed soon. Jerry Leach does a good job and ensures all downspouts are free flowing before the winter.
- Lawn maintenance: Solid Grounds / Jed did not due as well as we should expect, particularly at the beginning of the summer. B&G is evaluating Solid Grounds as well as interviewing other landscape maintenance businesses. Our goal would be to have service which meets our HOA expectations without increasing costs.
- This Fall, Solid Grounds will be:
- Pruning the potentillas down to about 2’ balls this Fall
- Blowing out our sprinkler system
- Disengaging our two back flow valves and leaving them in one of our homeowner’s garages for the winter.
- Snow removal:
- This year we have changed our snow removal vendor. Last year we had complaints about the snow removal job and we had to add an additional person to shovel in front of everyone’s garage door.
- This year Saul Erives will be plowing, shoveling in front of garage doors, shoveling sidewalks, shoveling a path in front of both dumpsters and shoveling a path in back of the post office boxes and ensuring the cans of sand/ice mix is ready for use. He will NOT be plowing driveways with vehicles in them.
- He will be plowing when
- Snow reaches 4” or greater
- By about 7:00 to 8:00 am
- By 5:00 pm if a second plowing is necessary due to accumulated snow levels.
- We can call him to plow driveways with drifted snow.
- Landscape Maintenance:
- The dead tree in front of Emmers condo will be removed this Fall. The tree will be scheduled for replacement next Spring.
- Replacement of other trees will be evaluated in the Spring.
Thanks to everyone for all their work. We will end this year slightly under Budget!!! With lots of work well done.
Your B&G Committee: Nan Belknap, Aaron Vorbil, Elen Crone, Steve Poznic, Ronnie LaRue and Carol Prince
Regarding Pest control: If a report from a pest control company is requested by an owner through a work order for a pest problem, the HOA will pay if it’s proven that it’s an HOA problem, the owner will pay if it’s not proven to be an HOA problem.
Linda moved to accept the B&G report, Nan seconded. Passed.
Business Practices Report:
Organization Chart: The 2021 organization chart combines the business practices committee, long range planning and insurance teams into the planning and practices committee. The tech committee and website committee will combine into one Technology team.
Linda moved to accept the organization chart, Nan seconded. Passed.
Financial Info Webpage update:
Ronnie moved to accept the webpage updates, Linda seconded. Passed.
Insurance Committee Reports:This will be deferred to the next meeting.
HOA Insurance covers everything but personal property and upgrades.
Assessment formula:
Long Term Planning Report: this will be deferred to the next meeting
Personnel Policies and Guidelines
President’s Report: this will be deferred to the next meeting.
email communications issue:
Adjourn: 6:00
A private Executive Session of the board members followed to discuss a matter of which, if disclosed publicly, would constitute an unwarranted invasion of individual privacy.
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
EPMFHOA Board Meeting 8/16/20
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Anne & Steve Poznic, Nan Belknap, Aleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue, Pete & Linda Hogue, Carol Prince, Aaron Voboril
Pamm Haglund (our new board member increasing the board size to 9), was absent from this meeting ( as well as the Annual Meeting that preceded it)
Call to Order: 3:05
Minutes: 7/20/20 minutes – To be deferred until the website is updated and minutes finished.
Elect officers & operations director: Rick Jordan – president, Nan Belknap – vice-president, Susan Novy – secretary, Anne Poznic – treasurer, Carol Prince – operations director.
Confirm committee chairs & committee members: the decision was made to have B&G and Community Activities determine their chair by team election. For Finance (Pete Hogue)and Business Practices (John Gaddis as chair and Pete Hogue as vice-chair) the chairs will remain the same as this past year. The membership of the committees was basically left up to the
committee chairs. Rick will talk to Pamm Haglund as to which committee or committees (if any)she would like to join.
Deal with the need (or not) for the originally scheduled 2020 Owner Workshop & board retreat: the decision was made not to have these events this year.
Next meeting: September 20, 2020; 4:30
Adjourned: 3:45
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
Annual Meeting 8/16/2020
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, Carol Prince, Nan Belknap, Anne & Steve Poznic, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Aaron Voboril, Arleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue, Lori Coleman, Tim Dawson, Becky Velthoen, Nipan Karmacharya, Gary Dougherty, Kevin & Debbie Preston, Diane Yoblin
Proxies: John & Sally Gaddis (Pete & Linda Hogue), Pamm Haglund (Aaron Voboril), David Bouziden (Aaron Voboril), Don Dodson (Aaron Voboril), Julie Walsh (Rick Jordan)
On Zoom: Linda Buehring
Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves and which unit they own.
Quorum Announced: Quorum was met. 24 out of 30 unit owners represented.
Approval of minutes from 2019 Annual Meeting: Kathy Beatty moves to approve the minutes of the 2019 Annual Meeting, Arleta Bell 2nd. Passed.
Year In Review
President’s Report: Rick Jordan
Rick did a casual survey of how people thought the HOA was doing. There was some discussion about the broadband box that was placed by the city. We had no choice, but those who are first to sign up on broadband will get a $20/mo. discount when it becomes available.
Finance Report: Anne Poznic
July 2020 financials will soon be available on the website. In cooperation with the Building and Grounds Team(B&G), we are monitoring project costs as well as operating costs, ie., water, lawn care, etc, very closely. We are moving money from Fidelity Savings accounts as needed.
The second roofing loan repayment from the owners that used this payment option is due October 31, 2020. They will then owe the HOA $400 each in interest and that payment is due October 31,2021.
2019 – 2020 Changes Summary
- Moved the checking account and an operations savings account from US Bank to Bank of Colorado(BoC). BoC is working out well and we have not had any problems. We continue to require 2 signatures on all checks over $500. BoC has asked that all checks made out to the HOA be made out to “Estes Park Mountain Fairways, Inc.” which is the HOA’s legal name.
- Moved Operations Savings account and Reserve Savings account money from US Bank to Fidelity Investments. This was a time-consuming process and by the time we were done interest rates had dropped to nearly 0%. However, we are in a good position when interest rates rebound. We are working with an investment advisor suggested by Ronnie LaRue.
- Opened a credit card account with BoC. Individuals no longer have to use their own credit cards. The Treasurer and the Asset Manager currently have the cards. The account is reconciled and paid off monthly.
- Changed the Chart of Accounts for Reserve Expenses and added Project Expense tracking for larger projects. This was done in conjunction with B&G and is being modified on an ongoing basis as the need arises.
- Changed from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks On-line(QBOL). There has been a learning curve but the advantages outweigh the costs. We are able to attach a copy of the actual bill to the transaction and access it through QBOL. QBOL is backed up to the “cloud” as well as individual devices. More than one person can access the file at the same time and we no longer have to keep track of “versions”. We also have the capability for B&G to look at the records themselves and are working on that.
- MONTHLY ASSESSMENTS One owner is behind on their assessments due to Covid-19 and we are working with them.
- SHOW US THE MONEY! As of July 31, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
o BOC Checking: $10,375.80
o BOC Operations Savings: $5,005.75
o Fidelity Reserve Savings; $48,599.71
o Fidelity Operations Savings: $36,115.21
o TOTAL: $100,096.47
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic Treasurer
Linda Hogue moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented; Susan Novy seconded. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report: Carol Prince
Annual Home Owners Meeting 16 August 2020
B&G Members: Aaron Vorbil, Nan Belknap, Rick Jordan (for most of the year) Ronnie LaRue, Steve Poznic, Elen Crone, Carol Prince
Additionally, Anne Poznic and Rick Jordan have been an invaluable support team.
***Special thanks to Aaron and Steve for all their work***.
Building and Grounds
For the past two years Building and Grounds has had two major goals:
1. To keep our expenditures within our Budget
2. To assess and maintain or fix those HOA areas of greatest concern.
A third goal has been to get our HOA on a path of expected maintenance with fewer “dire needs”. We are successfully transitioning. It will take another year or two for us to accomplish a ……… maintenance schedule, one with fewer urgent needs.
Here are the major B&G components:
Decks and Brodie front bridges:
- 1434 has a new deck this year.
- Our remaining decks are healthy with the exception of 1410 which should be scheduled for a new deck in 2021. This is the last deck we have which was built next to the ground
- Our Brodie front bridges seem to be in good shape.
- Stained decks and Brodie front bridges will have to be stained about every one to two years.
The exceptions are the trex decked bridges and decks which will need, hopefully, no maintenance.
- We changed to a good quality Sherwin Williams paint at the end of last year. The paint is designed to last about 8 to 10 years in our climate. Our current stain has difficulty lasting 3-5 years. So far, last year’s painted walls are doing great.
- Each year we move a line of condos from a 5-year cycle to a 10-year cycle, we save about $25,000. Eventually, the goal is to have all our condos painted and save about $100,000 each five year period.
Siding maintenance:
- By choosing a good quality paint, we are increasing the longevity of all of our siding.
- We are also assessing condo siding annually. If siding replacement is indicated, we are using Hardy Board, a siding which has lasting power, is water impermeable and invites paint to stick to it for a longer time than natural wood.
- This year we resided the south sides of 1442 and 1440.
Driveways and the Brodie frontage area:
- Our goal is to maintain our asphalt as long as possible. We do this by Crack Sealing and Seal Coating the asphalt to prevent water incursions. This process will be done in the next couple of weeks and will include 28 driveways and the Brodie frontage area.
- The Brodie frontage area is not well. This year we are giving it some strategic patches to help it out. The longer we can put off the expense of a replacement, the better we are.
- 1410 has a new concrete driveway which should last many years and without maintenance costs.
Foundation maintenance:
- 1442 had a Rim Joist replacement in the back of the condo. The old one was failing.
The new one should be good for many, many years.
General maintenance:
- Each time we replace a deck or work near a foundation, we place an approximately 2-foot gravel border around the area. Sprinklers are moved to within the gravel area to prevent lawnmowers from decapitating them and a metal border contains the gravel. This serves two purposes. (1) It looks neat and (2) the graveled area is sloped away from foundations to send water away.
- We replaced 6 fence posts and four rails, while stabilizing all other posts.
Trees and bushes:
- Trees were pruned and trunks wrapped with wire to prevent elk from munching. Most of the aspen were wrapped with finer meshed wire since they attract elk attention more than the other trees.
- We have a couple of dead trees which will come down this year.
Where are we going?
Sometimes progress seems way too slow. However, we are doing well. We have a very capable and diverse Building and Grounds Group which is keeping an eye on our future and making good solid maintenance decisions.
This year we hope to complete the painting of the Off Brodie units and Crack Seal and Seal coat all asphalt surfaces without overdrawing our reserve account.
We thrive on your input. Please be certain that your ideas, whether you consider them big or small, are brought to the attention of Building and Grounds. Our goal is to improve our HOA – for ALL of us.
Thanks to every person who has helped. Each of you contribute in your own way.
It does “Take a community” to be a successful one.
Anne Poznic moved to accept B&G’s Report as presented; Linda Hogue seconded. Passed.
Homeowners Votes
Vote on concurrence of Board Approved 2020 Budget
Owners version with monthly amounts
Pete explained the budget and answered any questions.
Linda Hogue moved to accept the 2020 Budget, Carol Prince seconded. Passed.
Election of Board Members:
Slate: Rick Jordan, Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Carol Prince, Nan Belknap, Pamm Haglund, Arleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue
Pete Hogue moved to accept the slate, Kathy Beatty seconded. Passed.
Other Business
Homeowner’s Guide Discussion Steve Poznic discussed the reason for the document. It is a compilation of answers to the most asked questions of new comers. It’s still in the works to be voted on soon. It will be distributed shortly thereafter.
Kathy Beatty will send out a new roster soon.
Adjourn: 3:00pm
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
Zoom Board Meeting 7/20/2020
Epmfhoa Board Meeting
7/20/2020 4:00 pm
Zoom Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Carol Prince, Anne Poznic, Ronnie LaRue, Nan Belknap, Arleta Bell, Pete & Linda Hogue
Secretary’s Report: Review and approval of 6/14/2020 minutes
Arleta moved to accept the secretary report as corrected, Nan seconded.. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report 7/20/2020:
June 2020 financials are available on the website. In cooperation with the Building and Grounds Team, we are monitoring project costs as well as operating costs, ie., water, lawn care, etc, very closely. We are moving money from Fidelity Savings accounts as needed.
The Finance Team’s recommended material will be reviewed and approved by the Board at the 7/20/20 Board Meeting.
One owner is behind on their assessments due to Covid-19. This owner is in communication with me and has promised to get their payments caught up as soon as they are able.
As of June 30, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
- BOC Checking $ 9,014.72
- BOC Operations Savings 5,005.75
- Fidelity Reserve Savings 63,599.25
- Fidelity Operations Savings 36,114.90
- TOTAL: $113,734.62
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic
Susan moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Linda seconded. Passed.
2021 Budget and Assessment
Pete went over the 2021 assessments and reserves. Ronnie disagreed with the amounts. Pete contended that these amounts were approved last year in a joint meeting with B&G and Finance. Carol and Nan recommended that we simplify our vocabulary so we all can understand the annual assessments and budgets easier.
Linda moved that we accept the $21/month for 2021 and $9/month in 2022 Reserves increase and the Budget Assessment Plan and Nan seconded. Ronnie moved to amend the motion to a $15/month increase for 2021 and $15/month 2022 (which will be reassessed and approved in 2021). $15/month for 2021 Passed.
Linda moved to accept 2021 Budget Worksheet as to be revised to accommodate the changes. Passed.
Buildings & Ground Report
20 July 2020
1411 Driveway Status:
ContractorBob Pavlish has had a difficult time coordinating with the Town. Due to COVID they have rescheduled most of their work. I will try to get an approximate date this week.
The decision on painting the remaining sides of the Off Brodie Units will made after Linda’s driveway costs are summed. Randy’s bid of $15.720 is reasonable. Last year’s paint has held up well and his crew did agood job of prepping.
Snow Plowing contract for 2020-2021 season.
B&G discussed last year’s problems which included snow left in the driveways and the fact that we discovered we wanted a snow shoveler.
We selected Saul Erives to plow and shovel. The shoveling will include the sidewalk areas on each condo having one. Additionally, this year, he will shovel the two dumpster areas and around the PO Box cluster. Canisters of a sand/salt mix at each location for us to use just as last year. Driveways incurring drifted snow packs requiring an additional individual plowing will be at the same rate as last year.
Some of B&G have known Saul for over 20 years. He is dependable, does good work and is very responsive to direction.
We should have the contract written this week for B&G approval.
1434 Deck: Completed
- Leak problem update/strategy
- Deck pier issue: Needing engineering advice before moving forward. Should happen this weekor early next week.
Crack Sealing:
We have kept our asphalt is pretty good shape by taking care of the cracks and seal coating it regularly. This year our budget is slim and we will be selecting driveways with the greatest need. We will not be using the company we selected last year. We have two local companies we are getting bids from.
This might be done at the end of our summer so it would have the least impact on our summer guest season.
The local businesses we will be getting estimates from are: John’s Seal Coating
Estes Valley Asphalt
Our Lawns
Note: Aaron saved the day. He fixed the sprinklers around Nan’s deck enabling a large brown area water to recover. He also discovered the reason a sprinkler clock was not getting electricity, fixed it and now Hogues are getting watered. HUGE thanks to Aaron and also to Steve for assisting in this process. If only our paid sprinkler person could have done all of this….
- Leak problem update/strategy
- Deck pier issue: Needing engineering advice before moving forward. Should happen this weekor early next week.
- This year has been tough. Last year we were granted LOTS of rain. The grass was green and we had few problems.This year we have had a lack of rain and some hot weather together. Not as good a recipe for green lawns.
Beyond this, which we can manage, we have had less than stellar sprinkler attention. We have had two clocks out without urgent attention. (Another clock went out and it took two weeks to replace.) This has produced dead grass areas for the Hogues as well as the area around Nan and Aaron’s units.Additionally, other sprinklers have functioned improperly, been buried over time and needed adjustments.
AND…the sprinkler person is only available one day a week, comes up from Longmont; we pay2 hours travel time on top of his $65/hour service. Travel time gets expensive.B&G is looking for a new vendor. So far wehave interviewed L&B Services, a local business with a good reputation and an 11 year history. All equipment and personnel reside in Estes. We are waiting on an estimate. They care for Golf Villas to our west. President Craig Belshe is please with their services.We are also going to interview another Estes Park located Lawn Care service and obtain another estimate. - Sod Webworm:
While part of our problem has been sprinkler/water issues, we also have an interloper. This worm which feasts on grass roots is about a 1⁄4 inch long and turns to a moth which enjoys eating the grass blades.
Spraying is quite expensive. So we have decided to first try raking the dead grasses (thatching) and then spreading Webworm pellets in those areas – like in back of the off Golf Course units adjacent to the Natural Area..
This chemical is NOT injurious to pets or humans. We’ll kyp. - Trees:
We have a couple of dead trees which should be replaced. We are waiting to find out if we have the money to buy about three trees. Again…a decision to be made after Linda’s drivway is completed.
Mice/Voles, Woodrats etc:
Estes Park is beseiged by these little critters this year. EnviroPest came to ascertain the critter problem at 1410 and 1422 and then mitigate the critters. They did a thorough job, blocking their entrances. So far….no more critters inside. They like to get between the siding and the interior spaces.
The EnviroPest specialist, Victor, gave us a tip. Repells All, a product available at Home Depot (a 1⁄2 gal for about $15.00) is incredible. Made of HOT peppers and other plant materials, this stuff, when sprayed chases away critters. on an area, will disuade all the critters. The results are immediate. Again, it is not harmful to pets or humans.
I bought some and any one who would like to borrow it, is welcome to.
- The paint used on Arleta’s deck has held up beautifully. This is the end of the first year.
- We have stained five decks and a bridge. We have about 3 to go before “the snow flies”.
“It takes a village”. We live in a special one and we are moving forward and doing well.
There was some discussion about mold in both Nipan’s place and also the Hogue’s . Nipan’s place had bad chimney flashing from the roofing job 3 years ago. The roofer fixed that. Hogue’s took care of their own bathroom vanity leak.
Nan moved to accept the B&G Report, Linda seconded. Passed.
Annual Meeting August 16th at 2:00:The board members will contact owners to see if you are willing to attend an outdoor annual meeting between Nan and Mollie’s place and make sure you’ve read these minutes so if you can’t come you could give us your proxy and know what we’re voting on.
Lease Agreement: Anne will talk with John Gaddis to see if the draft version is good to go.
Meeting Adjourned: 6:06
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 6/14/2020
approval pending
MFHOA Board Meeting
14 June 2020 4:00 PM
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87895844260?pwd=eUZHUEdTYWV2RUdFSldrVk5SamNtZz09
Dialin 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 869 7637 4699
Password: 771597
Attendees: Rick & Claudia,Jordan, Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, Anne Poznic, Carol Prince, Ronnie LaRue, Elen Crone, Kathy Beatty, Nan Belknap,
- Call to order: 4:20
- How is everyone doing? Joan Baker’s son Bob, who was living with her, died last week (not of COVID-19). The HOA sends our condolences. Her unit (1443) is for sale and Joan is moving near her other son in Strausberg,CO. Sympathy cards may be sent to her 1443 Matthew Circle address.
- Anything we can do to help?
- Secretary
- 2020-05-17 Board Minutes – http://epmfhoa.com/board-meeting-5-17-2020/
- Anne moved to accept the minutes, Linda 2nd. Passed.
- Finance
- Treasurer report – Anne
Treasurer’s Report 6/14/2020:
May 2020 financials will soon be available on the website.
While we are not earning much investment income, our target cash balances are 1) between $5,000 and $10,000 in BOC Checking and 2) approximately $5,000 in BOC Operations Savings. Funds are moved from either the Fidelity Reserve Savings or the Fidelity Operations Savings accounts depending on which type of expenses were recently paid.
The Finance Team’s next project is working on the 2021 budget for the August Annual Meeting.
One owner is behind on their assessments due to Covid-19. This owner is in communication with me and has promised to get their payments caught up as soon as they are able.
As of June 1, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
- BOC Checking $ 4,807.78
- BOC Operations Savings 5,004.83
- Fidelity Reserve Savings 68,598.72
- Fidelity Operations Savings 36,114.60
- TOTAL: $114,525.93
Respectfully Submitted,
Anne Poznic Treasurer
Linda moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Nan 2nd. Passed.
There was discussion about auditing our finances. Normally we do it every other year. This year is the year, but COVID-19 has made this an unusual year. Pete posed to the board that we postpone the review this year and the finance team will meet and discuss whether we need to do this every other year. Linda 2nd. Passed.
- B&G
- B&G Report – Carol
- Discussion of Condo exterior issues: the committee is discussing the need for workorders for added in-ground plants and exterior tech additions (dishes, etc), or permanent decorations, as it’s the HOA’s eventual responsibility to maintain them.
14 June 2020 B&G Activity Report
Members: Elen Crone, Nan Belknap, Aaron Voboril, Ron LaRue, Carol Prince, Steve Poznic 1.Decks Molly Brown 1422: Trex is holding up well. Color is stable Nan Belknap 1434We have drawings, permit and are under way. Deck should be completed within two weeks.
- Foundation PreservationDiane Yoblin 1440: Replacement of Rim Joist completed. Great job.South (back) side resided with Hardy Board and painted. Looks great and shouldn’t have to be repainted for about 10 years.
- DrivewaysKathy Beatty and Elen Crone 1454The ground thawed and the finishing stone work was completed.
2. Linda Buehring 1410:
i. Contract with Bob Pavlish, Cornerstone Concrete, has been let.
ii. Bob is working with the City so that after the driveway has been completed, the City will patch the apron fairly soon.
iii. Work will commence approximately the end of this month.
3. Gutter Repairs
Gutters have been cleaned. No problems. Gutter extensions have rocks around the exits to shield them from the weed eater. Thank you Elen
4. Painting
i. Randy McNeal is estimating the cost of completing the painting of the off Brodie units. That would bring us up to speed on the painting schedule.
ii. Three decks have been stained. There are a few to go. We have a new stain, Cabot, which is longer lasting.
iii. Last year Aaron painted Arleta’s deck with a new Sherwin Williams paint. So far this paint is holding up well as is the color.
5. Lawn / sprinkler maintenance / Landscaping
i. Solid Grounds had a rough start this year. We were very hot in May/June and had unseasonable little rain.
ii. We are catching up. We needed to buy a part (if it can be found) or a new clock for one of our areas…near the golf course
iii. We reduced the mowing schedule by about two mowings at the beginning of this season due to hot weather and lack of moisture.
iv. We will be using more water this year due to the lack of rain.
v. Our trees have been wrapped with wire to prevent elk damage. The aspens have a wire wrap since they are elk favorites. We are almost done with this project. Thank you Elen and Gallo for all the “rock work” and tree fencing.
vi. We have fertilized a few of the plants in the Natural Area hoping for their recovery.
6. Fencing
i. Gallo replaced 6 fence posts and two rails. Our fencing is now secure. Rotten posts were all removed
7. Dumpsters :
Damaged dumpsters have been replaced. Signs indicating they are for Mtn Fairways use ONLY are being made and should be up this week.
Anne moved to accept the B&G report. Nan 2nd. Passed.
- Business Practices Committee Report
- Draft High-Level Timeline document – Pete
The placement of the key milestones on the 2019/2020 time line below is a “best estimate” target as of the given status date. The placement should, and will, change as more detailed planning takes place by the MF Board of Directors.
MONTH [2019/2020] | JUN 2019 (and prior) | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT – DEC | JAN – MAR | APR – MAY | JUN | JUL | AUG | SEP | OCT 2020 (and later) |
Key [number] Milestones | 1 | 2, 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 12 | 7, 14 | 8, 9, 10, 11 | 12 | 6, 13, 15 |
1) Board meeting to adopt the 2020 Budget Worksheet, 2020 Assessment Worksheet, and proposed slate of 2019/2020 board members. (done – 7/21/19)
2) 2019 Annual Meeting [AM] – minimum agenda is confirmation of the two financial worksheets and election of the 2019/2020 board. (done – 8/11/19)
3) Board meeting (first one for the 2019/2020 board) to elect officers, fill board committee roles, and conduct other business as needed. (done – 8/11/19)
4) Last 2019 IN SEASON board meeting. (done – 9/15/19)
5) NON-IN SEASON board meetings – actual number and timing will vary based on the business need. (done – 11/17/19, 1/19/20, 5/17/20)
7) Board meeting to adopt 2021 Budget Worksheet, 2021 Assessment Worksheet, and proposed slate for 2020/2021 board (7/21/19 in 2019) – 7/19/20 at 4:00 PM [Zoom meeting]
8) 2020 Annual Meeting [AM] – minimum agenda is confirmation of the two financial worksheets and election of the 2020/2021 board (8/1/19 in 2019) – 8/16/20 at 2:00 PM [Zoom meeting? or preferably outside in the wild area or someone’s driveway]
9) Board meeting (first one for the 2020/2021 board) to elect officers, fill board committee roles, and do other business – immediately after AM
10) Board Retreat (2019 version scheduled for 8/25/19 prior to the Owner Workshop was cancelled) – 2020 version will be done 8/30/20 at 1:00 PM [Zoom meeting?]
11) Board/Owner Workshop (2019 version done 8/25/19) – 2020 version will be done 8/30/20 at 2:30 PM [Zoom meeting?] potluck after at 4:00 PM
12) 2020 IN SEASON normal board meetings (excludes #7 and #9 and #10 board meetings). Scheduled: 6/14/20, 9/20/20
13) NON-IN SEASON board meetings – actual number and timing will vary based on the business need. Scheduled: 11/15/20, 1/17/21, 3/21/21, 5/16/21
14) Schedule & execute a B&G work day [none in 2018 or 2019] to be determined as needed
15) First 2020 IN SEASON normal board meeting. Scheduled: 6/13/21
1) The milestones in bold italics are moved appropriately as each version is published.
2) Events that occur in the June – September time frame are considered IN SEASON – meaning when we would expect our owners and board organization staff to be in residence. The other months are considered NON-IN SEASON.
3) If a specific date is known, that information is included in parentheses following the milestone text.
1) The planned 8/25/19 board retreat & meeting was cancelled at the 8/11/19 board meeting.
- New Business
- Welcome Guide Draft – Anne/Steve
Welcome to Mountain Fairways Home Owners Association!
This handy reference guide is intended to help new Mountain Fairways Homeowners Association (MFHOA) members become acquainted with our expectations and guidelines for living in our condominium community. We also hope this information will serve as a handy reminder to all residents to ensure we maintain a safe and friendly neighborhood so that we can all work together to ensure and enhance our collective property value.
While this document contains key information, it is not all inclusive of life in our MFHOA. For specific, detailed information related to the list of items that follows, please refer to our Internet web site (www.epmfhoa.com) which has a comprehensive list of documents loaded with information about our organization.
- Web Site Info – PLEASE be sure to take some time to review the important information listed on the MFHOA web site! The documents posted will help you become more knowledgeable about your responsibilities as a unit owner and has key contact information if you have questions.
- Work Order Requests – If you are planning on any exterior modifications or structural interior modifications to your unit (such as satellite dish installations, plants, etc.) you MUST submit a completed Work Order Request form (found on the web site) to the Buildings & Grounds Committee BEFORE the work is to begin. Work should not begin until the owner receives written approval of the work request.
- Parking – Unit owners are expected to park their vehicles in their spaces/ garages assigned to their units.
- Garage Doors – Garage doors should be kept closed unless there is some work or activity taking place in the garage that requires the door to be open.
- Dogs – Unit owners who have dogs should have their dogs on a leash at all times while the animal is outside. Animal waste should be cleaned up immediately as it occurs and disposed of properly.
- Outdoor Plants/Flowers – Owners may plant flowers in pots and flower boxes outside their units. Plants/flowers must be maintained so that they look nice and do not become unsightly.
- Renting/Leasing – Unit owners planning to rent or lease their units to another party may do so but the length of the agreement can be no less than 6 months. BEFORE the agreement is made, the unit owner must submit an “Application for Lease Approval” form (found on the web site) and must have received written approval from the MFHOA Board of Directors before the lease if finalized.
- Assessment Fee – Each unit owner is expected to pay a monthly assessment fee on a timely basis. The funds are used to cover expenses for services provided to all unit owners. Monthly payments should be made by the 10th of every month or unit owners can pay the entire annual fee in one lump sum and receive a 2% discount. Payment by check is encouraged; we do not accept credit cards. Mailed checks are fine and there is a HOA Business box on the porch of 1454 where checks can be placed.
- Trash – All household trash should be deposited in the one of the two trash dumpsters found near the East end of Matthew Circle.
- Participation and Involvement – The MFHOA is a total volunteer managed organization. By operating this way, we are able to hold down costs for each unit owner. All owners/members are encouraged to attend Board of Directors meetings, special meetings, the annual membership meeting and the annual owners’ workshop. Unit owners are also encouraged to get involved in the organization. Consider joining a committee or becoming a member of the Board to lend your expertise and leadership for the benefit of our community.
- Do not allow ANY modifications to the exterior of your unit’s building, including the roof, without prior approval of a work order. This can be work done by a satellite dish provider, work done by an internet provider, attaching permanent decorations, replacing outdoor light fixtures (Town of Estes Park exterior lighting ordinance requirements), clotheslines, concealed piles, or even getting a new garage door. The exterior of your condo unit is owned as common property by the 30 condo owners and is maintained by the MFHOA.
- Do not make any structural changes to the interior of your condo without prior approval of a work order. Examples of this are taking down walls, adding doorways, etc. Again, this to ensure modifications to not affect the structural integrity of the building the unit is in.
- Do not place anything in the ground without prior approval of a work order. Planting trees or shrubs are examples. The grounds around your condo unit are owned as common property by the 30 condo owners and are maintained by the MFHOA.
- Do not park condo unit owner’s vehicles in the street. Ideally, all vehicles will be parked in the garage.
- Do not allow your dog outside your condo without a leash. Do not leave any dog poop to be picked up later.
- Do not store trash in your garage, especially food. We have BEARS!!!!
- Do not place electronics or hazardous materials in the MFHOA trash bins. These are not allowed the Larimer County landfill and the MFHOA will be charged extra for the disposal of these items.
Again, all these Do’s and Don’ts have been developed to maintain MFHOA property values and also to be considerate neighbors to each other. In summary, when curious about the proper course of action, ALWAYS ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE you go forward with any actions or tasks you are considering.
There was some discussion, but basically the board was happy with it. This draft will move onto Business Practices for finalization to bring to the board for a vote. We’re determining how to get this to a new owner. It will, of course, be on the website.
- Owner Survey idea – Susan
- There was discussion about putting together a survey questioning the desires of the membership for the upkeep of the HOA. This would be handed out at the annual meeting and emailed, to be completed two weeks before the Owner’s Workshop. The results would then be announced at the Owner’s Workshop giving the new board ideas for the following year.
- Old business – any updates? No updates.
- HOA documents Study Group – Rick
- Work Order compliance
- HOA Lease agreement is from 2002 – Anne and Carol
- The HOA does have the right to
- renters’ names and contact information
- length of duration of the lease
- renters have renter’s insurance
- The lease information to the HOA should be updated annually by the owner.
- The HOA does have the right to
- Insurance
- Maintaining Proof of Insurance annually for both Owners and Renters
- HOA and Owner liability
- Adjournment 5:45
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 5/17/2020
EPMFHOA Zoom Board Meeting
Zoom Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Nan Belknap, Carol Prince, Pete & Linda Hogue, Ronnie LaRue, Anne Poznic, Susan Novy
Call to Order: 4:00
How is Everyone Doing? The attendees seem to be doing fine.
Secretary’s note: This is the first Zoom meeting after the Covid-19 self quarantine. The town now requires masks for walking around downtown and in the stores (ticketed if no mask- and no ice cream cone 😉 now that the town is officially opening up to tourists May 27. RMNP will open then too, up to 1300 visitors/day. You must make a reservation for date and time to go into the park, so that the line isn’t 1300 cars long first thing in the morning.
Secretary’s Report:
Minutes for 1/19/2020 Board Meeting. Ann moved to accept the minutes, Linda 2nd. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
April 2020 financials are available on the website.
Our transition to Bank of Colorado, Fidelity and to using a business credit card are all going smoothly now. The only down side at this time is that low risk investments and savings accounts are not earning much interest. We are poised to benefit from better rates as the economy improves.
We have finished online set up of all the cash and investment accounts and can easily move money between checking and savings/investment accounts and between Bank of Colorado and Fidelity Investments accounts.
One owner is behind on their assessments due to Covid-19. This owner is in communication with me and has promised to get their payments caught up as soon as they are able.
As of April, our cash on hand is as follows:
- BOC Checking $ 8,988.72
- BOC Operations Savings 5,004.83
- Fidelity Reserve Savings 68,597.18
- Fidelity Operations Savings 41,113.71
- TOTAL: $123,704.44
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic
Ronnie moved to accept the treasurers report, Ann 2nd. Passed
B&G Report:
1438 Roof Leak
Majestic Roofing repaired Chimney flashing issue.
Waiting to see if that’s the root cause before inside repairs commencement
1454 Driveway completed. Chatting with Solid Grounds about 3 “irrigation” pipes
1435 Flicker hole fix will be on schedule soon
1410 Driveway bid is in. Need to chat with City, Ryan Barr, about the street abutment issues
1440: Rim Joist replacement and siding replacement
Both successful. Kingswood did a great job and so did Cousineau
Cousineau cae in about $700 under his estimate. Materials were about $700
Assessment and associated stain colors coming soon. Should be done by 1 June
We have 30 back decks: 4 are trex. Of the 26 remaining, 9 or10 need to be sanded, power washedandstained
We have 8 bridges: 2 are trex. Of the remaining 6, 2 need to be done. (Bakers is not in good condition)
We have 23 front decks/porches: 12 are concrete. Of the remaining 11, 2 need to be done.
1434 Deck replacement bids for labor and materials coming along. Need one more
Gutters: Cleaned and running. Will do again this Fall
Downspout extension protection: Elen and I placed stones. BIG THANKS TO ELEN!!
Landscape Maintenance:
Tree protection:
Stones and wire
Canadian Choke Cherry trees – bush vs tree
Remove dead trees/branches
General cleanup
Thanks to all those who picked up winter’s detritis
We’ll be going around and trimming up the Canadian Choke Cherry Trees
Mountain Fairways entrance signs:
Pamm has volunteered to repaint the signs. A HUGE Thanks!!
Look for the improvement!!!
***Heads up!! Steve Poznic alerted us to the fact that our sign posts were being chewed by weed
wacker folks. We now have a starter set of rocks in both sign locations which protect the posts.
Thanks so much for the heads up, Steve!!
Solid Grounds: $9198..Reasonable
Fence Maintenance:
8 Fence posts replaced.
All posts checked; many secured
Two rails put back on west side
Snow Plowing:
Ups and downs
Next Year will take a look at alternatives
Natural Area: Cleaning it up
1410: Edging 8×8 is due to be replaced by Solid Grounds
They buggered it last year – weedwacker casualty
B&G needs to identify selected sides and evaluate painting them
2019 covered painting selected sides in dire need.
The new paint, Sherwin Williams “Resilience” heldup well during the winter
Looks like new. YEAH!!!
1440: Arleta’s deck, done last year due to sun damage looks great this year.
We have a few “helpers” to help with odd jobs.
They are students, folks needing extra work. All people many of us know
As a group they have been super helpful and we will be able to call upon them
during the year.
Ann moved to accept the B&G Report, Ronnie seconded. Passed.
Old Business:
HOA Documents Study Group: No action taken.
Work Order Compliance: No action taken
HOA Lease Agreement: The HOA does have the right to know the renter’s name and contact information, length of duration of the lease, the renter’s renter insurance, and the lease information should be updated annually by the owner.
Insurance: No action taken.
Adjournment: 4:40
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 1/19/2020
Rick Jordans 1433
Attendees: Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Kathy Beatty, Elen Crone, Carol Prince, Nan Belknap, Ann Poznic
By phone: Pete & Linda Hogue, Ronnie LaRue
Secretary Report: Approve 2019-11-17 Minutes. Ann moved to accept the minutes, Carol seconded. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
December 2019 and all 2019 financials are available on the website. The HOA is in much better shape than a year ago due to strict adherence to the budget as much as possible. Also see ** below.
We received the last December 2019 outstanding assessment the first week of January 2020. We received one 2020 annual payment in 2019 and have one unit that has sent us multiple checks for 2020. We also have one unit which has yet to pay anything for 2020. Kathy emailed statements to both the over and under paid units on Sunday, January 12, 2020 to explain each unit’s payment situation.
We closed the US Bank checking and savings accounts on December 10, 2019. We deposited the money in the Bank of Colorado (BOC) checking and then funded the Fidelity Reserve Savings account and moved more money to the Bank of Colorado Operations Savings Account.
We now have the second Fidelity savings account opened and the Finance Team has decided to designate it as an Operations Savings Account. No money has been moved to this account as of yet but the account will be funded by month end.
The final task is to obtain online access to the Fidelity accounts for the Finance Secretary.
A second login to the Fidelity accounts is a good internal control over the investment accounts and also provides a backup plan should the Treasurer be unavailable.
As of December 31, 2019, our cash on hand is as follows:
- BOC Checking $ 6,451.35
- BOC Operations Savings 8,058.80
- Fidelity Reserve Savings 43,453.51 **Includes $10,671 for 2019 Painting Project paid in 2020. See Finance Team proposal for Board action today
- Fidelity Operations Savings 0.00
- TOTAL: $57,963.66
Anne Poznic
Linda moved to accept the report, Nan seconded. Passed.
Finance Team Report:
Revised 2020 Budget Worksheet: There were some changes due to current end of year amounts. This results in a deficit of $295.00, however we had a large profit from 2018 that moved forward that made our deficit so small. We will look into why our insurance premiums increased 18%. Ann moved to accept the 2020 budget, Nan seconded. Passed.
Painting Bill approach for 2019 bill not received until 2020 for payment: Being that the HOA is on a cash basis, we needed to adjust some reserve line items to accommodate the 2020 budget that it ended up in, so as to not have a negative paint reserve. All is well with our accounting. Nan moved to accept the approach to keep the budget “real”, Ann seconded. Passed.
2020 Expense Authorities: This document showed who is responsible for budget line items. Nan moved to accept the document, Ann seconded. Passed.
B&G Report: Because of the weather, the driveway project is not complete yet. But what is done, so far is acceptable. Nothing else is new with B&G.
Work Order compliance: we would like to make sure people know when we have workers around, so as to not concern owners of unknown persons walking around. So we need a workorder for any work being done outside to be able to let people know.
Old Business:
Insurance: Rick and Claudia went to our insurance company, American Family, and asked for some clarification on our insurance policy. The insurance committee is working on putting together a packet that would explain our policy more easily.
New Business:
Trash Removal: back to twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Let us know if this is working. The new recycling center is a great way to ease the overload in the dumpsters.
Snow Removal Service: There are requests for better shoveling in front of the garages. We have never had shoveling before (except for only last year), but more agile plows have been able to get closer than what we have now.
Lease Agreement: This document still needs to be updated to include:
- Renters’ names and contact information
- Length of duration of the lease
- Renter have renter’s insurance
- Lease information to the HOA being updated annually by the owner
Adjournment: 6:06 pm
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.