EPMFHOA 6/6/15 Minutes

3:00 pm at 1445 Matthew Cr.


Attendees: Susan Novy, John Gaddis, Pamm Haglund, Pete & Linda Hogue, Javier Gomez, Gary Dougherty, Aaron Voboril

Call To Order: 3:00pm

President’s Report: John Gaddis sat in as the Facilitator in the absence of a president.
Minutes: changes to 5/23/15 minutes: Linda Griffin is leaving Finance Committee and changes to Board meeting after Annual Meeting. Otherwise, minutes approved with changes.

Secretary’s Report: Behind with the website. Need financials in pdf format.

Treasurer’s Report: As normal. Question on vole termination bill. Did we authorize this? Apparently, yes. Motion to approve. Passed.

Finance Committee Report: Presented by Pete Hogue.
We started with the Funds Summary. There is a more detailed view that the committee uses; this is a summary of their tool. It summarizes our 3 accounts balances according to whether it’s operating monies or reserve monies. The board agreed to use this tool also.

The committee determined there is no reason to change the monthly assessment in 2016. We’re doing this by adopting a budget for 2016 that uses the carry-forward monies from previous years’ excess monies. Some years we loose money with extra fixes, and some years we don’t use all our money; such as not much snow. Over the years, we’ve accumulated a “carry-over”.

John moved that we transfer a one time $10,500.00 from the carry-over money of the OF Operating Fund and transfer it to the RF Reserve Fund. Gary 2nd. Passed.

John then moved that we take the $10,500.00 from the RF Reserve Fund and fully re-pay the Operating Fund loan balance from 2013. Pamm 2nd. Passed.

We then reviewed the 2016 budget. There is not a significant difference from last year on the operating budget. But, the reserve fund increased due to not painting in 2014 in order to build up monies to cover the next 4 years of painting.

Gary moved to accept the proposed 2016 budget, Pamm 2nd. Passed.

Finance committee proposed that we provide a new capability for owners to make direct payments for their assessments. Javier moved that we accept the proposal, Gary 2nd. Passed.

Regarding the professional accountant review of our account; Barry Stein (the professional accountant) thinks that we are handling our accounting just fine. However, he had suggestions as to how we could improve our use of QuickBooks.

Buildings & Grounds Committee Report: We reviewed the form for dealing with facilities requests and concerns from the owners. We also reviewed the process of handling the form. We determined that the chair of the Buildings and Grounds committee will be this year’s contact, who is Pamm Haglund at 1457 Matthew Cr. 586-2050. The form will be found on the website, or copies will be available at the annual meeting.

Linda moved to accept the form and process and Javier 2nd. Passed.

Gary talked to the home owner about their deck proposal, saying that we needed to know whether the town code will accept their proposal (removing railing in front of glassed in area). Even if the town is fine with it, the board still needs to determine whether it will look appropriate.

Business Practices Committee Report: Discussion about the Beautification Team as it relates to the organization chart.

Discussion on the timeline.

Community Activity Committee Report: Gary sent us an email for dates for a mountain fairways homeowners community pot-luck block party activity. We thought we’d go for it on Friday, June 19 from 5:00 -7:00 at 1431 Matthew Cr. (Gary & Dee Dougherty’s) Bring something (food) to share and your own drinks.

Other Reports:
Long Range Planning Committee: We need volunteers.
Beautification Committee Report: Does the HOA cover the expenses that owners spend to beautify their exterior landscaping? Discussion resolved that owners submit the work order form to Pamm for the HOA to consider. Changes you make on your own is paid by the owner. However, everything should be approved by the board of directors through the Buildings & Grounds committee beforehand.

New Business:
John volunteered to write the President’s letter informing the owners of the annual meeting and the agenda and to make sure proxies are included.

We need to put together a slate of potential board members. Contact John Gaddis if you would like to be put on the slate. Everyone on the slate can be on committees of their choice and will elect the officers.

Parking issues: According to the governing documents, all owners are to park their cars in the garage, if at all possible. There should be no more than 3 vehicles per unit. There should be no street parking, unless absolutely necessary for a very short duration of time. The street is narrow and makes it difficult for owners to get out of their driveway. Also, street parking on each side will completely block traffic.

Garage Sales: The board decided not to have an annual garage sale this year.

Adjourn: 5:10 pm
Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy
HOA Secretary

Posted in Minutes 2015 by with comments disabled.