EPMFHOA 7/18/15 Annual & BOD Meeting Minutes
Mountain Fairways 2015 Annual Meeting
7/18/15 3:00 p.m.
Hondius Room at Estes Park Library
Call to Order: 3:00 John Gaddis presiding
Special Recognition: John Gaddis presented Charlie Griffin with a plaque and gift certificate to Kind Coffee for his years of service as president of the association. Over the past 5 years the HOA has been an entirely volunteer run association, without a property manager, ably headed by Charlie.
Introduction of owners present: Ronnie & Colleen, LaRue, John & Sally Gaddis, Gary & Dee Dougherty, Pete & Linda Hogue, Aaron Voboril, Pamm Haglund, Ray & Joan Novy, Susan Novy, Javier & Maria Gomez, Arleta Bell, Arkie Vaughn, Elen Crone, Kathy Beatty, Linda Buehring, Chris Metzger, Diane Yoblin. Proxy received from the Jordans.
Actionable Business:
A.Vote on concurrence with the Board approved 2016 Budget
Pete Hogue explained the budget and how the board determines what it should be.
Questions: Insurance budget is different, why? Answer:The actual billed was higher than estimated. That also happens with the Sanitation District, as well. We were trying to make our determinations based on 2013 & 14, which was the flood years. So everyone was making informed guesses.
B.Vote on concurrence with the Board approved 2016 assessment schedule
Motion was made by Arkie & 2nd by Colleen to accept the budget and assessment. Unanimously passed.
C. Election of 2015-16 Board of Directors
Discussion about why there are 9 names on the slate for only an association of 30 units. Answer: Because we rock with volunteers! Not everyone is a director of the board, there are committees to chair and volunteer on.
Motion was made by Pamm & 2nd by Arleta to accept the slate of officers. Unanimously passed.
D. Approval of last year’s annual meeting minutes 8/2/14
Board Officer’s Report
President: No report
Treasurer: Javier went over the line items of the budget. We are going to keep the bear proof dumpsters year ‘round. The heavy lids will be good in the winter winds. Our biggest expenses are insurance and lawn care.
Operations Director: Pamm gave out a hand-out about the issues concerning buildings & grounds. See attachment. Highlights: Skylights are a top priority this year. We have 7 cracked skylights. Ongoing is gutter repairs and sprinkler repairs.
We have new work orders for owners to fill out for desired HOA work. The HOA’s responsibility is basically from the drywall out. Everything else needs to be approved by the HOA.
Neighborhood clean-up will be July 25 & Aug 1 & 25 at 8:00 am for shrub clean-up.
TV dishes on roofs need an HOA work order to change out, since they leave small holes. We just need to be aware of that, so it doesn’t stay a hole for long.
Secretary: Look at packet for the website info. We’ve had some deaths from original Mountain Fairways owners: Barb Dodson & Sharon Radzloff. I will send cards on behalf of the HOA.
Committee Reports & Pleas for volunteers
Business Practices: Determines the processes the HOA uses to accomplish business
Community Activities: let Gary & Dee Dougherty know if you have some great ideas for neighborhood activities or would like to help with the activities.
New Business: There was a question about landscaping and how the HOA takes care of what is “ugly”. Answer: It all depends on how much we want to pay. We try to keep a balance between what must be done and what would be a beautification improvement. Hense, the volunteer neighborhood clean-up dates managed by the building & grounds committee. See you there! (July 25, Aug 1, & 25)
Owner’s Workshop: 8/15/15. Keep this date open for an opportunity to express your concerns and desires for the following year. This is a State of Colorado mandate that HOA’s have an Owner’s Workshop. Location to be determined.
Linda moved to adjourn: Passed. 4:20.
Board of Directors Meeting
July 18, 2015
4:30 pm Hondius Room at the Library
Call to Order: 4:30 pm
Actionable Business
A. Election of Officers:
President: John Gaddis
Vice-President: Gary Dougherty
Secretary: Susan Novy
Co-treasurers: Javier Gomez & Kathy Beatty
Operations Director: Pamm Haglund
Motion was made by Gary & Ronnie 2nd to accept the slate. Passed.
B. Committee Chairs: all committees need additional volunteers
Business Practices: Pete Hogue
Finance Committee: Pete Hogue
Property Manager: Aaron Voboril Buildings & Grounds: Pamm Haglund Beautification Team (long range landscape planning): Community Activities: Gary & Dee Dougherty (co-chairpersons)
Owner’s Workshop 8/15/15
Javier will look into us having it at the Prudential conference room
There was a question about why the doors and garage door repairs aren’t split between the HOA and Owners.
Answer: That’s the way the HOA’s organizational manual reads. Also, insurance typically divides it that way, too.
Motion to Adjourn. Passed. 5:00.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
HOA Secretary
Posted in Minutes 2015 by Susan with comments disabled.