EPMFHOA Board Meeting 10/18/2020 via zoom.us
Attendees:Rick & Claudia Jordan, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Nan Belknap, Aleta Bell, Ronnie LaRue, Pete & Linda Hogue, Kathy Beatty
Call to Order:4:30
Minutes: To be deferred until the website is updated and minutes finished.
Finance Report:
Treasurer’s Report 10/18/2020:
September 2020 financials are done and available on the website. The last major expense for 2020 is Non-Brodie unit painting which has not yet been paid.
All owners are current on assessment payments.
Three owners have the second $2,000 roof loan payment due as of October 31, 2020.
As of September 30, 2020, our cash on hand is as follows:
o BOC Checking 9825.55
o BOC Operations Savings 5006.38
o Fidelity Reserve Savings 28600.30
o Fidelity Operations Savings 33115.82
o TOTAL: 76548.05
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Poznic Treasurer
Linda moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, Nan 2nd. Passed.
Buildings & Grounds Report:
All Driveways, except the two concrete ones, have been crack sealed and seal coated. This effort extends the life of our asphalt surfaces. The Brodie frontage area received a few small patches in areas where it was breaking up badly.
Randy McNeil, Village Maintenance, completed painting the off-Brodie units. His crew did a good job of surface preparation and painting.
We have asked Randy for a bid on the off-golf course units for next year.
Snow Plowing contract for 2020-2021 season.
Reminder to all homeowners: The snow plower does NOT plow driveways with vehicles in them. This is to protect both the plower and any vehicle from damage.
Decks / Porches
1449 deck and railings have been sanded and painted.
1442 deck and railings have been sanded and painted. We also individually wrapped the nearby aspen with wire to prevent elk damage and removed the old fencing.
1440 front porch infrastructure was partially rebuilt and the front anchor post replaced.
Our Lawns / landscape:
This was a super tough year for lawns in Estes Park – hot and dry. We used more water and spent more on sprinkler maintenance than predicted. We are looking into sprinkler maintenance options for this next summer.
The tall spruce tree outside 1453 is experiencing some dying out of needles. We have contacted the city arborist who told us this has been happening around Estes and apparently the County. He is in contact with CSU Extension where they are doing research on the cause and perhaps a cure for this.
Two dead trees were removed. Replacements will be considered next year.
2020, the Year of the Mice/Voles, Woodrats etc:
Enviropest has visited 1410, 1422 and 1453 to do an “intervention”, ridding the units of pesky rodents. Hopefully next year will find the rodents outside.
Our Shed:
Aaron, Ronnie and Steve arrived at the shed one day, took everything out, discarded unneeded materials and organized the “keepers” in the shed . It looks great; materials are now easily located. They also replaced several feet of rotted RR ties in the retaining wall in front of 1411. Kudos to the team.
Planning: B&G is planning the 2021 projects.
We at B&G as well as all HOA Members can’t thank Aaron Vobril, Ronnie LaRue andSteve Poznic enough for
their tireless work this summer. Our HOA is always a better place because of them. BIG THANKS!!!
“It takes a village”. It has been a busy, productive and successful summer.
1454: Is having outdoor rodents /pest problems and there will be another technician coming this week to check for the outside entry passage(s) to the interior.
The budget for B&G still looks good and in-budget.
Anne moved to accept the B&G report, Arleta 2nd. Passed.
B&G Job Description doc. B&G has decided that we may not need a paid property manager and just take care of management completely through the committee.
Pete wants to add that the Reserve Plan money gets added to be managed by B&G; and Archtectural Guidelines. Nan doesn’t want B&G’s role to police the Guidelines. B&G thinks the upholding of the legal documents needs to be the board’s responsibility. The board agrees, but there needs to be more discussion on the matter.
Finance Team Update:
All assessments are up to date.
Roof replacement reserve needs to be protected from being used outside of roofing replacement needs, except through board approval.
Linda moved to accept the changes to the financial policies and guidelines, Anne 2nd. Passed.
Changes to documents is having to do with handling assessments in arrears and how to make special arrangements to handle that.
Anne moved to accept the changes to the document, Linda 2nd. Passed.
A new document plan documenting the handling of any transfers amongst reserves by the board.
Arleta moves to accept this document, Ronnie 2nd. Passed.
Ronnie moved to accept Anne’s 2 documents, Arleta 2nd. Passed.
We’re deferring the documents about leases until further research on the declarations.
Next meeting: November 15, 2020; 4:30
Adjourned: 5:57
Posted in Minutes 2020 by Susan with no comments yet.
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