EPMFHOA BOD Meeting Minutes 7-13-13

Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA

NEW Board of Directors Meeting


Call to Order: 3:43 p.m.

Attendees w/new slate of officers:

President: Charley Griffen,

Vice President: Joe Evans,

Secretary: Susan Novy,

Treasurer: Linda Hogue,

Members-at-Large: John Gaddis, Pamm Haglund, Arieta Bell & Gary Dougherty

President’s Report: Charley welcomed the new members.

Approval of June Minutes: Charley moved, John seconded. Passed.

Secretary’s Report: none.

Treasurer’s Report: Packets were passed out.

Business Practices Committee Report: none

Building & Grounds/Operations Committee Report:  We thought the water damage was due to irrigation problems from snow melt and sprinkler heads, some of which are right up next to the unit. We’re moving those that are right next to the units out 6 feet. We’ll do these as we can. Aaron has volunteered to do this as he can. Our landscaper can do it for $40.00/hour, which we have found to be a good price.

The units between Jerry & Jerry needs excavation. We’ve had 2 verbal bids around 10-12K. We don’t have them in writing yet. There’s a potential landscaping option that would include xeriscape/rock & flagstone between units with new landscaping in front to reduce need for sprinklers in those sections. A plan would need to be made to see if it would reduce expenses from replacing the current landscaping as is, and if it would upgrade the landscaping look of the area.

New Business: John moved to keep the same slate. Gary seconded. Passed. Charley is president, Joe vice-president, Linda treasurer, and Susan secretary.

Financial Policies & Guidelines: John moves to approve. Linda seconded. Passed.

Reformatted Rules & Regulations: Arleta moved to approve. Pamm seconded. Passed.

Set committee assignments for current board members. More volunteers welcome.
Committees are:
Buildings & Grounds– Aaron Chairman, Pamm Haglund, Steve Lang, Charley Griffin & Joe Evans
Finance Committee- Pete Chairman, Linda Hogue, Linda Griffin, Arleta Bell
Business Practices Committee- Pete Chairman, Sally Gaddis, John Gaddis, Gary Dougherty

Check Signing: We can keep same people on for now- item deferred to next meeting.

Review Proposal of Deck expansion on 1450: Potential new owners want to expand the back deck by 5 feet deeper. It still leaves 8 feet to the golf course fence. Neighbors are OK with it. Charley moved to approve plan with comparable or better materials. All expense of deck and sprinkler/landscaping changes are the responsibility of owner. And contractor plans to be presented to the building & grounds committee for approval.  Linda seconded Passed.
Drainage Issues: We live in the mountains and drainage is a constant issue. Snow melt from Prospect Mountain creates all kinds of springs throughout the golf course and our property. It depends on how deep the granite bedrock is and what cracks the water takes. It could change from year to year. Proper excavation can help alleviate the problem as well as owners having sump pumps.

Next board meeting to be Aug. 24 at Pete & Linda’s (1458) at 9:00 a.m.

Meeting Adjourned: 4:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2013 by with comments disabled.