EPMFHOA Minutes 1-9-2011

Estes Park Mountain Fairways HOA meeting 1/9/2011

Attendees: Charley Griffin, Ron Meskimen, Lois Weaver, Susan Novy, (Pete & Linda Hogue via Skype)

Approval of Oct. 16, 2010 minutes: approved

Presidents Report: New Insurance policy review. Joe did a fabulous job keeping the dues the same (or lower) and saving us so much money on insurance-and then resigned. We wish him and Caroline well in their endeavors in Japan and will be happy to hear what it’s like to be his geisha’s boytoy. (per resignation description:-))

Secretary’s Report: the 2011 EPMFHOA contact sheet was emailed to the board, as well as all the concerns of the homeowners that were sent in with the Request for Assistance form. All concerns are being reviewed and scheduled to be dealt with.

Financial Report: Pete presented via Skype

  • Monthly Financial Report, consisting of Balance Sheet and  Budget Report.We’re in fine shape for the beginning of the year. Motion was made by Ron to approve the report and seconded by Charley. Approved.
  • Budget Worksheet: We approved in Oct. a slightly deficit budget due to the 2% discount. We don’t feel that’s a problem. Motion was made to approve the figures on the worksheet by Charley, seconded by Ron. Approved.
  • 2011 Expense Authority Document: Gives authority for each of the budget categories as to who has authority to spend the money and how much. Joe has had a chance to look this over and approves the accuracy of the budgeted amounts per committee. Ron made the motion to approve this document and Lois seconded. Approved.
  • Check signing: authority is approved for the 4 executive officers. Only 2 signatures are required for signing checks. Motion was made to approve this by Ron and seconded by Lois. Approved. Millie is to be added to the signature authority. Charlie made a motion to add Millie as one of the signatures authorities. Seconded by Ron. Approved.
  • Change of Treasurer: Joe resigned, due to being  out of the country this year. Charley talked to both Mille and Joe about the change of guard. Millie is fine with being the bookkeeper for $200.00/month until the next annual meeting and Linda Hogue is fine with becoming the treasurer. Ideally it would be good to have an onsite treasurer, but that doesn’t seem to be an option right now with the current volunteers. Charley made motion to have Millie stay on until the annual meeting as bookkeeper for $200.00/month and Linda Hogue as treasurer beginning March, 2011. Lois seconded. Approved. Millie will continue to pick up the mail, deposit checks and forward the books to Linda, who will complete the monthly budget reports.
  • CD: Motion was made by Linda to give the financial committee and treasurer the authority as to what financial instruments will be used for monies; includes operating account, CD’s , savings, etc. Seconded by Lois. Approved.

Business Report: There hasn’t been any action on the website; but it was OK’d to use the domain name EPMFHOA.com

Operations Committee Report: Steve submitted a sample RFP. We’re fine with the committee using the form and leave the authority to the committee to obtain bids and prepare contracts for approval by the treasurer. We feel he needs to tweek the need for $1M insurance on all contractors according to size of repairs and contracts.

Contact Information for Homeowners: We feel that personal contact is preferable until the website is up.

  • Primary Contact: Steve Lang (operations director) 303-933-9421


  • Secondary Contact: Charlie Griffin (president) 577-9657

Rules & Regulations: business practice committee will review and “soften” the presentation of them.

Next Meeting: Sat. April 2,2011 at 3:30 at Charley’s

Motion was made to adjourn meeting by Lois at 4:55 pm. Seconded by Ron and approved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy- HOA Secretary

Posted in MINUTES - All approved motions are in bold italics. Click on blue title for individual post., Minutes 2011 by with comments disabled.