Town Hall Meeting 10/12/24

10:00 via Zoom

Attendees: Susan Novy, Yvonne Salfinger, Pete & Linda Hogue, Kevin Preston, Lori Calnon, Kim Porter, Anne Poznic, Rick & Claudia Jordan, Kathy Beatty & Elen Crone, Diane Yoblin, Matt Geraghty & MayBeth, Linda Buehring, Julie Walsh

Discussion on Updates to Legal Documents After Last Town Hall Meeting Discussions:

Anne requested only 5 board members. There were many ideas, but leaving the number as 5 or 7 board members seems to be the choice.

Anne requested that committees be only on an as needed basis with a board member heading the committee. Kim clarified that the updates cover this according to non-profit statutes, so nothing needs to be changed. The board is already making committee changes due to the HOA adopting a property management company.

There was discussion on number of meetings for the board. Kim clarified the legalese verbiage . We are following these. The board needs to keep in mind that when voting by email, the emails (including email discussions) are part of the records and need to be saved.

There was a question about how proxies vote. Who you give your proxy to votes according to what they feel is correct for themself and their proxies; unless you specify how you want to vote and trust them to vote your vote according how you want voted.

Is signage or extended driveway parking included in what we’re updating? No. Both are detailed in Rules & Regulations and Policies, which should be updated after knowing how the Declarations and By-Laws update vote goes. Signage/flags is briefly in the updated Declarations, Kim clarified what is legal.

Decks? There is additional information on decks that will be sent out. The amendment states that the HOA will be responsible for doing the work of maintenance and replacement, but will have the right to pass-through some of the costs. (ex: if the deck has been enlarged or larger than the majority of decks).

Next Steps:

After today’s input, Kim will make whatever changes the board requests. Then a final document will be sent out for approval. After that approval, the vote of the entire membership will happen. There needs to be a 60 day window of being able to vote (after 60 days, your vote is deemed approved if you haven’t voted by then), so we request everyone vote ASAP when you receive the mail-in vote . Kim Porter (lawyer) and EP Rentals will be handling the vote and giving the results to the board as soon as the needed majority is reached. Make sure Estes Park Rentals knows where to send your ballot. This will be far less complicated if we get this done by year-end.

There is a lot that can’t be determined until after the vote. If it doesn’t pass, then we will make decisions according to current documents, rather than the updates.

Adjournment: 11:00

Short Board Meeting after Town Hall:

Since nothing was changed, just clarified at this Town Hall, shall we go ahead with the vote? Yes. The board deems the updates to be necessary, fair and in keeping with membership discussion at the Town Hall meetings.

Look for your ballot in the mail from Estes Park Rentals.

Adjournment: 11:03

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Novy- secretary

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