Board Meeting 2/1/25
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
January 25, 2025
10:00 am MT
by Zoom only
Proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice-agenda and Zoom sent out to owners by Estes Park Rentals on January 22, 2025.
Attendees:Yvonne Salfinger, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Abbey Pontius, Kevin Preston, Nan Belknap, Lori Calnon
Approval of minutes of preceding meeting: November 23, 2024-they can be found at Pete moved to accept minutes, Kevin 2nd. Passed.
Reports of officers:
Treasurer’s Report
2024 Year End Financial Information: Dec 31,2024 P&L, Dec 31, 2024 Balance Sheet, Notes
Pete moved to accept the financials, Kevin 2nd. Passed.
Reports of committees:
Facilities & Finances Support Team [F&FST] Report
Phase 2 budget material Pete moved that the budget be approved, Yvonne 2nd. Passed.
Estes Park Rentals report (Abbey and Team)
Dues are up to date
Work order status:
Gutter at 1411: Carl is on it.
Siding at 1410: There may be mold problems coming from leaks in the exterior siding that needs to be addressed. This had been reported 4 years ago as an odd smell that could also be coming from the interior. It is now thought it could be mold coming from the exterior. Pete moved to immediately move ahead with mold inspection, Yvonne 2nd. Passed. The siding needs to been replaced regardless of the mold inspection, however the inspection results could change the scope of work. Jeff Youngbluth had the best bid and we will get on his schedule, preferably in the spring . Pete moved to approve the $8K (or more-depending on mold inspection results and who’s responsible) exterior wall replacement when the board approves the timing. Yvonne 2nd. Passed.
Window at 1452: (damage due to golf ball) To reiterate the Declarations & Rules and Regs window responsibility intent: The window assembly units (glass, frame, interior trim and brick moulding) are the responsibility of the owner, both for damage and replacement (unless damage can be proven to be from an HOA contracted mishap, in which case the HOA can have the contractor pay through their HOA mandated insurance). The brick moulding is an exterior trim/casing piece that covers the gap between the window frame and siding/trim. It is ordered with the window frame assembly and the material varies (it’s not brick) according to the material of the window frame and a color will need to be picked out for it. This is one step more (the window assembly unit and trims) than what renters expect (just window panes)to be responsible for. So, the window (glass, frame, trims and the exterior brick moulding) is the owner’s responsibility and the exterior decorative window trim (currently 1×4’s) and siding is the HOA’s. A bead of caulk connects the two (brick moulding to exterior window trim). We haven’t decided who’s responsible for that. We’re sure nobody has gone out and inspected theirs. Typically the caulking is done with the window assembly/brick moulding replacement and is guaranteed for a year when it then resorts back to the owner. We will see if there’s any better way of explaining all this, so as to not have owner questions. The architectural guidelines are the next to be updated.
Inspection reports received: not discussed.
Deck inspection/review: pending
Street work: it will probably take the entire summer. Yvonne will meet with the Town to determine what needs to happen on the HOA side and what will be taken care of by the Town, such as sprinkler heads and trees and how we will be able to come and go from our units.
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
Publication of Limited Amendments to the Declaration signed Jan 16, 2025: This has been posted to the website in the Declarations tab on the header.
Publication of the Amended and Restated Bylaws-signed Dec 27, 2024: This has been posted to the website in the By-laws tab on the header.
Approval of policies-next steps: The 9 policies that we just updated to comply with newer state laws will be posted to the website soon. The business practice committee will determine if any of our other policies need to be changed so as to make a complete document of all policies. Pete moved to accept the updated 9 policies, Yvonne 2nd. Passed.
Insurance meeting update (from 1/24/25): We do have guaranteed replacement cost. This is important. We still think the $15K deductible (the lowest option) per building (!) is best. One claim can lose us our insurance, so we will be careful when making claims. The board must make all HOA claims to the HOA insurance. Owners make their own loss assessment claims to your interior/personal belongs insurance, if needed, but the same holds true for that. One claim could lose you your insurance. Be sure you have loss assessment coverage on your policy of at least 50K. It should cost around $15/year. That’s the only cheap insurance there is!
example: If a hail storm ruined all the roofs, the replacement would be approximately 300K less the 15K/building of deductible= 180K. The HOA insurance would pay for 120K of the roofing. If the HOA didn’t have a spare 180K in the bank, we would special assess each unit 6K; which you could get from your loss assessment insurance.
Monthly plan document review: We have an annual document that states all the deadlines and typical operations per month. Both Abbey and Yvonne review this to make sure we’re on top of things.
Date of next Board meeting? Saturday March 29, 2025 at 10:00 MT.
Posted in Home, Minutes 2025 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 11/23/24
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
November 23, 2024
10:00 am MT
Zoom for owners and Board members
Attendees:Yvonne Salfinger, Kevin Preston, Susan Novy, Pete Hogue, Abbey Pontius, Lori Calnon, Ronnie LaRue, Anne Posnic, Nan Belknap
Approval of minutes from meeting held September 28, 2024-they can be found at Yvonne moved to accept the minutes, Pete 2nd. Passed.
Votes by email:
1.)Approval by the F&FST Committee to Change our approved paradigm for the deck painting expense line item from the current approach [we paint decks, we do not stain them] to a new approach [we paint or stain decks as makes sense – both in general and for a given year]
2.)Approval to paint the decks at: 1447, 1449, 1438 and 1434 by Carl to start the week of October 28 with prep and completion depending on weather.
Treasurer Report
1) normal treasurer financial information
2) 10/31/24 current monthly financials : Notes, Balance Sheet, P&L
Pete moved to accept the financials, Ronnie 2nd. Passed.
Facilities & Finances Support Team [F&FST] Report
1) normal F&FST information for each of its two functions
Information carried forward from the last report is shown in italics
This report supplements the report done by our EPR service provider of facilities and finances operational services. Its focus is the set of responsibilities our team has in addition to those handled by the EPR staff.
Administrative Information
1) The team has not met as a full team since our last meeting (Tuesday, 7/23/24). However, there has been significant activity within the scope of both team functions (facilities, finances) since then (see the next heading).
2) We had agreed at our 7/23/24 meeting (and are executing our responsibilities within that agreement) to meet as needed, with work sessions either involving the full team or just a subset of the team that deals with one of two functions (facilities, finances) as appropriate – recognizing that some to many of our activities would not require a meeting at all but rather be handled by phone or email interaction by subsets/all of the personnel making up a function.
3) The finance function/team met 11/21/24. Recent Activities
1) Prior to the 8/17/24 board meeting there had been significant activity to prepare the draft 2025 Interim Phase One Budget material. The initial versions of draft material (two documents) was prepared by the team of Yvonne Salfinger (Operations Director) and Pete Hogue and Anne Poznic (the two key members of the finance function component of F&FST) – with supplemental support from Kevin Preston and Abbey Pontius. The two draft documents were then provided to the full F&FST team for their feedback. While the short time frame involved “stressed” the preparation of the final draft version being recommended by the team to the board for their approval at the 8/17/24 board meeting, the final draft version is a reasonable Interim 2025 Phase One Budget – recognizing that a Final 2025 Phase One Budget will be created later this year (target time frame sometime in November so the final 2025 assessments can be approved in time for implementation going into 2025).
Following the 8/17/24 board meeting three significant activities have taken place:
a) a Budget Executive Summary was prepared for use at the 9/7/24 Annual Meeting
b) the owners confirmed the Interim 2025 Phase One Budget at that meeting
c) as the result of a revised “vision” which is driving the Declaration Amendments Project (basis feedback obtained from the owners during the Town Hall meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting) the interim Phase One Budget material needed to be revised to align with the revised “vision”. That revised budget material will be reviewed and approved at the 9/28/24 board meeting. Approval was received at the 9/28/24 board meeting.
2) Prior to the 8/17/24 board meeting there had been significant activity to prepare a final view of the 2024 RP/RF Planning & Tracking document for approval by the board at the 8/17/24 board meeting – recognizing that the results of some of our inspection projects are not yet available. For that reason, there is a premise in the current plan that we will not find any needed “immediate/emergency” 2024 work being recommended for action in 2024. Should that premise not hold, the Plan will be revisited – recognizing that there are no monies in the 2024 OF or RF budgets that are available to pay for said work. The draft document was provided to the full F&FST team for their feedback. While the short time frame involved “stressed” the preparation of the final draft version being recommended by the team to the board for their approval at the 8/17/24 board meeting, the Plan is a reasonable premise-based Plan.
At, and following, the 8/17/24 board meeting three significant activities have taken place:
a) the 2024 RP/RF Planning & Tracking document was approved by the board on 8/17/24 b) project work has begun on several of the approved projects (see the next heading)
c) an initial view of the 2025 RP/RF Planning & Tracking document was created as a way to show the current (but obsolete) 2025 RP/RF Budget.
2024 Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Planning & Tracking Status Report
While a verbal update was done to some degree at both the 11/4/23 & 11/28/23 board meetings, a written report covering the final 12/31/23 year end status was provided at the 1/27/24 board meeting. Through 6/30/24 there have been no Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund projects and associated expenditures. Having said that, there has been 2024 planning activity. There was initial RP/RF planning for 2024 discussed at the 6/17/24 board meeting, with a conceptual plan (with several TBD costs yet to be defined) adopted by the board. That planning was continued recently at the Tuesday, 7/23/24, meeting of the Facilities & Finances Support team. As can be seen from the Recent Activities information above (item #2), an updated Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Planning & Tracking document was submitted for board review and approval at the 8/17/24 board meeting – with the plan being approved.
Several of the approved projects have been completed or currently have work-in-progress. More information was provided by EPR during their report at the 9/28/24 board meeting.
More work has been completed on the Reserve Fund projects. Details will be shared by EPR during their report at the 11/23/24 board meeting.
2) Plans for producing the 2025 Final Phase One Budget.
(MIA means Material In Advance)
3.) We will discontinue the 2% annual payment discount, as Kim (our lawyer) found it to be discriminating to those who can’t afford it. Also, cash flow-wise, we don’t need to. When we invested it, after paying the tax on the ROI, it didn’t necessarily leave enough increase in our reserve to cover the discount.
Pete moved to discontinue, starting with 2025, the 2% discount. Yvonne 2nd. Passed. 5 yes, 2 no. Ronnie voted against. Yvonne would prefer it to start in 2026.
Estes Park Rentals report/transition update (Abbey and Team)
Dues: all current
New owners on 1421 are considering renting it out. Abbey let them know the criteria for rentals. (no short term, minimum 6 month lease to be turned into the HOA mgmt. co. for reference, not additional management of renters)
Structural/foundations were performed the week of July 23-25, 2024
Report received from Frank on 11/13/24 and turned over to F&FST for review.
Retaining wall-July 22, 2024
Retaining wall- we’re getting a bid on a concrete wall. There are other options, such as a rock wall, that will be considered. We’re using the concrete bid as a starting point to determine possible costs.
Request was sent to Carl for bid-pending
Siding-inspection was performed and bid by three companies so far
AP&D Ltd. Identified 2 trouble areas (1410 and 1458), along with other more minor things. Bid was high from AP&D Ltd. (Steve) for 1410/1458.
Also, holes in 1438 (new)
Requested a second quote [name of company provided by Yvonne to LeAnn from a local painter: “Jeffrey Youngbluth has done the siding work there before. He does outstanding work. He is your first Choice.” (970) 217-5776).]-pending. He sent the bid, but we haven’t received it.
Keith Cowles submitted a bid for 1458.
Blue Peak (Andrew) performed an inspection of decks and siding and produced a report (sent to Board).
Asphalt update
Brodie asphalt
Asphalt work by Josh Harris-Leanne brushed and power washed, they should come in for a little more work. There was some patching done at the entrance area.
Update on Matthew Circle Town project-in Town approved budget for 2025, some surveying occurring
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B and G)
The Dougherty’s (1431) finished deck work-any reimbursement from HOA is pending budgeting decisions on decks in early 2025.
1437 is in need of some repair, but hasn’t been in the 2024 budget or inspected yet. . The owners are willing to get the painting done themselves, as their unit is up for sale, but were have problems finding a vendor. We gave them the information on who we use and F&FST will determine where to go from there.
Current status of pending work orders
Leann and Yvonne had call with Carl on 10/7/24
1.)Bid for painting 4 decks and 1 porch-Carl has them prepped and will paint/stain as appropriate depending on temperature and weather
2.)Gutters were done in Spring but he will do a quick review of them, and also check if they are intact.
3.)Winter clean up to include bush trimming/weeds in wild areas/removal of dead bushes/volunteer pines behind 1446-status?
4.)Carl will meet with Leann about French drain issue due to saturation of water flowing into crawl space and other drainage issues to keep water away from foundations.
French drains 1455, 1457
5.)Sprinklers and ground saturation (next Summer)
Sprinkler at 1450 pulled out of ground (next Summer)
6.)Vents-closed by Leann
There were some in need of repairs
7.)Window broken by golf ball 1452 (Rande)
8.)Flagging of communications boxes for snow plows for winter (Leann)
9.)Leak at 1451 (Emmer)
10.)(new 11/22/24) painting of Dawson’s deck (1437)
11.)EPMFHOA Split rail fence project-pending (Yvonne and Rick)
12.)Replaced fencing on Brodie (did other places also)
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
Updating of documents:
Ballot for updating of Declarations and Bylaws out for vote from EP Rentals-due December 30, 2024
Reminders sent to owners by email-last sent 11/19/24. We’re still in need of over half the owners to vote.
Letter was mis-sent to owners about mortgages-new letter going out on 11/11/24 to mortgage company only (not owner) from law office
Kim putting advertisement in newspaper as required
Yvonne and Pete met with Lonnie at Van Horn Engineering re update of map on 9/13/24-Lonnie sent a proposal back in October
Monthly plan document review
September 1-Snowplowing-“same cost as last year” (CMJ)
Insurance policy update-renewal on December 1-State Farm which was increased to $37K. The insurance team recommends sticking with the 15K deductible per building per claim until we have more information. We need the declaration votes to come in order to determine how the board needs to handle making sure the owners have their own loss assessment insurance on their interior policy. The new Declarations has it stated to recommend loss assessment insurance per owner’s interior policy (which would take the board off the hook of needing to make sure you know about loss assessment). Loss assessment insurance is extremely inexpensive (approx. $15/year for +50K loss assessment insurance – to be used only on unpaid deductibles by an HOA claim). An increase to 30K HOA insurance deductible/building /claim could save everyone approx. $15/month in HOA insurance assessment. (when we make a claim, we would assess everyone 1/30th of the deductible in order to make the deductible, which is the reason for needing loss assessment insurance. 50K would easily do, for an approx $15/YR increase in your interior insurance.) We can make these changes to the HOA insurance policy at any time throughout the year; but the board would want to make sure everyone has loss assessment insurance (or the Declarations vote passes) or chooses to opt-out of loss-insurance insurance and take their chances on having to pay the deductible assessment out of their own pocket before we make any changes.
Yvonne moved to keep the insurance deductible at 15K until we have more information. Lori 2nd. Passed.
November 1-downsized Waste Management to once/week for each dumpster.
December-annual dues notices to be sent
Date of next Board meeting? Jan. 25, 2025 at 10:00.
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting Aug. 17, 2024
Estes Park Mountain Fairways Board Meeting
Aug. 17, 2024 10:00MT via Zoom
approved 9/28/24
Attendees: Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, Ronnie La Rue, Abbey Pontius, Yvonne Salfinger, Nan Belknap, Kevin Preston, Matt Geraghty, Lori Calnon, Rick Jordan
Call to Order: 10:00
Minutes up for Approval: July 27,2024
Motion was made to approve minutes. Passed
Email Votes
a.)The Reserve Study team would like to recommend to move forward with approving the $4,000 expenditure (instead of $3,000 previously approved) for updating the Declarations (amendments only), rewriting the Bylaws, and creating the updated/new policies per Kim Porter’s recommendation. Approved on 8/8/24 (4 board members voted yes, 1 voted no, one did not vote)
b.)Contract with Harris Asphalt to do the asphalt work defined in the scope of their proposal for the price of $8,850. Approved on 8/14/24 (all 6 board members voted yes)
Treasurer’s Report:
Board Treasurer Report For 7/27/24 Board Meeting: information repeated from last report is in italics and found in the financial section of the website.
Note to readers: This report covers all the activity in which the treasurer is involved – with the exception of those items that are covered in the report from the Facilities & Finances Support Team (finances function).
1) The 7/31/24 financials have been completed and distributed.
2) After seven months of 2024 we have operating revenue of $139,460.50 and operating expense of $59,855.07 for a net income of $79,605.43.
It is time to celebrate!!!. At the end of July we have only owner with outstanding assessments as receivables for the association – and the expectation is that this temporary situation (due to health issues of that owner) will be resolved soon.
SHOW US THE MONEY! As of July 31, 2024 – $209,942.82
BOC Checking $77,603.24
Fidelity Operations Savings $7,075.89
Fidelity Reserve Savings. $125,263.69
Pete moved to approve the financials. Passed.
Facilities & Finance Support Team (F&FST) Report:
Reserve Fund Current vs Needed
Pete moved to accept the projected increases needed to complete 2024 reserve fund work, Yvonne 2nd. Passed. 4-1-1
This needs some revision and better explanation.
Reserve Fund Worksheet explanations
Estes Park Rentals Report
Structural/foundations were performed the week of July 23-25, 2024
Retaining wall-July 22, 2024
Siding-inspection was performed by two companies so far
-Identified 2 trouble areas (1410 and 1458), along with other more minor things. Bid was high from AP&D Ltd. (Steve) for 1410/1458.
-Requested at least a second quote [name of company provided by Yvonne to LeAnn from a local painter: “Jeffrey Youngbluth has done the siding work there before. He does outstanding work. He is your first Choice.” (970) 217-5776).]
Inspections-decks-Andrew, Blue Peak-do we have a list of those decks needing painting/repairs?
-Blue Peak (Andrew) performed an inspection of decks and siding and produced a report (sent to Board).
Asphalt Update:
Three received-selected Harris Asphalt and notified Leeann on 8/14/24
Estes Valley Asphalt-$42,000
Protective Seal Coating-$12,000 (they did work for us a 2-3 years ago)
Harris Asphalt-$8,800
Update on Matthew Circle Town project
Sidewalks: 1453, 1451
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B & G)
Current status of pending work orders
Requested of Carl (email 8/12/24)
Painting of 1447 (Michaels) deck
Brodie fencing repair (behind 1433 and 1435)
Need to add 2 side sprinklers at 1450 (not functioning (one is disconnected) and others misdirected, dead or missing
Remove volunteer pines at 1446
Skylight repair at 1411
Weed and kill tree sappers coming up through Brodie alleyway area
Other to report?
EPMFHOA Split rail fence project-pending (Yvonne and Rick)
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
Updating of documents
Documents sent to Kim Porter
Contracted with Kim to produce some draft amendments for Declarations, update Exhibit B, new Bylaws, and new policies
Yvonne has contacted Van Horn Engineering re update of map
Other items:
Yvonne renewed CO Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), Division of Real Estate HOA license, expires September 7, 2025.
Next Meeting:
Annual Meeting: Sept. 7, 2024, 1:00, Community Church of the Rockies Fellowship Hall on Brodie
Notices were sent out 30 days in advance by email and mail
–Need to send out to owners:
Approved Initial Budget for 2025
–Ballot at the meeting:
Interest of current board members-Ronnie, Nan, Pete, Kevin, Yvonne, Susan
Interest of other owners-Lori Calnon
Town Hall Meeting proposed agenda items, which may change by the time of the meeting.
A motion was made to accept this as an initial focus until we get more information from the lawyer. Passed
Adjournment: 11:45
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting July27,2024
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
July 27, 2024
10:00 am MT
Zoom for owners and Board members needing Zoom
Attendees: Abbey Pontius, Yvonne Salfinger, Pete & Linda Hogue, Nan Belknap, Rick Jordan, Kevin Preston, Anne Poznic, Jim & Tina Meyers, Susan Novy
Call to Order: 10:00
Approval of minutes from meeting held May 18, 2024 and June 17, 2024-they can be found at (when posted/corrected):
There was a motion to approve the May 18 minutes as posted and Pete had corrections to be made on the June 17 minutes, which were also approved.
Finance Team (Pete)
a) Treasurers Report
Board Treasurer & Finance Team Report For 7/27/24 Board Meeting: information repeated from last report is in italics Note to readers: This report covers all the activity in which the treasurer and finance team are involved. FINANCIALS AND FINANCIAL SITUATION
1) The 6/30/24 financials have been completed and distributed.
2) After six months of 2024 we have operating revenue of $129,694.36 and operating expense of $42,293.90 for a net income of $87,400.46.
It is time to celebrate!!!. At the end of June we essentially do not have any owners with outstanding assessments as receivables for the association.
SHOW US THE MONEY! As of June 30, 2024 – $217,737.85
BOC Checking $86,462.41
Fidelity Operations Savings $7,046.16
Fidelity Reserve Savings $124,229.28
1) Outsourcing Implementation Team Status:
Effective with the last board meeting (6/17/24) the Outsourcing Implementation Project and its associated Outsourcing Implementation Team have been closed out in light of a successful implementation. So effective immediately this heading/topic will no longer appear as part of the Treasurer report.
2) Investment Management Status: The finance team previously produced and distributed information on our MF Investment Management portfolio. The “book” value, as opposed to “market value”, for each month was used for our financials in 2023. For 2024 we are using the “market value” for our financials. For full transparency both values are reported in the Financial Statement Notes each month. The table that follows provides a view of our increasing monthly values – using the “book” value for the Operating Fund and the “market” value for the Reserve Fund. NOTE: Since none of the Operating Fund monies are invested, there is no separate “market” value involved.
12/31/22 BBF 12/31/23 BBF January 2024 February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 May 2024 June 2024
Operating Savings Value [$]
12/22-$6,560.92 (book) 12/23-$6,874.27 (book),1/24- $6,903.36 (book), 2/24- $6,930.59 (book), 3/24-$6,959.83 (book), 4/24-$6,988.16 (book), 5/24- $7,017.56 (book), 6/24– $7,046.16 (book)
+Reserve Savings Value [$]
12/22-$85,251.87 (book), 12/23- $117,642.08 (book),1/24- $122,027.16 (market), 2/24– $122,495.86 (market), 3/24- $122,903.41 (market), 4/24– $123,342.77 (market), 5/24- $123,734.40 (market), 6/24- $124,229.28 (market)
=Total Value [$]
12/22-91,812.79 (book),12/23- $124,516.35 (book), 1/24- $128,930.52 (market), 2/24- $129,426.45 (market), 3/24- $129,863.24 (market),4/24- $130,330.93 (market), 5/24– 130,751.96 (market) 6/24- $131,275.44 (market)
Note1: We moved monies into reserve savings (planned for JAN 2023, executed in FEB 2023) so all the 12/31/22 = 1/1/23 reserve monies would be in its own account ($96,862.78).
Note2: We moved monies into reserve savings (planned for JAN 2024, executed in JAN 2024) so all the 12/31/23 = 1/1/24 reserve monies would be in its own account ($117,642.08).
3) Multi-year Planning Team Status: The team (AKA the MF RP/RF Study Team) has effort going on in two areas, which are a) revising the current Multi-year Planning document and b) determining what outside resource to use in the reserve
1 7/25/24
(property management) arena to validate our locally produced plan and provide consultation in areas where we have no local expertise. Working with Lowell Richardson of PMI we obtained three bids for a Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Study. The team brought forward a recommendation in the second area for consideration at the 6/24/23 board meeting – with the recommendation being approved. A Reserve Advisors engineer made an onsite visit on Tuesday, 8/22/23, to initiate the study. The Study Team has received the Study Report and created a Study Team Executive Summary (which includes recommendations for board review & approval) that was an agenda item at the 11/4/23 board meeting. It was decided at the 11/4/23 board meeting that slightly revised versions of the first two recommendations would be voted on at the 11/28/23 board meeting. The third recommendation was approved at the 11/4/23 board meeting.
The Study Team brought forward two proposals for board consideration at the 11/28/23 board meeting. These proposals were based on team-perceived opportunities for improvement in our current practices and processes related to the Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund arena. Both recommendations were approved.
The current status is that there will be no more active work for the Study Team until second quarter of 2024.
On Saturday, 7/20/24, the RP/RF Study Team met to determine (and start) the process for analysis of, and action on, the Reserve Advisor report. However, the work session instead became a discussion on needed changes to the current planning activities schedule, with focus on a needed increase in scope for the Declarations Revision Project being done now and the activities related to the Reserve Advisor Report and the 2025 Phase One Budget being deferred until later. A proposal to that effect from the team to the board will be considered at the 7/27/24 board meeting.
4) Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Tracking Report Status: While a verbal update was done to some degree at both the 11/4/23 & 11/28/23 board meetings, a written report covering the final 12/31/23 year end status was provided at the 1/27/24 board meeting. To date through 6/30/24 there have been no Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund projects and associated expenditures. Having said that, there has been 2024 planning activity. There was initial RP/RF planning for 2024 discussed at the 6/17/24 board meeting, with a conceptual plan (with several TBD costs yet to be defined) adopted by the board. That planning was continued recently at the Tuesday, 7/23/24, meeting of the Facilities & Finances Support team.
b) monthly financials: Under “financials” on website (right sidebar)
c) RP/RF Study Team – proposed change in current planning activities being brought forward for board consideration. This is in it’s infancy. We got some information back from the lawyer and most of our Declarations is incomplete and not current. We will need a Town Hall meeting in order to have full discussion and determine ballot issues for vote, as we’ll need 67% approval to change the Declarations.
Pete moved to schedule a Town Hall meeting soon. Passed.
e) Investment report
f) 2024 RP/RF Tracking Report – an updated interim 2024 Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund document [interim in the sense that it will be in place, when completed with TBD values replaced by our best estimates, until we complete the second quarter analysis of the Reserve Advisor Report – which may not get completed until into or after July]
Estes Park Rentals report/transition update (Abbey and Team)-see below
a.)Structural/foundations-week of July 23-25, 2024. This was done and we are waiting on the report.
b.)Retaining wall-July 22, 2024
c.)Siding-inspection was performed by one company
Identified 2 trouble areas (1410 and 1458), along with other more minor things. Bid was high from AP&D Ltd. (Steve) for 1410/1458.
Requested at least a second quote (name of company provided by Yvonne to LeAnn from a local painter): Jeffrey Youngbluth has done the siding work there before. He does outstanding work. He is your first Choice. (970) 217-5776).
Another company, Blue Peak (Andrew), performed an inspection of decks and siding.
d.) Decks-Andrew, Blue Peak
Asphalt update
a.)1451 asphalt: repaired in early July. There have been a few more requests for driveway repair. Some of this needs to be after the Town repairs Matthew Circle and adds a sidewalk.
b.)Brodie asphalt quotes
Two received
Estes Valley Asphalt-$42,000
Protective Seal Coating-$12,000 (they did work for us a 2-3 years ago)
Third quote potential by Harris Asphalt (recommended by the Molle’s)
Update on Matthew Circle Town project:
TruGreen-contract signed for this year, to match Elk Ridge-1st done in July
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B and G)
Current status of pending work orders
1.)Roof leak-1443 (Myers)-owners are happy with repair and painting. Time will tell.
2.)Roofs-4 units identified by reserve study (Yvonne, EP Rentals)-completed by Carl with more minor repair/fix.
3.)Repair of driveway-bid by Estes Park Asphalt-completed
4.)2 dead trees by 1441 (front and back)-completed
1.) Painting of 1447 (Michaels) deck: pending outsome of inspections and additional work so that it is one project.
2.) Brodie fencing repair: Carl’s been taking care of some of the repairs and sent an estimate for replacement.
3.)Yvonne-need to add 2 side sprinklers at Kevin’s unit-not functioning (one is disconnected)
4.)Split rail fence project-pending (Yvonne and Rick)
Facilities & Finance Support Team Report: We’re putting on hold some our work until we can put together a budget according to whatever we update the Declarations to. It’s inevitable that assessments will need to be changed, especially with the reserve study results from last year.
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
1.)Updating of documents
Documents sent to Kim Porter
Had first reply-see agenda item for Reserve Study group report.
Requested to set up another call with Kim Porter
Other items
1.)Monthly Plan Document Review
2.)Date of next board meeting: August 17, 2004 at 10:00.
3.)Annual Meeting-September 7, 2024 at 10:00 am
Location?-Church not available, per Gary-any suggestions??
American Legion-Saturday would cost $250 for a nonprofit. A motion was made that if we can’t find a free place, that the board could spend $250 for the American Legion. Passed.
Rec center has space the following weekdays
Library? Parking?
4.)Budget for 2025-estimated timeline
Interest of current board members-Ronnie LaRue, Nan Belknap, Pete Hogue, Kevin Preston, Yvonne Salfinger, Susan Novy
Interest of other owners-Lori Calnon
Notice to be sent to owners-timeline is at least 30 days but not more than 45 days prior to meeting.
Adjourned: 11:08
Minutes Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting June 17,2024
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
June 17, 2024
7:00 pm MT
Attendees: Yvonne Salfinger, Kevin Preston, Susan Novy, Pete Hogue, Abby Pontius, LeAnn Briggle- Daugherty, Lori Calnon, Ed Emmer, Rick Jordan, Jim Meyers
Approval of minutes from meeting held May 18, 2024-they can be found at (when posted): We will wait until they are posted for approval.
Finance Team Reports (Pete)
Treasurer’s Report
RP/RF Study Team
an updated interim 2024 Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund document [interim in the sense that it will be in place, when completed with TBD values replaced by our best estimates, until we complete the second quarter analysis of the Reserve Advisor Report – which may not get completed until into July]
draft revised 2024 budget worksheet
a draft interim revised 2024 Budget Worksheet [interim in the sense that it will be in place until we complete the second quarter analysis of the Reserve Advisor Report – which may not be completed until into July].
Estes Park Rentals report/transition update (Abbey and Team)
Dues: All caught up!
–Structural inspection-scheduled for the week of July 18-20
–Siding: pending
-Decks: pending
–Asphalt walkthrough: We will not being seal-coating all driveways this year due to the Mathhew Circle Town project, but 2 driveways have holes that should be repaired.
Update on Matthew Circle: Email from Town of Estes Park re Matthew Circle project to LeAnn- May 23, 2024
Public Works has Matthew Circle scheduled for reconstruction in 2025. The tentative extents of that project are shown in the attached map. The existing asphalt pavement and curb will be removed, and new concrete curb and gutter will be installed along with new pavement. The driveways will be sawcut a short distance behind where the proposed concrete curb and gutter will go, but the Town right-of-way on Matthew Circle is narrow so we will not be making repairs to private driveways outside of the limits of our removals for the curb install.
There are no improvements scheduled for Brodie Avenue at this time.
If you would like to meet on Matthew Circle to discuss the limits of what our work will be so you can better coordinate and understand where your repairs and our project overlap, I’d be happy to do so.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
Trevor Wittwer 970-577-3724
TruGreen: Contract is pending and should match Elk Ridge schedule.
Backflow testing: completed and submitted to Town.
Sprinklers: completed/repaired.
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B and G):
Roof leak-1443 (Myers): completed. Painting will be done by the HOA of the affected ceiling. Rick will check with the owners on their satisfaction.
Roof repairs-4 units identified by reserve study (Yvonne, EP Rentals): pending
Painting of 1447 (Michaels) deck: was requested of Carl-not affected by architectural request.
Repair of driveway-bid by Estes Park Asphalt:one driveway will be repaired (pending since last year)
2 dead trees by 1441 (front and back): pending
Split rail fence (Yvonne): There is a desire to keep what is left and repair as needed.
Rick and Yvonne on project team for split rail fencing: who owns which portion (town, Elk Ridge vs EPMFHOA) and decide what fencing, if any, could be removed to decrease HOA costs for replacement going forward, and what is in need of immediate replacement.
The Estes Park Rentals/B&G Roles document was approved.
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
Updating of documents-
The Board had a free call with Kim Porter-May 30, 2024 re: document updating
Next steps
The MF association engage the law firm of Wizenburg, Luff, Purvis & Payne LLP as represented by Kim Porter for the following services:
1) To serve as special legal counsel to the Association – with legal services provided upon request [we have been provided a document entitled Agreement For Legal Services for this purpose]
2) To undertake a specific project on our behalf to address three needs:
a) ensure we have properly filed Declarations that cover all 30 of our condos (including association limited
common elements and common elements), including an updated Exhibit B
b) ensure that our interpretation of the Declarations is accurate vis-à-vis the HOA being responsible for
Operating Fund and Reserve Fund expenses related to condo decks (and include the procedures for an owner to expand their deck)
c) ensure that our currently approved Policies & Procedures documents cover the scope (items) in current
Colorado law relative to HOA Policies and that content of such Policies & Procedures documents are in
conformance with current Colorado law, which has had substantial updates since 2022.
The estimated cost for this project to be in the range of $2,100 to $2,800 [range of 6 to 8 hours at $350/hour].
There was a motion to hire Kim Porter as professional legal expertise to determine these 2 issues. Passed.
Other Document Updating:
A proposed re-organization of our MF organizational structure to recognize that we have a different model now that we have outsourced all our significant operational management activity (financial & facilities). This was approved by the board.
Monthly plan document review:
Date of next meeting July 27,2024; 10:00. Zoom. The Purpose of the meeting is to a.)adopt the 2025 Budget and b.) propose the board member slate for the 2024/2025 board year.
Date of Annual Meeting September 7, 2024; 10:00 location to be determined.
Budget for 2025-estimated timeline: by the annual meeting.
Interest of current board members: all current board members are thinking about it.
Interest of other owners: Lori Calnon
Notice to be sent to owners-timeline: At least 30 days but not more than 45 days prior to meeting.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- HOA Secretary
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
EMFHOA board meeting 5/18/24
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
May 18, 2024
10:00 MT
Zoom Only
Attendees:Yvonne Salfinger, Pete & Linda Hogue, Susan Novy, Kevin Preston, Abbey Pontius, LeAnn Briggle-Daugherty, Ronnie LaRue, Ed Emmer
Call to Order: 10:00
Approval of minutes from meeting held March 16, 2024- Pete moves to accept minutes. Ronnie 2nd. Passed.
Finance Team (Pete)
a) Treasurer‘s Report Pete
Kevin moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Pete 2nd. Passed
Estes Park Rentals report/transition update (Abbey and Team)
Dues: two units are still behind, but are making payments.
Member questionnaires
Update on architectural request-extension of deck:on hold
Taxes were submitted on time.
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B and G-Nan)
Current status of pending work orders
Roof leak-1443 (Myers)
Roof repairs-4 units identified by reserve study (Yvonne, EP Rentals): There’s one leak and Carl’s on it.
Backflow testing: pending
Split rail fence survey (Yvonne): We’ll keep the Brodie Ave. fencing. We’re fixing other areas.
Pricing for replacement was requested from Carl.
Asphalt project-bid received from Estes Park Asphalt. It came in too high, so we may do partial driveways repair. We’ll need another walk-through to determine what has to get done this year. This comes out of the Reserve Budget.
Gutter cleaning price from Carl: It’s part of the normal lawn care contract,it’s in the Operation Budget, we’ll move forward with it.
Update on major projects for this year including:
Inspection of siding: This would come out of the Reserve Budget, there’s no bids yet.
Inspection of foundations, including retaining wall inspection: We’ve received a $6600 estimate, it’s part of the operation budget, we’ll move forward with it. Pete moved to accept the bid, Susan 2nd. Passed. Ronnie opposed.
Other planned for this year?
B and G Call scheduled for May 30 at 11:00 MT
New B&G member-Rick Jordan
Ronnie no longer co-chair
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete)
Updating of documents-potential budget item
Call with Kim Porter-May 30, 2024 at 10:00 MT re document updating
Next steps-HOA questions from Board (Yvonne)
Pending architectural request
Questions for answers by HOA lawyer
Other items
Update on paving of Matthew Circle by Town (Yvonne)-nothing new yet
Monthly plan document review:
Meeting Adjourned: 11:00
Date of next meeting? June 17,2024. 7:00 pm, Zoom
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- HOA Secretary
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
Treasurer’s Reports starting 2024
Posted in Home, Treasurer's Report by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 1/27/24
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
January 27, 202
10:00 MT
Zoom Only
approval pending
Attendees: Yvonne Salfinger, Kevin Preston, Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, Abbey Pontius (EPR), Lori Calnon, Mary Beth Schuh
Call to Order: 10:02
Approval of minutes from meeting held November 28, 2023-they can be found at: Passed.
Finance Team (Pete)
Treasurer’s Report:
Board Treasurer & Finance Team Summary Report For 1/27/24 Board Meeting: information repeated from last report is in italics Note to readers: This report covers all the activity in which the treasurer and finance team are involved. Motion made to approve Treasurer’s Report, Passed.
MF 2024 Revised Budget – the team will have recommended material for review & approval. Motion was made by Yvonne and seconded by Susan to approve the Revised Budget. Passed.
Estes Park Rentals report/transition update (Abbey and Team):
Dues: We have two members that are behind. Both are willingly in good contact with EPR for resolution.
Member questionnaires: most have come in. These are necessary for contact information, especially in case of emergency when you’re not in your unit.
Architectural request: extension of deck. Pete moved and Yvonne seconded that conceptually we approve, with the details to be determined. Passed.
Work order status (Abbey and Team, B&G-Ronnie, Nan): Most work orders from PMI are taken care of.
There was one unit concerned about an unidentified odor. This will be monitored again in the summer-it does not seem to be a problem now.
Gutter cleaning has been done. However, we do not have an invoice for this activity.
The roofing problem review has been completed, paid for, but we’re still waiting on the written report from the roofer. Verbally there wasn’t anything different than in the Reserve Study Report. The roofing issues identified in the Reserve Study Report are still pending (to our knowledge-there was no update from B and G) and need to be completed.
Insurance Report (Yvonne): We got State Farm Insurance exterior building insurance (replacement value) for $27,018 from Dec.23, 2023 – Dec 1, 2024.
Business Practices Report (Yvonne, Pete): We will start with asking John Gaddis whether we need a real estate lawyer specializing in HOAs to go over our covenants or if he could explain our questions. Yvonne has worked with a good real estate lawyer specializing in HOAs that she worked with at their last condo residence and HOA in Denver. The next step would be the free phone call with the team and lawyer to determine what needs to be done at what price.
Updating of documents– potential budget item: The board is wanting to make sure our covenants are up to date.
Date of next meeting: Mar.16,2024 at 10:00
Posted in Home, Minutes 2024 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board Meeting 11/28/23
Estes Park Mountain Fairways
Board Meeting
November 28, 2023
2:00 MT
Zoom Only
Approval Pending
Attendees: Susan Novy, Yvonne Salfinger, Pete & Linda Hogue , Steve & Anne Poznic, Abbey Pontius (EPR), Kevin Preston, LeAnn Briggle Dougherty (site manager)
Call To Order: 2:10
President Report: Transition updates to Estes Park Rentals, Abbey Pontius (Yvonne, Pete) They are working on getting the ACH in place for the owners to be able to pay online.
Signature Card: Kris Baumann at Bank of Colorado was emailed on 11/15/23, requesting that the signature card be updated with Abbey Pontius. She will notify us (Rick Jordan, Nan Belknap, Susan Novy, Anne Poznic, Pete Hogue, and Abbey Pontius) that the card is ready for the signatories to come to the Bank for updating of the cards.
Insurance updates (Yvonne)
Allen Coe, State Farm agent, was provided the Bank of Colorado account number for a payment on 11/15/2023; after checking and it did not go through, redid the payment on 11/21/2023.
Email vote– Motion made by Yvonne was approved by the board on 11/15/2023.
I move to pay State Farm a one-month premium of $2,131.42 from the Bank of Colorado account for a coverage binder for 60 days effective December 1, 2023, with full coverage hoping to be in effect by January 1, 2024. It will take them probably 60 days for underwriting to do the policy. This is our full coverage (as previous) and Liability and D and O.
Secretary Report: Approval of minutes from meeting held November 4, 2023. Passed.
Exhibit B Update: We need to get this together for mortgages and completing the Declarations. Kevin knew the exact mathematical formula for figuring this so the ratios remain the same as the original. (yeah engineering mathematicians!!)
Financial Report:
1) As a result of the difficulties with getting accurate monthly financials from PMI, the MF finance team has previously issued 7/31/23 and 8/31/23 and 9/30/23 manually done financials. Since the decision has been made to utilize EP Rentals as our service provider for 2024, the MF finance team has a two part plan going forward:
a) we will produce QB-based monthly financials based on the information that is stored in TOPS for the remainder of 2023 (including a revised 9/30/23 version) – having said that, the 9/30/23 revised financials (as well as later ones) will be different in two ways: first, the financial information will have been input into our On Line QuickBooks [QB] software from which the financials will be generated and second, the financials will be done on a cash accounting basis (rather than an accrual accounting basis used by TOPS)
b) the action above will greatly facilitate our transition to working with EP Rentals going into, and during, 2024 – our financial tools of OnLine QB (cash accounting) and the use of our current Bank of Colorado [BOC] checking account (which EP Rental will use for depositing our revenue and paying our bills) fit right in with their normal operating financial paradigms.
The full set of 10/31/23 financials is not yet ready for publication and distribution. We have a disconnect in our MF information in TOPS that needs to be reconciled before that can be done (we have asked PMI to assist with reconciling the disconnect and they have work-in-progress to do so).
2) We do have current information on the balances in our various accounts as of 10/31/23, so the values in the Show Us The Money section below are accurate.
3) The treasurer & finance chair and financial secretary made the decision that we would make a paradigm change for 2023. We will no longer allocate the monthly assessment revenue among the Operating Fund and the Reserve Fund (with three different components) in the monthly financials. Instead, we will do the allocation at year end. The upside of this decision is the monthly financial process & reporting for PMI (and our MF review of the financials and publishing our augmented monthly financials) is simplified. The downside of this decision is we will no longer have a monthly view of the Operating Fund and Reserve Fund ownership of the cash assets on the Balance Sheet.
Effective with the 9/30/23 financials and going forward once again the detail related to Operating Fund monies versus Reserve Fund monies is included in the monthly financials.
4) A proposal to have the finance team leadership more heavily involved in the operational financial management activities until EP Rentals officially takes over will be considered at the 11/28/23 board meeting.
We have two owners that are significantly in arrears for their assessments. Since the finance team has previously done all it can to get this situation resolved (including imposition of late fees), the situation has already been escalated to the board for their decision on planned actions (invoking use the Violation protocol).
SHOW US THE MONEY! As of October 31, 2023 – $174,936.27
BOC Checking $11,585.76
BOC Operations Savings. Closed Out
Fidelity Operations Savings. $6,817.24
Fidelity Reserve Savings 99,131.06
Alliance Checking (PMI MF account) 57,402.21
1) Outsourcing Implementation Team Status:
a) relative to PMI: PMI will no longer be our service provider for 2024; they will continue to serve MF for the remainder of
2023, with their two key tasks being continued operational financial management and providing MF with transitional
information as our financial information (an asset owned by MF) is released from their 2023 custodianship
b) relative to selection of our 2024 operational financial management service provider: EP Rentals has been approved by
the board to provide this service for 2024; the contract has been signed; our Outsourcing Implementation Team has been
redesigned (slightly) as needed basis the difference in service providers
c) relative to the “onboarding” activities between MF and EP Rental; activities needing to take place in October – December
have already begun – the expectation is the two organizations will be fully prepared for the 2024 new business year
partnership, including the needed communication to our MF owners that need to occur prior to year end
The appropriate EP Rentals personnel have been/are being set up with the needed authority and tools for managing our operational financial activities.
2) Investment Management Status: The finance team previously produced and distributed (for the March & September board meetings) information on our MF Investment Management portfolio. The “book” value, as opposed to “fair market value”, for each month is used for our financials – for full transparency both values are reported in the Financial Statement Notes each month. The table that follows provides a view of our increasing monthly values.
(chart in Financials section of website)
Note1: We moved $11,610.91 into reserve savings (planned for JAN, executed in FEB) so all the 12/31/22 = 1/1/23 reserve monies would be in its own account ($96,862.78).
3) Multi-year Planning Team Status: The team (AKA the MF RP/RF Study Team) has effort going on in two areas, which are a) revising the current Multi-year Planning document and b) determining what outside resource to use in the reserve (property management) arena to validate our locally produced plan and provide consultation in areas where we have no local expertise. Working with Lowell Richardson of PMI we obtained three bids for a Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Study. The team brought forward a recommendation in the second area for consideration at the 6/24/23 board meeting – with the recommendation being approved. A Reserve Advisors engineer made an onsite visit on Tuesday, 8/22/23, to initiate the study. The Study Team has received the Study Report and created a Study Team Executive Summary (which includes recommendations for board review & approval) that was an agenda item at the 11/4/23 board meeting. It was decided at the 11/4/23 board meeting that slightly revised versions of two recommendations would be voted on at the 11/28/23 board meeting.
In addition, the Study Team is bringing forward two proposals for board consideration at the 11/28/23 board meeting. These proposals are based on team-perceived opportunities for improvement in our current practices and processes related to the Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund arena.
4) Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Tracking Report Status: An initial report was presented at the 3/19/23 board meeting. An updated version was presented at the 8/5/23 board meeting. An updated report was not done at the 9/23/23 board meeting. Instead, a final view of the “budget” versus “needed” 2023 funding was presented to the board for approval – and that approval was received [board approval was required since the “needed” monies will cause an over-expenditure of the 2023 “budget” funds]. While an update was done to some degree at the 11/4/23 board meeting, it is expected that the B&G team will present a more complete updated 2023 status at the 11/28/23 board meeting.
Financial update: Quickbooks, billing for 2024, and other items
Email vote- Motion was approved by a majority of the board on 11/13/2023.
We need to vote to add Abbey Pontius of Estes Park Rentals to our Bank of Colorado account for the purpose to pay bills of our HOA as our property management company.
There was a motion made to have Anne & Pete pay all outstanding bills(using PMI and MF finance team appropriately) that are unpaid. Passed.
Reserve Study Team updates (Yvonne, Pete):
Motion was made to do 2 more inspections (sidings, foundations – including retaining wall) before moving forward with the reserve study report. Passed.
Motion was made to have the partnership of EPR and B&G make written reports sent out for advance review by the board effective with the January 2024 board meeting. Passed.
Motion was made that 1) the board determines whether we use a volunteer or a paid Project Manager [PM] for projects over $5,000 and 2) the board approves the PM appointment. Passed.
Study Team report was sent out to owners on 11/19/23-owners can request a copy of the report, which will be sent to them by email or brought to them on thumb drive.
Buildings & Grounds Report: (Nan & Ronnie are not present to give a report)
- Work order status (Ronnie, Nan)
- Painting project updates-invoice? -Pending items
- Cleaning of gutters
- Asphalt project
- Fence on Brodie
- Brush behind unit 1441 along Brodie
- Painting of Michael’s deck (1447)
- Carl did work on Gaddis’ garage drain-who will pay this? Other?
- List of pending items in PMI TOPS was sent to Ronnie and Nan
Next Meeting: January 27,2024 @ 10:00. Zoom.
Meeting Adjourned:
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- Secretary
Posted in Home, Minutes 2023 by Susan with no comments yet.
Board meeting 11/4/23
Estes Park Mountain Fairways Homeowners Association Board Meeting
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 10:00 am
Anderson Realty Office170 S. Saint Vrain Ave. (Board only) and
Via ZOOM/call in (Board and Owners)
Roll Call/Establish Quorum: Yvonne Salfinger, Kevin Preston, Susan Novy, Pete & Linda Hogue, Nan Belknap, Ronnie & Colleen LaRue, Steve & Anne Poznic, Jim Myers, Abbey Pontius & LeAnn, Becky Veltheon
Call to Order: 10:09
Introduction of new property manager (effective Jan 2024)-Abbey Pontius, Estes Park Rentals
They are excited for the opportunity to serve us and hope that this will be a good match. LeAnn is the person who will be doing all the onsite inspections. Feel free to stop by the office and say “hi”.
PMI is taking a new direction in their business and has cancelled us, as of Dec.31, 2023.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
September 23, 2023 (if available) They are currently not available from PMI.
Finance Updates – Pete
Normal Treasurers financial information: includes the following
Investment management status report
Monthly financials status report
Reserve Plan/Reserve Fund Periodic Reporting status report
Outsourcing implementation team finance component status report
Buildings and Grounds Updates – Nan and Ronnie
Work Order Status: PMI has 10 open work orders that needs to be checked for status. Most have been completed. 1447 Deck needs painting (in the spring).
Roof inspection: Inspection found 4 issues to be taken care of. The inspection was not to exceed $1800.00. We are awaiting the written inspection report (which will be used to determine what actions are needed this year versus what can be delayed until next year).
Asphalt in 2023: Bid came in from PMI for 60K. That’s significantly higher than anticipated. By now the weather is too cold to get it done this year, anyway. We plan on doing this every 3 years. This was to be this year, but now it will be next year for only those driveways in need.
Additional activities planned for 2023/early 2024: Gutter cleaning will be done (by wind or contractor), and the vents have been closed.
Reserve Study Team update
We’ve received the report; it’s been reviewed; there’s 3 recommendations from the team that need to be board approved. These recommendations will be in the cover letter to the reserve study report that is to be sent out to the owners so the owners can see the steps that the board wants to take before adopting the study. The study does recommend some rather hefty increases in assessments.(Discussion: some of the wording needs to be made clearer before approving and sending out.)
3 Recommendations: (summary by Susan)
1. The team accepts that the study was satisfactorily completed and that we may need further information for possible/probable changes to the financial and asset plans before adopting a timeline for the assets, especially for our 5 year plan.
2. Commission 3 additional inspections: Roof, Decks/Bridges/Siding, and Foundations/Retaining Wall.
3. Deal with the “setting the assessments”.
Distribution of report: We will email the Study Team Executive Summary report out to the owners. Yvonne will send an email request to every owner who will then need to respond to the request in order to additionally get the Reserve Advisor 53 page report. This will ensure receipt.
Review of assessment chart:
Ronnie Opposed, all others Approve.
Approval of final assessments for 2024: 2024 assessment will increase to $458.00/month/unit.
Business practices team report
Insurance: We were cancelled by American Family due to the company changing their policy on the number of buildings to insure (they are now only insuring HOA’s with less than 10 buildings and we have 12 + 1 shed). We have looked at other options (secondary markets-very expensive) and found that State Farm may insure us. We have done all the needed inspections and they have been sent to the underwriters. We have not heard back from the agent yet. We have a few buildings that are coming up on 40 years old in 2024, which would make us ineligible for starting insurance with State Farm; consequently, we may need to start the policy in Dec. 2023.
Insuring for fire is the reason it’s getting so difficult to get insurance. The new property manager mentioned other options, should this fall through.
2023/2024 latest MF org chart approved as submitted.
2022/23 High Level Time Line (HLTL): no discussion. We just set the next board meeting.
2023 December meeting?: Tues., Nov. 28 at 2:00, if needed.
Updating of governing documents: Updating the policies would cost $800. Updating the declarations is 10K or hourly by section needed. We do need to update Exhibit B (percentage of ownership of the common elements by unit) to include all of the units (it currently only includes the initial 6 units) so that section 19 can be followed (assessing the common elements). All of our 9 policies need to be updated to current law, as well. Yvonne is working with a lawyer to determine what further action and at what price for board approval.
Open Discussion: no other discussion.
Motions approved by email during October (no further action required):
Finance team proposal 10/14/23-approved
That the association deal with our two current Bank of Colorado accounts as follows:
1)close out our savings account and transfer the monies to our Alliance Bank checking account (current balance as of 9/30/23 is $3,806.28)
2)transfer all but $3,500 from our checking account to our Alliance Bank checking account(current balance as of 9/30/23 is $22,779.48) – this will leave the account open but not cause any banking fees while it is open
3)that the Treasurer executed actions to take place as soon as possible such that they are complete prior to the treasurer leaving for his winter home on 10/20/23.
Finance team proposal 10/18/23-approved
That we make the following changes to our Bank of Colorado [BOC] banking authorities and business information as follows:
1) BOC checking account signature card (this is basically who can sign checks):
a) leave Rick Jordan, Nan Belknap, and Pete Hogue on the card
b) add Anne Poznic and Yvonne Salfinger to the card
2) BOC checking account On Line Banking authority:
a) leave Pete Hogue with the authority
b) remove Kathy Beatty& Becky Velthoen from having authority
c) adding Anne Poznic so she has the authority
3) BOC information on our corporate officers – update to current:
President – Yvonne Salinger
Vice-president – Kevin Preston
Secretary – Susan Novy
Treasurer – Pete Hogue.
Proposal by the Insurance Team/Finance Team on 10/18/23-approved
The unbudgeted expenditure for the insurance inspection by the electrician will be taken from the Operating Fund. $$-TBD (as of 10/28/23)-awaiting invoice from Miracle Electric for completed inspection by Eric Eichman.
Proposal by Outsourcing Implementation Team on 10/19/23-approved
The Outsourcing Implementation Team is proposing to the Board to hire Abbey Pontius of Estes Park Rentals (and Anderson Realty and Management) as the new property manager for our HOA. The contract was signed on 10/24/23 by Yvonne Salfinger, President.
Proposal by Buildings and Grounds Committee on 10/19/23-approved
A visual inspection will be performed by Carl (CMJ Enterprises) and Scott of all thirty roofs. They will prepare a written report describing what they consider problem areas. They will also include the urgency they consider in making each repair, not to exceed $1,800. This does not include any repairs, only an inspection.
Adjournment: 11:30
Respecfully Submitted,
Susan Novy- Secretary
Posted in Home, Minutes 2023 by Susan with no comments yet.